- Title
- Health Insurance - Lyme Disease and Related Tick-Borne Illnesses - Long-Term Antibiotic Treatment
- Sponsored by
- Delegates Howard, Arentz, Buckel, Conaway, Hartman, Hinebaugh, Hornberger, Jacobs, Kipke, McComas, Miller, T. Morgan, Munoz, Nawrocki, Otto, Reilly, Rose, and Taylor
- Status
- In the House - Hearing 3/12 at 1:00 p.m.
- Analysis
- Fiscal and Policy Note
Requiring certain insurers, nonprofit health service plans, and health maintenance organizations to provide certain coverage for the full length of long-term antibiotic treatment of Lyme disease and related tick-borne illnesses under certain circumstances; and prohibiting certain insurers, nonprofit health service plans, and health maintenance organizations from placing a quantitative limit on or denying coverage for benefits required under the Act.
Committee Testimony
Introduced in a prior session as: HB1199 Session: 2023 Regular Session
Bill File Type: Regular
Effective Date(s): January 1, 2025
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15-861 )
Last Updated: 4/15/2024 3:01 PM