- Title
- Consumer Protection - Scanning or Swiping Identification Cards and Driver's Licenses - Prohibition
- Sponsored by
- Senator Kagan
- Status
- In the House - Unfavorable Report by Economic Matters
- Analysis
- Fiscal and Policy Note (Revised)
Prohibiting a person from using a scanning device to scan or swipe an individual's identification card or a driver's license to obtain personal information; prohibiting a person from retaining, selling, or transferring any information collected from scanning or swiping an individual's identification card or driver's license; providing that nothing in the Act prohibits a law enforcement officer from using a scanning device to record, retain, or transmit information if acting within the scope of the officer's official duties; etc.
- Original:
- Finance Click to view Recorded Media
- Opposite:
- Economic Matters Click to view Recorded Media
Introduced in a prior session as: SB1047 Session: 2018 Regular Session
Bill File Type: Regular
Effective Date(s): October 1, 2019
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13-301, 14-1327 )
Last Updated: 2/3/2020 2:33 PM
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