Communications -see also- Language; Telecommun & Info Tech
Legislation | Sponsorship Type Sort | Chamber Sort |
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Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter) |
Title | Sponsor | Sponsorship Type Sort | Chamber Sort | Current Status | Org Committees & Hearings | Opp Committees & Hearings |
HB0117 /CH0475 (SB0469/CH0476) | State Board of Pharmacy - Licensure Requirements for Pharmacists - Proof of Proficiency in English | Delegate Barron | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 475 |
HB0195 | Procurement - Prohibitions on Participation | Delegate Krebs | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Third Reading Passed with Amendments (46-0) |
HB0383 /CH0674 (SB0426/CH0673) | Maryland Emergency Management Assistance Compact - City of Annapolis | Delegate Busch | 2 | 2 | Enacted under Article II, Section 17(c) of the Maryland Constitution - Chapter 674 |
HB0420 /CH0522 (SB0417/CH0521) | Individuals With Disabilities - Minimum Wage and Community Integration (Ken Capone Equal Employment Act) | Delegate Waldstreicher | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 522 |
HB0441 | Public Health - Assisted Outpatient Treatment and Mobile Crisis Teams | Delegate Miller, W. | 2 | 2 | In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor |
HB0587 (SB0661) | Hospitals - Patient's Bill of Rights | Delegate Young, K. | 2 | 2 | In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor |
HB0613 | Public Utilities - Telephone Companies - Wired Broadband (Wired Broadband Act of 2016) | Delegate Fisher | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 2/18 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB0782 (SB0665) | Consumer Protection - Credit Report Security Freezes - Prohibition on Fees and Required Notices | Delegate Waldstreicher | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing cancelled |
HB0904 | Criminal Procedure - Cell Site Simulator Technology | Delegate Sydnor | 2 | 2 | In the House - Unfavorable Report by Judiciary |
HB1201 | Election Law - Campaign Finance - Coordinated Expenditures | Delegate Ebersole | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 3/09 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB1283 (SB0228) | State Board of Dental Examiners - Ownership, Management, and Operation of a Dental Practice | Delegate Oaks | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 3/07 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB1425 (SB1003) | Department of Information Technology - Data Sharing and Integration | Delegate Frick | 2 | 2 | In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor |
HB1430 | Telecommunications Access of Maryland Program - Communications Companies - Registration Requirement | Delegate Howard, S. | 2 | 2 | In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor |
HB1468 | State Board of Dental Examiners - Ownership, Management, and Operation of a Dental Practice | Delegate Hayes | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 3/07 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB1469 /CH0311 (SB0828) | Real Estate Brokers - Agency Relationships in Residential Real Estate Transactions - Disclosure and Consent Requirements | Delegate Carey | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 311 |
HB1482 (SB0920) | Human Services - Homelessness - Emergency Cold Weather Planning | Delegate Jalisi | 2 | 2 | In the House - Unfavorable Report by Appropriations |
HB1497 | Maryland Law Enforcement Communications Technology Procurement Task Force | Delegate Carter | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing cancelled |
SB0228 (HB1283) | State Board of Dental Examiners - Ownership, Management, and Operation of a Dental Practice | Senator Conway | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 2/19 at 1:00 p.m. |
SB0328 (HB0220) | Criminal Procedure - Expungement | Senator Conway | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations |
SB0417 /CH0521 (HB0420/CH0522) | Individuals With Disabilities - Minimum Wage and Community Integration (Ken Capone Equal Employment Act) | Senator Kelley | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 521 |
SB0420 | Election Law - Ballot Issues - Contributions or Donations by Foreign Nationals | Senator Simonaire | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 3/30 at 1:00 p.m. |
SB0426 /CH0673 (HB0383/CH0674) | Maryland Emergency Management Assistance Compact - City of Annapolis | Senator Astle | 2 | 2 | Enacted under Article II, Section 17(c) of the Maryland Constitution - Chapter 673 |
SB0469 /CH0476 (HB0117/CH0475) | State Board of Pharmacy - Licensure Requirements for Pharmacists - Proof of Proficiency in English | Senator McFadden | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 476 |
SB0661 (HB0587) | Hospitals - Patient's Bill of Rights | Senator Benson | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Withdrawn by Sponsor |
SB0665 (HB0782) | Consumer Protection - Credit Report Security Freezes - Prohibition on Fees and Required Notices | Senator Lee | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Unfavorable Report by Finance |
SB0920 (HB1482) | Human Services - Homelessness - Emergency Cold Weather Planning | Senator Pugh | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 3/17 at 1:00 p.m. |
SB1003 (HB1425) | Department of Information Technology - Data Sharing and Integration | Senator Rosapepe | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 3/16 at 1:00 p.m. |
Last Updated: 10/15/2019 3:34 PM
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