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Environmental Justice

Legislation Sponsorship Type Sort Chamber Sort
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0024 (SB0096)
Department of the Environment - Environmental Justice Evaluation of Environmental Permit Applications
Delegate Boyce
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0228 /CH0402 (SB0259)
Natural Resources - Maryland State Parks - Funds and Plan Alterations
Chair, Environment and Transportation Committee
5 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0233 /CH0424 (SB0306)
Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area Protection Program – Climate, Equity, and Administrative Provisions
Chair, Environment and Transportation Committee
6 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0449 /CH0517 (SB0148/CH0516)
Comprehensive Flood Management Grant Program - Funding for Underserved and Overburdened Communities
Delegate Ivey
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Climate Crisis and Environmental Justice Act of 2024
Delegate Fennell
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Education – Curriculum Content Standards – Peace and Conflict Studies (Peace and Conflict Studies Education Act)
Delegate Bhandari
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0820 (SB0805)
Nuclear Energy Development Task Force
Delegate Wu
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0836 (SB0681)
Major Highway Capacity Expansion Projects - Impact Assessments and Workgroup (Transportation and Climate Alignment Act of 2024)
Delegate Edelson
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Environmental Justice - Investment in Infrastructure Construction Projects
Delegate Taveras
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB1042 (SB0932)
Maryland Agricultural BMP Best in Show Program - Established
Delegate Guzzone
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Office of Small, Minority, and Women Business Affairs – Small Business Climate Change Coordinator – Establishment
Delegate Ruth
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB1101 /CH0535 (SB0653/CH0536)
Standing - Environmental and Natural Resources Protection Proceedings (Clean Water Justice Act of 2024)
Delegate Love
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Financial Institutions - Community Benefit Plan Act of 2024
Delegate Wells
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB1165 /CH0558 (SB0969/CH0559)
Watershed, Stream, and Floodplain Restoration - Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Restoration and Stream and Floodplain Restoration Funding (Whole Watershed Act)
Delegate Love
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Department of the Environment - Cap-and-Invest Program - Establishment
Delegate Stein
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB1296 /CH0431 (SB1161)
Electricity - Offshore Wind Projects - Alterations
Delegate Wilson
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Wasted Food Reduction and Diversion Fund and Grant Programs - Established
Delegate Boyce
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Environment - Office of Recycling - Mattress Stewardship Program - Establishment
Delegate Hill
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Environmental Justice - Identification of and Investment in Overburdened and Underserved Communities - Report
Delegate Rosenberg
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB1438 (SB0958)
Responding to Emergency Needs From Extreme Weather (RENEW) Act of 2024
Delegate Fraser-Hidalgo
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB1509 /CH0503 (SB1174)
Baltimore Regional Water Governance Model Workgroup - Established
Delegate Stein
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0096 (HB0024)
Environment - Impact of Environmental Permits and State Agency Actions
Senator Jackson
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0148 /CH0516 (HB0449/CH0517)
Comprehensive Flood Management Grant Program - Funding for Underserved and Overburdened Communities
Senator Washington, A.
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0259 (HB0228/CH0402)
Natural Resources - Maryland State Parks - Funds and Plan Alterations
Chair, Budget and Taxation Committee
5 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0306 (HB0233/CH0424)
Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area Protection Program - Climate, Equity, and Administrative Provisions
Chair, Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee
6 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0645 (HB0530)
Maryland Trails Advisory Committee and the Maryland Office of Trails - Establishment (Great Maryland Trails Act)
Senator Elfreth
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0653 /CH0536 (HB1101/CH0535)
Standing - Environmental and Natural Resources Protection Proceedings (Clean Water Justice Act of 2024)
Senator Augustine
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0681 (HB0836)
Major Highway Capacity Expansion Projects - Impact Assessments and Mitigation Plans (Transportation and Climate Alignment Act of 2024)
Senator Lam
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0805 (HB0820)
Nuclear Energy Development Task Force
Senator Brooks
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0932 (HB1042)
Maryland Agricultural BMP Priority Environmental Stewardship Program - Established
Senator Elfreth
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0958 (HB1438)
Responding to Emergency Needs From Extreme Weather (RENEW) Act of 2024
Senator Hester
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0969 /CH0559 (HB1165/CH0558)
Watershed, Stream, and Floodplain Restoration - Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Restoration and Stream and Floodplain Restoration Funding (Whole Watershed Act)
Senator Elfreth
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Public Utilities - Electric Distribution System Planning - Regulations, Plans, and Fund
Senator Hester
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Environment - Environmental Justice Districts - Designation and Requirements
Senator Washington, M.
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Environment - Public Participation in the Permitting Process - Alterations
Senator Washington, M.
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB1174 (HB1509/CH0503)
Baltimore Regional Water Authority Governance Workgroup - Established
Senator McCray
4 2
Title Sponsor Sponsorship Type Sort Chamber Sort Current Status Org Committees & Hearings Opp Committees & Hearings
HB0024 (SB0096) Department of the Environment - Environmental Justice Evaluation of Environmental Permit Applications Delegate Boyce 2 2 In the Senate - First Reading Education, Energy, and the Environment
Environment and Transportation
2/21/2024 - 1:00 PM
Economic Matters
Education, Energy, and the Environment
HB0228 /CH0402 (SB0259) Natural Resources - Maryland State Parks - Funds and Plan Alterations Chair, Environment and Transportation Committee 5 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 402
Environment and Transportation
2/22/2024 - 1:00 PM
Budget and Taxation
HB0233 /CH0424 (SB0306) Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area Protection Program – Climate, Equity, and Administrative Provisions Chair, Environment and Transportation Committee 6 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 424
Environment and Transportation
2/07/2024 - 2:30 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment
HB0449 /CH0517 (SB0148/CH0516) Comprehensive Flood Management Grant Program - Funding for Underserved and Overburdened Communities Delegate Ivey 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 517
Environment and Transportation
2/22/2024 - 1:00 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment
Budget and Taxation
HB0516 Climate Crisis and Environmental Justice Act of 2024 Delegate Fennell 2 2 In the House - Hearing 2/29 at 1:00 p.m. (Economic Matters)
Economic Matters
2/29/2024 - 1:00 PM
Environment and Transportation
HB0795 Education – Curriculum Content Standards – Peace and Conflict Studies (Peace and Conflict Studies Education Act) Delegate Bhandari 2 2 In the House - Hearing 2/14 at 1:00 p.m.
Ways and Means
2/14/2024 - 1:00 PM
HB0820 (SB0805) Nuclear Energy Development Task Force Delegate Wu 2 2 In the House - Unfavorable Report by Economic Matters
Economic Matters
2/29/2024 - 1:00 PM
HB0836 (SB0681) Major Highway Capacity Expansion Projects - Impact Assessments and Workgroup (Transportation and Climate Alignment Act of 2024) Delegate Edelson 2 2 In the Senate - Special Order until later today (Senator King) Adopted
3/06/2024 - 1:00 PM
Environment and Transportation
Budget and Taxation
HB0842 Environmental Justice - Investment in Infrastructure Construction Projects Delegate Taveras 2 2 In the House - Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m. (Appropriations)
3/06/2024 - 1:00 PM
Environment and Transportation
HB1042 (SB0932) Maryland Agricultural BMP Best in Show Program - Established Delegate Guzzone 2 2 In the House - Hearing 2/23 at 1:00 p.m.
Environment and Transportation
2/23/2024 - 1:00 PM
HB1077 Office of Small, Minority, and Women Business Affairs – Small Business Climate Change Coordinator – Establishment Delegate Ruth 2 2 In the House - Unfavorable Report by Economic Matters
Economic Matters
3/06/2024 - 1:00 PM
HB1101 /CH0535 (SB0653/CH0536) Standing - Environmental and Natural Resources Protection Proceedings (Clean Water Justice Act of 2024) Delegate Love 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 535
Environment and Transportation
3/01/2024 - 1:00 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment
3/26/2024 - 1:00 PM
HB1135 Financial Institutions - Community Benefit Plan Act of 2024 Delegate Wells 2 2 In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor
Economic Matters
HB1165 /CH0558 (SB0969/CH0559) Watershed, Stream, and Floodplain Restoration - Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Restoration and Stream and Floodplain Restoration Funding (Whole Watershed Act) Delegate Love 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 558
Environment and Transportation
3/01/2024 - 1:00 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment
HB1272 Department of the Environment - Cap-and-Invest Program - Establishment Delegate Stein 2 2 In the House - Hearing 3/07 at 1:00 p.m. (Economic Matters)
Economic Matters
3/07/2024 - 1:00 PM
Environment and Transportation
HB1296 /CH0431 (SB1161) Electricity - Offshore Wind Projects - Alterations Delegate Wilson 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 431
Economic Matters
2/29/2024 - 1:00 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment
3/21/2024 - 1:00 PM
HB1318 Wasted Food Reduction and Diversion Fund and Grant Programs - Established Delegate Boyce 2 2 In the Senate - Hearing 3/26 at 1:00 p.m.
Environment and Transportation
3/01/2024 - 1:00 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment
3/26/2024 - 1:00 PM
HB1355 Environment - Office of Recycling - Mattress Stewardship Program - Establishment Delegate Hill 2 2 In the House - Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m. (Environment and Transportation)
Environment and Transportation
3/06/2024 - 1:00 PM
Economic Matters
HB1375 Environmental Justice - Identification of and Investment in Overburdened and Underserved Communities - Report Delegate Rosenberg 2 2 In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor
Environment and Transportation
HB1438 (SB0958) Responding to Emergency Needs From Extreme Weather (RENEW) Act of 2024 Delegate Fraser-Hidalgo 2 2 In the House - Hearing 3/07 at 1:00 p.m. (Economic Matters)
Economic Matters
3/07/2024 - 1:00 PM
Environment and Transportation
HB1509 /CH0503 (SB1174) Baltimore Regional Water Governance Model Workgroup - Established Delegate Stein 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 503
Environment and Transportation
3/12/2024 - 3:00 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment
SB0096 (HB0024) Environment - Impact of Environmental Permits and State Agency Actions Senator Jackson 2 2 In the Senate - Hearing 3/05 at 1:00 p.m.
Education, Energy, and the Environment
3/05/2024 - 1:00 PM
SB0148 /CH0516 (HB0449/CH0517) Comprehensive Flood Management Grant Program - Funding for Underserved and Overburdened Communities Senator Washington, A. 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 516
Education, Energy, and the Environment
2/06/2024 - 1:00 PM
Budget and Taxation
Environment and Transportation
3/27/2024 - 1:00 PM
SB0259 (HB0228/CH0402) Natural Resources - Maryland State Parks - Funds and Plan Alterations Chair, Budget and Taxation Committee 5 2 In the House - Second Reading Passed
Budget and Taxation
1/24/2024 - 1:00 PM
Environment and Transportation
3/27/2024 - 1:00 PM
SB0306 (HB0233/CH0424) Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area Protection Program - Climate, Equity, and Administrative Provisions Chair, Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee 6 2 In the Senate - Hearing 1/31 at 2:00 p.m.
Education, Energy, and the Environment
1/31/2024 - 2:00 PM
SB0645 (HB0530) Maryland Trails Advisory Committee and the Maryland Office of Trails - Establishment (Great Maryland Trails Act) Senator Elfreth 2 2 In the Senate - Hearing 2/16 at 9:00 a.m.
Education, Energy, and the Environment
2/16/2024 - 9:00 AM
SB0653 /CH0536 (HB1101/CH0535) Standing - Environmental and Natural Resources Protection Proceedings (Clean Water Justice Act of 2024) Senator Augustine 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 536
Education, Energy, and the Environment
2/27/2024 - 1:00 PM
Environment and Transportation
SB0681 (HB0836) Major Highway Capacity Expansion Projects - Impact Assessments and Mitigation Plans (Transportation and Climate Alignment Act of 2024) Senator Lam 2 2 In the Senate - Favorable with Amendments Report by Finance
2/28/2024 - 1:00 PM
Budget and Taxation
SB0805 (HB0820) Nuclear Energy Development Task Force Senator Brooks 2 2 In the Senate - Hearing 2/29 at 1:00 p.m.
Education, Energy, and the Environment
2/29/2024 - 1:00 PM
SB0932 (HB1042) Maryland Agricultural BMP Priority Environmental Stewardship Program - Established Senator Elfreth 2 2 In the House - First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations
Education, Energy, and the Environment
3/08/2024 - 9:00 AM
Rules and Executive Nominations
SB0958 (HB1438) Responding to Emergency Needs From Extreme Weather (RENEW) Act of 2024 Senator Hester 2 2 In the Senate - Hearing 2/20 at 1:00 p.m. (Education, Energy, and the Environment)
Education, Energy, and the Environment
2/20/2024 - 1:00 PM
SB0969 /CH0559 (HB1165/CH0558) Watershed, Stream, and Floodplain Restoration - Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Restoration and Stream and Floodplain Restoration Funding (Whole Watershed Act) Senator Elfreth 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 559
Education, Energy, and the Environment
3/05/2024 - 1:00 PM
Environment and Transportation
3/26/2024 - 1:00 PM
SB1083 Public Utilities - Electric Distribution System Planning - Regulations, Plans, and Fund Senator Hester 2 2 In the Senate - Hearing 3/07 at 1:00 p.m.
Education, Energy, and the Environment
3/07/2024 - 1:00 PM
SB1086 Environment - Environmental Justice Districts - Designation and Requirements Senator Washington, M. 2 2 In the Senate - Hearing 2/27 at 1:00 p.m.
Education, Energy, and the Environment
2/27/2024 - 1:00 PM
SB1088 Environment - Public Participation in the Permitting Process - Alterations Senator Washington, M. 2 2 In the Senate - Hearing 2/27 at 1:00 p.m.
Education, Energy, and the Environment
2/27/2024 - 1:00 PM
SB1174 (HB1509/CH0503) Baltimore Regional Water Authority Governance Workgroup - Established Senator McCray 4 2 In the House - First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations
Education, Energy, and the Environment
4/02/2024 - 1:00 PM
Rules and Executive Nominations
Denotes enacted legislation
Last Updated: 5/15/2024 2:33 PM
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