Counties - Local Laws (L2)
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Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter) |
Title | Sponsor | Sponsorship Type Sort | Chamber Sort | Current Status | Org Committees & Hearings | Opp Committees & Hearings |
HB0038 /CH0651 | Baltimore City - Motor Vehicle Off-Street Parking Requirements Near Mass Transit Stations | Delegate Edelson | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 651 |
HB0058 (SB0450) | Baltimore County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Residential Districts | Delegate Guyton | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 3/07 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB0358 /CH0977 (SB0151/CH0978) | Prince George's County - Workgroup on Health and Wellness PG 409-24 | Prince George's County Delegation | 4 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 977 |
HB0360 | Prince George's County - Retail Service Station Dealers - Fuel Service PG 410-24 | Prince George's County Delegation | 4 | 2 | In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor |
HB0384 | Prince George’s County – Business Improvement Districts – Sale of Commercial Property PG 403–24 | Prince George's County Delegation | 4 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Environment and Transportation |
HB0387 /CH0203 | Public Information Act – Surveillance Images – Illegal Dumping in Baltimore City | Baltimore City Delegation | 4 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 203 |
HB0424 /CH0339 | Montgomery County - Housing Opportunities Commission - Alterations MC 3-24 | Montgomery County Delegation | 4 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 339 |
HB0594 /CH0688 (SB0811) | Legal Advertisement or Legal Notice in Dorchester County - Publication in Newspaper or Newspaper in General Circulation - Digital Newspapers | Dorchester County Delegation | 4 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 688 |
HB0596 (SB0810) | Dorchester County - County Property Leases - Notice Exemptions | Dorchester County Delegation | 4 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 4/02 at 2:00 p.m. |
HB0612 | Montgomery County - Highways - Maximum Speed Limits MC 10-24 | Montgomery County Delegation | 4 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 3/27 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB0631 | Natural Resources - Protection of Beaver Population and Habitat - County Authority (Beaver Believer Act) | Delegate Allen | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 2/21 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB0665 | Montgomery County - Speed Monitoring Systems - High-Risk Highways MC 15-24 | Montgomery County Delegation | 4 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 3/27 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB0681 | Motor Vehicle Administration Records - Access to Digital Photographic Images and Signatures - Baltimore City Agencies | Baltimore City Delegation | 4 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 3/08 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB0732 /CH0947 (SB0894/CH0948) | Baltimore City – Control Over Powers of Police Commissioner | Baltimore City Delegation | 4 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 947 |
HB0834 /CH0370 (SB1124) | Calvert County - Ethics - Conflict of Interest and Commissioner Expulsion | Calvert County Delegation | 4 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 370 |
HB0835 /CH0683 | Calvert County - Procurement - Local Preference | Calvert County Delegation | 4 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 683 |
HB0839 /CH0685 (SB0437/CH0686) | Carroll County - Contracts and Purchasing | Carroll County Delegation | 4 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 685 |
HB0870 (SB0836) | Washington County - Abandoned Cemetery - Acquisition and Disposition | Delegate Grossman | 2 | 2 | In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor |
HB0906 /CH0981 (SB0521/CH0982) | Garrett County – Sheriff’s Salary – Alteration | Delegate Hinebaugh | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 981 |
HB0907 /CH0693 (SB0558/CH0692) | Garrett County - Procurement - Bids and Contracts | Delegate Hinebaugh | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 693 |
HB0921 (SB0855) | Washington County – Board of License Commissioners and Board of Community College Trustees – Membership | Washington County Delegation | 4 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 3/05 at 12:30 p.m. |
HB0928 /CH0701 | Washington County - Procurement - Vehicles | Washington County Delegation | 4 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 701 |
HB0975 /CH0984 (SB0807/CH0985) | Somerset County – Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Medical Services | Delegate Otto | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 984 |
HB0976 /CH0986 (SB0829/CH0987) | Somerset County - Fire Companies - Appropriations | Delegate Otto | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 986 |
HB0977 /CH0698 (SB0763/CH0699) | Somerset County – Sale of Property – Revells Neck Road | Delegate Otto | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 698 |
HB1080 (SB0963) | Carroll County - Office of Permits and Inspections - Denial of Permit or License for Unpaid Personal Property Taxes | Carroll County Delegation | 4 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 3/08 at 1:00 p.m. (Environment and Transportation) |
HB1093 /CH0989 (SB1038/CH0990) | Anne Arundel County - Human Relations Commission - Subpoena Enforcement | Delegate Bagnall | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 989 |
HB1106 | Prince George's County - Zoning Amendment - Prohibition PG/MC 115-24 | Prince George's County Delegation and Montgomery County Delegation | 4 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Environment and Transportation |
HB1142 | Montgomery County and Prince George’s County – Enforcement of Local Vacant Property Laws | Delegate Martinez | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Environment and Transportation |
HB1152 | Prince George's County District Council - Community Benefits Agreements - Authorization (Community Empowerment Act) PG/MC 107-24 | Prince George's County Delegation and Montgomery County Delegation | 4 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Environment and Transportation |
HB1310 | Baltimore City Coordinated Youth Violence Review and Response Team | Delegate Attar | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 3/26 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB1402 /CH0968 | Montgomery County – State’s Attorney’s Office Personnel – Application of County Personnel Laws and Collective Bargaining MC 12–24 | Montgomery County Delegation | 4 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 968 |
HB1462 | Calvert County - Procurement - Competitive Bidding | Calvert County Delegation | 4 | 2 | In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor |
HB1510 (SB0530/CH0687) | Cecil County - Annual Financial Report - Filing Date | Cecil County Delegation | 4 | 2 | In the House - First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations |
SB0151 /CH0978 (HB0358/CH0977) | Prince George's County - Workgroup on Health and Wellness | Senator Muse | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 978 |
SB0437 /CH0686 (HB0839/CH0685) | Carroll County - Contracts and Purchasing | Carroll County Senators | 4 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 686 |
SB0450 (HB0058) | Baltimore County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Residential Districts and Mailing of Citations | Senator Brooks | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 4/03 at 1:00 p.m. |
SB0521 /CH0982 (HB0906/CH0981) | Garrett County - Sheriff's Salary - Alteration | Senator McKay | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 982 |
SB0530 /CH0687 (HB1510) | Cecil County – Annual Financial Report – Filing Date | Cecil County Senators | 4 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 687 |
SB0558 /CH0692 (HB0907/CH0693) | Garrett County - Procurement - Bids and Contracts | Senator McKay | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 692 |
SB0643 /CH0204 | Public Information Act - Surveillance Images - Illegal Dumping in Baltimore City | Senator Carter | 4 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 204 |
SB0727 | Motor Vehicle Administration Records - Access to Digital Photographic Images and Signatures - Baltimore City Agencies | Senator Carter | 4 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 2/28 at 1:00 p.m. |
SB0763 /CH0699 (HB0977/CH0698) | Somerset County – Sale of Property – Revells Neck Road | Senator Carozza | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 699 |
SB0807 /CH0985 (HB0975/CH0984) | Somerset County - Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Medical Services | Senator Carozza | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 985 |
SB0810 (HB0596) | Dorchester County - County Property Leases - Notice Exemptions | Senator Mautz | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 4/02 at 2:00 p.m. |
SB0811 (HB0594/CH0688) | Legal Advertisement or Legal Notice - Publication in Newspaper or Newspaper in General Circulation - Digital Newspapers | Senator Mautz | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 3/07 at 1:00 p.m. |
SB0829 /CH0987 (HB0976/CH0986) | Somerset County - Fire Companies - Appropriations | Senator Carozza | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 987 |
SB0836 (HB0870) | Washington County - Abandoned Cemetery - Acquisition and Disposition | Senator McKay | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Withdrawn by Sponsor |
SB0855 (HB0921) | Washington County - Board of License Commissioners - Membership | Washington County Senators | 4 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 3/26 at 1:00 p.m. |
SB0894 /CH0948 (HB0732/CH0947) | Baltimore City - Control Over Powers of Police Commissioner | Senator Carter | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 948 |
SB0963 (HB1080) | Carroll County - Office of Permits and Inspections - Denial of Commercial Permit or License for Unpaid Assessed Personal Property Taxes | Carroll County Senators | 4 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 3/26 at 1:00 p.m. (Environment and Transportation) |
SB1038 /CH0990 (HB1093/CH0989) | Anne Arundel County - Human Relations Commission - Subpoena Enforcement | Anne Arundel County Senators | 4 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 990 |
SB1123 | Prince George's County - School Facilities and Public Safety Surcharges and Report - Sunset Extension | Senator Jackson | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Withdrawn by Sponsor |
SB1124 (HB0834/CH0370) | Calvert County - Ethics - Conflict of Interest and Commissioner Expulsion | Senator Jackson | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations | ||
SB1177 | Housing Authority of Baltimore City - Subsidiary Entities - Tax and Special Assessment Exemptions | Senator McCray | 4 | 2 | In the Senate - First Reading Senate Rules |
Last Updated: 5/23/2024 5:22 PM