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Hunting and Fishing (M2)

Legislation Sponsorship Type Sort Chamber Sort
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0063 /CH0576 (SB0386/CH0575)
Certified Local Farm and Fish Program - Establishment
Delegate Charkoudian
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0378 (SB0310/CH0565)
Natural Resources - Black Bear Conflict Reduction and Damage Reimbursement Fund - Uses
Delegate Love
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0386 /CH0104 (SB0080/CH0105)
Natural Resources - Blue and Flathead Catfish Finfish Trotline License - Establishment
Delegate Jacobs
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0406 /CH0540 (SB0275/CH0539)
Hunting - Snares, Traps, and Other Similar Devices - Identification Requirement
Delegate Love
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0449 (SB0323)
Calvert County – Sunday Hunting – Repeal of Time Restrictions
Delegate Morgan, T.
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0465 /CH0537 (SB0102/CH0538)
Natural Resources - Recreational Crabbing Gear - Individuals Under the Age of 16 Years
Delegate Otto
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0466 /CH0536 (SB0824)
Worcester County - Natural Resources - Hunting
Delegate Otto
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Worcester County - Turkey Hunting - Sundays
Delegate Otto
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0683 /CH0555 (SB0091/CH0554)
Natural Resources – Apprentice Hunting License – Alterations
Delegate Morgan, T.
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0696 /CH0556 (SB0422/CH0557)
Natural Resources - Black Bass Conservation Fund - Establishment
Delegate Addison
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0932 (SB0492)
Oysters – Rotational Harvest – Pilot Program
Delegate Jacobs
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0934 (SB0779)
Natural Resources - Antlerless Deer Hunting Programs - Authorization
Delegate Hutchinson
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0945 (SB0637)
Tidal Fish Licenses - Oyster Authorizations - Reinstatement
Delegate Jacobs
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Natural Resources - Hunting - Tundra Swans
Delegate Hornberger
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0983 /CH0544 (SB0327/CH0543)
Hunting, Wildlife Conservation, and Outdoor Recreation - Funding, Promotion, Management, Licenses, Permits, and Stamps
Delegate Allen
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB1005 /CH0603 (SB0096)
Howard County – Archery Hunting – Safety Zone and Position of Archery Hunter Ho. Co. 15–23
Howard County Delegation
4 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB1084 /CH0781 (SB0634/CH0780)
Natural Resources - Oyster Inspection and Severance Taxes - Increase
Delegate Adams
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Boating - Migratory Waterfowl Season - Prohibited Acts
Dorchester County Delegation
4 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB1087 /CH0611 (SB0796)
Wicomico County - Sunday Hunting and Archery Hunting Safety Zones
Wicomico County Delegation
4 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB1118 (SB0777)
Middle Shore Counties - Sunday Hunting - Repeal of Time Restrictions
Delegate Hutchinson
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Dorchester County - Hunting - Fur-Bearing Mammals
Dorchester County Delegation
4 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB1175 /CH0784
Criminal Procedure - Hunting Offenses - Expungement
Delegate Valentine
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB1254 (SB0434/CH0372)
Natural Resources - Restorative Aquaculture Pilot Program
Delegate Stein
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB1262 (SB0437)
Aquaculture - Tidal Fisheries Advisory Commission, Oyster Advisory Commission, and Leases
Delegate Stein
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0080 /CH0105 (HB0386/CH0104)
Natural Resources – Blue and Flathead Catfish Finfish Trotline License – Establishment
Senator Bailey
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0091 /CH0554 (HB0683/CH0555)
Natural Resources – Apprentice Hunting License – Alterations
Senator Bailey
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0096 (HB1005/CH0603)
Howard County - Archery Hunting - Safety Zone and Position of Archery Hunter
Senator Hester
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0102 /CH0538 (HB0465/CH0537)
Natural Resources - Recreational Crabbing Gear - Individuals Under the Age of 16 Years
Senator Bailey
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Prince George's County - Natural Resources - Sunday Deer Hunting and Archery Hunting Safety Zones
Senator Jackson
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0275 /CH0539 (HB0406/CH0540)
Hunting - Snares, Traps, and Other Similar Devices - Identification Requirement
Senator Bailey
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0310 /CH0565 (HB0378)
Natural Resources - Black Bear Damage Prevention and Reimbursement Fund - Uses
Senator West
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0323 (HB0449)
Calvert County - Sunday Hunting - Repeal of Time Restrictions
Calvert County Senators
4 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0327 /CH0543 (HB0983/CH0544)
Hunting, Wildlife Conservation, and Outdoor Recreation - Funding, Promotion, Management, Licenses, Permits, and Stamps
Senator Elfreth
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0386 /CH0575 (HB0063/CH0576)
Certified Local Farm and Fish Program - Establishment
Senator Hester
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0422 /CH0557 (HB0696/CH0556)
Natural Resources - Black Bass Conservation Fund - Establishment
Senator Bailey
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Economic Development - Woman- and Minority-Owned Shellfish Aquaculture Enterprise Fund
Senator Klausmeier
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0434 /CH0372 (HB1254)
Natural Resources - Restorative Aquaculture Pilot Program
Senator Klausmeier
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0437 (HB1262)
Aquaculture - Tidal Fisheries Advisory Commission, Oyster Advisory Commission, and Leases
Senator Klausmeier
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0492 (HB0932)
Oysters – Rotational Harvest – Pilot Program
Senator Carozza
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0634 /CH0780 (HB1084/CH0781)
Natural Resources - Oyster Inspection and Severance Taxes - Increase
Senator Mautz
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0637 (HB0945)
Tidal Fish Licenses - Oyster Authorizations - Reinstatement
Senator Mautz
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0777 (HB1118)
Middle Shore Counties - Sunday Hunting - Repeal of Time Restrictions
Senator Mautz
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0779 (HB0934)
Natural Resources - Female Deer Hunting Contests - Authorization
Senator Mautz
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0796 (HB1087/CH0611)
Wicomico County - Sunday Hunting and Archery Hunting Safety Zones
Senator Carozza
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0824 (HB0466/CH0536)
Worcester County - Natural Resources - Hunting
Senator Carozza
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0911 /CH0497
Natural Resources - Fishing Licenses and Stamps - Exemptions
Senator Simonaire
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission - Atlantic Menhaden - Prohibition on Commercial Reduction Fishing
Senator Bailey
2 2
Title Sponsor Sponsorship Type Sort Chamber Sort Current Status Org Committees & Hearings Opp Committees & Hearings
HB0063 /CH0576 (SB0386/CH0575) Certified Local Farm and Fish Program - Establishment Delegate Charkoudian 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 576
Health and Government Operations
2/15/2023 - 1:00 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment
HB0378 (SB0310/CH0565) Natural Resources - Black Bear Conflict Reduction and Damage Reimbursement Fund - Uses Delegate Love 2 2 In the Senate - Favorable with Amendments Report by Budget and Taxation
Environment and Transportation
2/15/2023 - 1:00 PM
Budget and Taxation
Education, Energy, and the Environment
HB0386 /CH0104 (SB0080/CH0105) Natural Resources - Blue and Flathead Catfish Finfish Trotline License - Establishment Delegate Jacobs 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 104
Environment and Transportation
2/15/2023 - 1:00 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment
HB0406 /CH0540 (SB0275/CH0539) Hunting - Snares, Traps, and Other Similar Devices - Identification Requirement Delegate Love 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 540
Environment and Transportation
2/17/2023 - 1:00 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment
HB0449 (SB0323) Calvert County – Sunday Hunting – Repeal of Time Restrictions Delegate Morgan, T. 2 2 In the House - Unfavorable Report by Environment and Transportation
Environment and Transportation
2/24/2023 - 1:00 PM
HB0465 /CH0537 (SB0102/CH0538) Natural Resources - Recreational Crabbing Gear - Individuals Under the Age of 16 Years Delegate Otto 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 537
Environment and Transportation
2/17/2023 - 1:00 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment
HB0466 /CH0536 (SB0824) Worcester County - Natural Resources - Hunting Delegate Otto 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 536
Environment and Transportation
3/01/2023 - 1:30 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment
HB0467 Worcester County - Turkey Hunting - Sundays Delegate Otto 2 2 In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor
Environment and Transportation
3/01/2023 - 1:30 PM
HB0683 /CH0555 (SB0091/CH0554) Natural Resources – Apprentice Hunting License – Alterations Delegate Morgan, T. 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 555
Environment and Transportation
2/22/2023 - 1:00 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment
HB0696 /CH0556 (SB0422/CH0557) Natural Resources - Black Bass Conservation Fund - Establishment Delegate Addison 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 556
Environment and Transportation
2/24/2023 - 1:00 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment
HB0932 (SB0492) Oysters – Rotational Harvest – Pilot Program Delegate Jacobs 2 2 In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor
Environment and Transportation
HB0934 (SB0779) Natural Resources - Antlerless Deer Hunting Programs - Authorization Delegate Hutchinson 2 2 In the Senate - Third Reading Passed with Amendments (31-2)
Environment and Transportation
3/01/2023 - 1:30 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment
HB0945 (SB0637) Tidal Fish Licenses - Oyster Authorizations - Reinstatement Delegate Jacobs 2 2 In the House - Hearing 3/03 at 1:00 p.m.
Environment and Transportation
3/03/2023 - 1:00 PM
HB0954 Natural Resources - Hunting - Tundra Swans Delegate Hornberger 2 2 In the House - Unfavorable Report by Environment and Transportation
Environment and Transportation
3/03/2023 - 1:00 PM
HB0983 /CH0544 (SB0327/CH0543) Hunting, Wildlife Conservation, and Outdoor Recreation - Funding, Promotion, Management, Licenses, Permits, and Stamps Delegate Allen 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 544
Environment and Transportation
3/03/2023 - 1:00 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment
HB1005 /CH0603 (SB0096) Howard County – Archery Hunting – Safety Zone and Position of Archery Hunter Ho. Co. 15–23 Howard County Delegation 4 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 603
Environment and Transportation
3/08/2023 - 1:00 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment
3/30/2023 - 1:00 PM
HB1084 /CH0781 (SB0634/CH0780) Natural Resources - Oyster Inspection and Severance Taxes - Increase Delegate Adams 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 781
Environment and Transportation
3/10/2023 - 1:00 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment
HB1085 Boating - Migratory Waterfowl Season - Prohibited Acts Dorchester County Delegation 4 2 In the House - Hearing 3/03 at 1:00 p.m.
Environment and Transportation
3/03/2023 - 1:00 PM
HB1087 /CH0611 (SB0796) Wicomico County - Sunday Hunting and Archery Hunting Safety Zones Wicomico County Delegation 4 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 611
Environment and Transportation
3/08/2023 - 1:00 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment
HB1118 (SB0777) Middle Shore Counties - Sunday Hunting - Repeal of Time Restrictions Delegate Hutchinson 2 2 In the House - Unfavorable Report by Environment and Transportation
Environment and Transportation
3/14/2023 - 1:00 PM
HB1119 Dorchester County - Hunting - Fur-Bearing Mammals Dorchester County Delegation 4 2 In the House - Unfavorable Report by Environment and Transportation
Environment and Transportation
3/08/2023 - 1:00 PM
HB1175 /CH0784 Criminal Procedure - Hunting Offenses - Expungement Delegate Valentine 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 784
3/09/2023 - 1:00 PM
Judicial Proceedings
3/30/2023 - 1:00 PM
HB1254 (SB0434/CH0372) Natural Resources - Restorative Aquaculture Pilot Program Delegate Stein 2 2 In the House - First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations
Rules and Executive Nominations
HB1262 (SB0437) Aquaculture - Tidal Fisheries Advisory Commission, Oyster Advisory Commission, and Leases Delegate Stein 2 2 In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor
Environment and Transportation
3/14/2023 - 1:00 PM
SB0080 /CH0105 (HB0386/CH0104) Natural Resources – Blue and Flathead Catfish Finfish Trotline License – Establishment Senator Bailey 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 105
Education, Energy, and the Environment
1/25/2023 - 1:00 PM
Environment and Transportation
SB0091 /CH0554 (HB0683/CH0555) Natural Resources – Apprentice Hunting License – Alterations Senator Bailey 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 554
Education, Energy, and the Environment
1/25/2023 - 1:00 PM
Environment and Transportation
SB0096 (HB1005/CH0603) Howard County - Archery Hunting - Safety Zone and Position of Archery Hunter Senator Hester 2 2 In the Senate - Withdrawn by Sponsor
Education, Energy, and the Environment
SB0102 /CH0538 (HB0465/CH0537) Natural Resources - Recreational Crabbing Gear - Individuals Under the Age of 16 Years Senator Bailey 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 538
Education, Energy, and the Environment
1/25/2023 - 1:00 PM
Environment and Transportation
SB0155 Prince George's County - Natural Resources - Sunday Deer Hunting and Archery Hunting Safety Zones Senator Jackson 2 2 In the Senate - Hearing 3/08 at 1:00 p.m.
Education, Energy, and the Environment
3/08/2023 - 1:00 PM
SB0275 /CH0539 (HB0406/CH0540) Hunting - Snares, Traps, and Other Similar Devices - Identification Requirement Senator Bailey 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 539
Education, Energy, and the Environment
2/15/2023 - 1:00 PM
Environment and Transportation
SB0310 /CH0565 (HB0378) Natural Resources - Black Bear Damage Prevention and Reimbursement Fund - Uses Senator West 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 565
Budget and Taxation
2/08/2023 - 1:00 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment
Environment and Transportation
SB0323 (HB0449) Calvert County - Sunday Hunting - Repeal of Time Restrictions Calvert County Senators 4 2 In the Senate - Hearing 3/08 at 1:00 p.m.
Education, Energy, and the Environment
3/08/2023 - 1:00 PM
SB0327 /CH0543 (HB0983/CH0544) Hunting, Wildlife Conservation, and Outdoor Recreation - Funding, Promotion, Management, Licenses, Permits, and Stamps Senator Elfreth 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 543
Education, Energy, and the Environment
2/15/2023 - 1:00 PM
Environment and Transportation
SB0386 /CH0575 (HB0063/CH0576) Certified Local Farm and Fish Program - Establishment Senator Hester 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 575
Education, Energy, and the Environment
2/15/2023 - 1:00 PM
Health and Government Operations
3/22/2023 - 1:00 PM
SB0422 /CH0557 (HB0696/CH0556) Natural Resources - Black Bass Conservation Fund - Establishment Senator Bailey 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 557
Education, Energy, and the Environment
3/08/2023 - 1:00 PM
Environment and Transportation
SB0433 Economic Development - Woman- and Minority-Owned Shellfish Aquaculture Enterprise Fund Senator Klausmeier 2 2 In the Senate - Hearing 2/21 at 1:00 p.m. (Finance)
2/21/2023 - 1:00 PM
Budget and Taxation
SB0434 /CH0372 (HB1254) Natural Resources - Restorative Aquaculture Pilot Program Senator Klausmeier 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 372
Education, Energy, and the Environment
3/02/2023 - 1:30 PM
Environment and Transportation
3/29/2023 - 1:00 PM
SB0437 (HB1262) Aquaculture - Tidal Fisheries Advisory Commission, Oyster Advisory Commission, and Leases Senator Klausmeier 2 2 In the Senate - Hearing 3/02 at 1:30 p.m.
Education, Energy, and the Environment
3/02/2023 - 1:30 PM
SB0492 (HB0932) Oysters – Rotational Harvest – Pilot Program Senator Carozza 2 2 In the Senate - Withdrawn by Sponsor
Education, Energy, and the Environment
SB0634 /CH0780 (HB1084/CH0781) Natural Resources - Oyster Inspection and Severance Taxes - Increase Senator Mautz 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 780
Education, Energy, and the Environment
3/02/2023 - 1:30 PM
Environment and Transportation
SB0637 (HB0945) Tidal Fish Licenses - Oyster Authorizations - Reinstatement Senator Mautz 2 2 In the Senate - Hearing 3/02 at 1:30 p.m.
Education, Energy, and the Environment
3/02/2023 - 1:30 PM
SB0777 (HB1118) Middle Shore Counties - Sunday Hunting - Repeal of Time Restrictions Senator Mautz 2 2 In the Senate - Hearing 3/08 at 1:00 p.m.
Education, Energy, and the Environment
3/08/2023 - 1:00 PM
SB0779 (HB0934) Natural Resources - Female Deer Hunting Contests - Authorization Senator Mautz 2 2 In the Senate - Hearing 3/08 at 1:00 p.m.
Education, Energy, and the Environment
3/08/2023 - 1:00 PM
SB0796 (HB1087/CH0611) Wicomico County - Sunday Hunting and Archery Hunting Safety Zones Senator Carozza 2 2 In the House - First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations
Education, Energy, and the Environment
3/08/2023 - 1:00 PM
Rules and Executive Nominations
SB0824 (HB0466/CH0536) Worcester County - Natural Resources - Hunting Senator Carozza 2 2 In the House - First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations
Education, Energy, and the Environment
3/08/2023 - 1:00 PM
Rules and Executive Nominations
SB0911 /CH0497 Natural Resources - Fishing Licenses and Stamps - Exemptions Senator Simonaire 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 497
Education, Energy, and the Environment
3/15/2023 - 1:00 PM
Environment and Transportation
3/29/2023 - 1:00 PM
SJ0002 Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission - Atlantic Menhaden - Prohibition on Commercial Reduction Fishing Senator Bailey 2 2 In the Senate - Hearing 3/08 at 1:00 p.m.
Education, Energy, and the Environment
3/08/2023 - 1:00 PM
Denotes enacted legislation
Last Updated: 5/22/2023 12:06 PM
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