State Government - Personnel (P4)
Legislation | Sponsorship Type Sort | Chamber Sort |
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Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter) |
Title | Sponsor | Sponsorship Type Sort | Chamber Sort | Current Status | Org Committees & Hearings | Opp Committees & Hearings |
HB0112 | State Personnel - Whistleblower Law - Procedures and Remedies (First Amendment and Public Employee Protection Act) | Delegate Bagnall | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 1/31 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB0183 (SB0298) | State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Supervisory and Managerial Employees | Delegate Chang | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 1/31 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB0184 /CH0231 (SB0079/CH0232) | State Personnel - Education and Transportation - Grievance Procedures | Delegate Solomon | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 231 |
HB0275 (SB0247) | State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Faculty, Part-Time Faculty, and Graduate Assistants | Delegate Foley | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 2/14 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB0309 /CH0236 (SB0574/CH0235) | State Employee Rights and Protections - Personnel Actions and Harassment - Complaints | Delegate Simpson | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 236 |
HB0368 (SB0009) | State Personnel - Executive Branch Service Contracts - Notification | Delegate Cullison | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 3/28 at 1:15 p.m. |
HB0380 (SB0218) | Arbitration Reform for State Employees Act of 2023 | Delegate Korman | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 2/07 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB0395 /CH0117 (SB0223/CH0118) | State Government - State Facilities Changes and Closures - Procedures | Delegate White | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 117 |
HB0526 /CH0242 | St. Mary's County - Transfer of Child Support Unit and Personnel to the Child Support Administration | St. Mary's County Delegation | 4 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 242 |
HB0528 (SB0421) | State Personnel – Teleworking Programs, Policies, and Guidelines – Requirements | Delegate Forbes | 2 | 2 | In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor |
HB0579 (SB0494) | Maryland State Department of Education – Employee Status and Designation | Delegate Henson | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 3/09 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB0699 | State and Local Government - Proof of Vaccination for Employees and Applicants for Employment - Prohibition (Vaccination by Choice Act) | Delegate Morgan, M. | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB0701 /CH0801 (SB0556/CH0644) | Maryland Community Health Resources Commission and Offices of the Comptroller, Treasurer, and Attorney General - Compensation and Pay Scales of Employees | Delegate Kipke | 2 | 2 | Enacted under Article II, Section 17(c) of the Maryland Constitution - Chapter 801 |
HB0720 | Labor and Employment - Prohibition on Use of Facial Recognition Services by Employers - Application | Delegate Fisher | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 3/07 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB0984 /CH0114 (SB0367) | Public Employee Relations Act | Delegate Lewis, J. | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 114 |
HB1047 /CH0672 | Juvenile Services Education Program - Transfer of Locally Employed Educational Professionals | Delegate Ebersole | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 672 |
SB0009 (HB0368) | State Personnel – Executive Branch Service Contracts – Policy, Certification, and Notification | Senator Elfreth | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 1/19 at 1:30 p.m. |
SB0048 /CH0563 | Disaster Service and Uniformed Services Leave Modernization Act of 2023 | Senator Lam | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 563 |
SB0079 /CH0232 (HB0184/CH0231) | State Personnel – Education and Transportation – Grievance Procedures | Senator Kramer | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 232 |
SB0218 (HB0380) | Arbitration Reform for State Employees Act of 2023 | Senator McCray | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 2/01 at 2:00 p.m. (Budget and Taxation) |
SB0223 /CH0118 (HB0395/CH0117) | State Government – State Facilities Changes and Closures – Procedures | Senator Augustine | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 118 |
SB0239 /CH0120 | State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program – Domestic Partnerships | Senator Feldman | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 120 |
SB0247 (HB0275) | State Personnel – Collective Bargaining – Faculty, Part–Time Faculty, and Graduate Assistants | Senator Kramer | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 2/16 at 1:00 p.m. |
SB0298 (HB0183) | State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Supervisory and Managerial Employees | Senator Kramer | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 2/16 at 1:00 p.m. |
SB0309 | State Employment - Local School Employees - Clarification | Senator West | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 2/15 at 1:00 p.m. |
SB0367 (HB0984/CH0114) | Public Employee Relations Act | Senator Lam | 2 | 2 | In the House - Rereferred to Appropriations |
SB0421 (HB0528) | State Personnel - Teleworking Programs, Policies, and Guidelines - Requirements | Senator Hettleman | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 3/03 at 1:00 p.m. |
SB0494 (HB0579) | Maryland State Department of Education - Employee Status and Designation | Senator Gile | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 3/29 at 1:00 p.m. |
SB0556 /CH0644 (HB0701/CH0801) | Maryland Community Health Resources Commission - Compensation of Employees and Funding | Senator Guzzone | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 644 |
SB0574 /CH0235 (HB0309/CH0236) | State Employee Rights and Protections - Personnel Actions and Harassment - Complaints | Senator Lewis Young | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 235 |
Last Updated: 5/31/2023 3:41 PM