Pilot Programs
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Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter) |
Title | Sponsor | Sponsorship Type Sort | Chamber Sort | Current Status | Org Committees & Hearings | Opp Committees & Hearings |
HB0048 /CH0285 (SB0101/CH0284) | Maryland Medical Assistance Program – Collaborative Care Model Services – Implementation and Reimbursement Expansion | Delegate Bagnall | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 285 |
HB0059 (SB0942) | Health and Wellness Standards - Correctional Facilities | Delegate Hill | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 2/14 at 1:00 p.m. (Health and Government Operations) |
HB0060 (SB0315) | Housing Innovation Pilot Program and Housing Innovation Fund - Establishment (Housing Innovation Pilot Program Act of 2023) | Delegate Stewart | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 1/31 at 2:30 p.m. |
HB0077 | Baltimore County - Homestead Property Tax Credit Notice - Pilot Program | Delegate Long, R. | 2 | 2 | In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor |
HB0181 (SB0197) | Four–Day Workweek Pilot Program and Income Tax Credit – Established (Four–Day Workweek Act of 2023) | Delegate Stewart | 2 | 2 | In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor |
HB0322 /CH0379 (SB0255/CH0378) | Public Health - Home- and Community-Based Services for Children and Youth | Delegate Bagnall | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 379 |
HB0415 | Baltimore City - Green Career Gender and Minority Empowerment and Training Pilot Program | Delegate Smith | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Environment and Transportation |
HB0478 (SB0336) | Waterway Incident Notification System (WINS) Workgroup | Delegate Jones, D. | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 2/17 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB0479 | Economic Development – Independent Innovation Agency of Prince George’s County – Establishment PG 401–23 | Prince George's County Delegation | 4 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 2/16 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB0503 /CH0487 (SB0923) | Natural Resources - Greenspace Equity Program - Establishment | Delegate Stein | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 487 |
HB0514 (SB0559/CH0628) | Education - Maryland Meals for Achievement In-Classroom Breakfast Program - Annual Appropriation | Delegate Solomon | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - First Reading Senate Rules |
HB0525 /CH0779 | Outdoor Preschool License Pilot Program - Establishment | Delegate Guyton | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 779 |
HB0552 /CH0430 (SB0549/CH0431) | Economic Development - Build Our Future Grant Pilot Program and Fund (Innovation Economy Infrastructure Act of 2023) | Speaker | 3 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 430 |
HB0814 /CH0257 (SB0601/CH0256) | Maryland Health Benefit Exchange - State-Based Young Adult Health Insurance Subsidies Pilot Program - Sunset Extension | Delegate Kerr | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 257 |
HB0834 /CH0569 | Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure - Requirements (Electric Vehicle Charging Reliability Act) | Delegate Fraser-Hidalgo | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 569 |
HB0839 (SB0663) | Investor–Owned Electric Companies – Clean Energy Homes Pilot Programs – Establishment (Maryland Resilient and Clean Energy Homes Act) | Delegate Qi | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 3/02 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB0848 /CH0122 (SB0407/CH0123) | Drinking Water - Indirect Potable Reuse Pilot Program - Establishment | Delegate Rose | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 122 |
HB0856 | Correctional Services – Baltimore City Convicted Gun Offenders Pilot Program | Delegate Attar | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 3/07 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB0908 /CH0652 (SB0613) | Electricity - Community Solar Energy Generating Systems Program and Property Taxes | Delegate Clippinger | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 652 |
HB0930 | Environment – Office of Recycling – Mattress Stewardship Program – Establishment | Delegate Hill | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 3/09 at 1:00 p.m. (Environment and Transportation) |
HB0932 (SB0492) | Oysters – Rotational Harvest – Pilot Program | Delegate Jacobs | 2 | 2 | In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor |
HB0982 /CH0100 | State Employees – Programs and Scholarships for Human Services Careers and Probation Agents and State Contributions to Supplemental Retirement Plans | Speaker | 6 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 100 |
HB1045 | Public Safety - Safe Neighborhoods Pilot Program | Delegate Young | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 3/09 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB1107 | Anne Arundel County - School-Age Children Mental Health Support System Pilot Program | Delegate Chisholm | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 3/08 at 1:00 p.m. |
HB1148 /CH0291 (SB0582/CH0290) | Behavioral Health Care - Treatment and Access (Behavioral Health Model for Maryland) | Delegate Moon | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 291 |
HB1160 | Maryland Pathway to Nursing Program and Advisory Committee - Establishment | Delegate Cullison | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - First Reading Finance |
HB1190 (SB0220) | Juveniles - Truancy Reduction Pilot Program - Expansion | Delegate Clippinger | 4 | 2 | In the Senate - First Reading Judicial Proceedings |
HB1254 (SB0434/CH0372) | Natural Resources - Restorative Aquaculture Pilot Program | Delegate Stein | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations |
HB1286 (SB0787) | Human Services - Benefits Cliff Pilot Program - Establishment | Delegate McCaskill | 2 | 2 | In the House - Hearing 3/30 at 1:00 p.m. |
SB0101 /CH0284 (HB0048/CH0285) | Maryland Medical Assistance Program – Collaborative Care Model Services – Implementation and Reimbursement Expansion | Senator Augustine | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 284 |
SB0197 (HB0181) | Four-Day Workweek Pilot Program and Income Tax Credit - Established (Four-Day Workweek Act of 2023) | Senator Hettleman | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Withdrawn by Sponsor |
SB0220 (HB1190) | Juveniles - Truancy Reduction Pilot Program - Expansion | Senator Smith | 4 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 2/08 at 1:00 p.m. |
SB0255 /CH0378 (HB0322/CH0379) | Public Health - Home- and Community-Based Services for Children and Youth | Senator Hester | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 378 |
SB0315 (HB0060) | Housing Innovation Pilot Program and Housing Innovation Fund - Establishment (Housing Innovation Pilot Program Act of 2023) | Senator Waldstreicher | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 2/14 at 1:00 p.m. |
SB0336 (HB0478) | Waterway Incident Notification System (WINS) Workgroup | Senator Bailey | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Environment and Transportation |
SB0392 | Wastewater Facility Supplemental Operations and Maintenance Grant Program – Establishment | Senator McCray | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations |
SB0407 /CH0123 (HB0848/CH0122) | Drinking Water - Indirect Potable Reuse Pilot Program - Establishment | Senator Ready | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 123 |
SB0434 /CH0372 (HB1254) | Natural Resources - Restorative Aquaculture Pilot Program | Senator Klausmeier | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 372 |
SB0492 (HB0932) | Oysters – Rotational Harvest – Pilot Program | Senator Carozza | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Withdrawn by Sponsor |
SB0549 /CH0431 (HB0552/CH0430) | Economic Development – Build Our Future Grant Pilot Program and Fund (Innovation Economy Infrastructure Act of 2023) | President | 3 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 431 |
SB0559 /CH0628 (HB0514) | Education - Maryland Meals for Achievement In-Classroom Breakfast Program - Annual Appropriation | Senator Guzzone | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 628 |
SB0581 /CH0369 | Behavioral Health Care Coordination Value-Based Purchasing Pilot Program | Senator Klausmeier | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 369 |
SB0582 /CH0290 (HB1148/CH0291) | Behavioral Health Care - Treatment and Access (Behavioral Health Model for Maryland) | Senator Augustine | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 290 |
SB0601 /CH0256 (HB0814/CH0257) | Maryland Health Benefit Exchange - State-Based Young Adult Health Insurance Subsidies Pilot Program - Sunset Extension | Senator Feldman | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 256 |
SB0613 (HB0908/CH0652) | Electricity - Community Solar Energy Generating Systems Program and Property Taxes | Senator Brooks | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations |
SB0663 (HB0839) | Investor-Owned Electric Companies - Clean Energy Homes Pilot Programs - Establishment (Maryland Resilient and Clean Energy Homes Act) | Senator Feldman | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading Economic Matters |
SB0675 | Howard County and St. Mary's County - Driver's Licenses - Driver Skills Examinations | Senator Guzzone | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 3/02 at 1:00 p.m. |
SB0676 | Drugged Driving - Cannabis-Impaired Driving Test Pilot Program - Establishment | Senator Waldstreicher | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 3/08 at 1:00 p.m. |
SB0774 | Maryland Pathway to Nursing Program and Advisory Committee – Establishment | Senator Lam | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 3/07 at 1:00 p.m. |
SB0787 (HB1286) | Human Services - Benefits Cliff Pilot Program - Establishment | Senator Hettleman | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 3/16 at 1:00 p.m. |
SB0914 /CH0324 (HB0811/CH0325) | Hospitals - Testing for Fentanyl (The Josh Siems Act) | Senator Ellis | 2 | 2 | Approved by the Governor - Chapter 324 |
SB0923 (HB0503/CH0487) | Natural Resources - Greenspace Equity Program - Establishment | Senator Rosapepe | 2 | 2 | In the House - First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations |
SB0942 (HB0059) | Health and Wellness Standards - Correctional Facilities | Senator Benson | 2 | 2 | In the Senate - Hearing 3/21 at 1:00 p.m. |
Last Updated: 5/22/2023 12:02 PM