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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB0049 - Landlord and Tenant - Repossession for Failure to Pay Rent - Lead Risk Reduction Compliance

Environment and Transportation 1/26/2021 1:30:00 PM
As of: 1/13/2025 8:09:38 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Rosenberg, Delegate Rosenberg FAV No Testimony ENT
Davis, Anna FAV HB49 Testimony of Maryland Lead Commission.FINAL.p ENT
Greenfield, Aaron FWA In Person - Oral Testimony
MMHA - 2021 - HB 49 - Lead complaint.pdf
Kasemeyer, Pam Schwartz, Metz & Wise, P.A. FAV HB0049_FAV_MedChi, MDAAP_Lead Risk Reduction Compl ENT
Wabeke, Karen Homeless Persons Representation Project, Inc. FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Homeless Persons Rep Proj_FAV_HB 49.pdf
Shah, Zafar FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Public Justice Center - FAV - HB 49.pdf
Straughn, Karen Consumer Protection Division of the Office of the Attorney General FAV HB 49 Support Letter 2021.pdf ENT
Jefferson , Stacey Behavioral Health System Baltimore FAV MAP_HB 49_LeadRiskReduction_FAVORABLE.pdf ENT
Stern, Isadora FAV HB049_MCRC_FAV.pdf ENT
abbott, tyler MDE INFO HB49_MDE_LOI .pdf ENT
Carrington, Darrell Carrington & Associates, LLC FAV HB0049goodcpsrLead Risk Reduction Compliance updat ENT
Rosenberg, Samuel House of Delegates FAV HB49_Del. Rosenberg_Testimony.pdf
LRCA_Kumar Barve Letter_response.pdf
MDE Response Re-LRCA 01-08-21.pdf
Norton, Ruth Ann Green & Healthy Homes Initiative FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
GHHI Written Testimony - HB49pdf.pdf
Stewart, Wesley Green & Healthy Homes Initiative FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Schumitz, Kali Maryland Center on Economic Policy FAV HB 49_MDCEP_FAV.pdf ENT
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