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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB0090 - State Personnel Management System - Office of the Public Defender - Placement and Collective Bargaining

Appropriations 1/18/2022 1:00:00 PM
As of: 6/30/2024 2:16:06 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Henson, Delegate Henson FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Flowers , Willie NAACP - Maryland FAV HB90_OPD.docx.pdf APP
Paul, Cathryn FAV CASA_FAV_HB90.pdf APP
Caldwell, Adam AFSCME Local 423 FAV HB 90_Caldwell_Fav.pdf APP
Burke, Julia AFSCME Local 423 FAV HB90_Burke_FAV.pdf APP
Redd, Cheryl AFSCME Local 423 FAV HB 90_Hughes-Redd_Fav.pdf APP
Johnson , Marci AFSCME Local 423 FAV HB 90_Johnson_Fav.pdf APP
Cover, Kelli AFSCME Local 423 FAV HB 90_Cover_Fav.pdf APP
Gillis, Emily AFSCME Local 423 FAV HB 90_Gillis_Fav.pdf APP
Preston, Darlene AFSCME Local 423 FAV HB 90_Preston_Fav.pdf APP
Taylor, Shomari AFSCME Local 423 FAV HB 90_Taylor_Fav.pdf APP
O'Neill, Casi FAV HB 90_ONeill_Fav.pdf APP
Gilmore , Denise AFSCME Maryland FAV HB90_AFSCME3_FAV.pdf APP
Nalley, Justin FAV HB 90_FAV_ACLUMD_LOCAL2UNION_Nalley.pdf APP
Henson, Delegate FAV Delegate Henson's Testimony for HB90.docx.pdf APP
Edwards, Donna Maryland State and DC AFL-CIO FAV HB 90 - CB - Office of the Public Defender.pdf APP
Wilkins, Barbara INFO HB 90 SMPS-Office of Public Defender-Placement (He APP
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