Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
HB0169 - Public Utilities - Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programs - Energy Performance Targets and Low-Income Housing
Economic Matters 3/2/2023 1:00:00 PM
As of: 3/31/2025 7:18:38 PM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Delegate Charkoudian, Delegate Charkoudian | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
ECM | |
Lee, Mickey | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Arndt, Dave | FAV | No Testimony | ECM | |
Auerbach, Ruth | Indivisible Howard County | FWA | HB169_IndivisibleHoCoMD_FWA_RuthAuerbach.pdf | ECM |
Ciekot, Ann | Public Policy Partners | FAV | Takoma Park 2023 - HB 169 FAV - Energy Efficiency | ECM |
West, Derek | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
DuBois, Gwen | Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility | FAV | HB169_CPSR_FAV_ECM_28Feb2023.pdf | ECM |
D’Orazio , Daniela | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
brenner, loretta | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Simon, Robert | Maryland Catholics for Our Common Home | FAV | HB 169_Maryland Catholics for Our Common Home_FAV. | ECM |
McGilvray, Laurie | Climate Justice Wing of the Maryland Legislative Coalition | FAV | HB0169_Low Income Energy Efficiency_Economic Matte | ECM |
Shah, Zafar | Maryland Legal Aid | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB0169 - Maryland Legal Aid - FAV.pdf |
Lacock-Nisly, Jonathan | Interfaith Power & Light (DC.MD.NoVA) | FAV | No Testimony | ECM |
Charkoudian, Lorig | FAV | Testimony.HB169_Delegate Lorig Charkoudian.docx.pd | ECM | |
Fitzgerald, Garrett | Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB 169 - MoCo_Fitzgerald_FAV (GA 23).pdf |
Hunt, Christine | UNF | 230228-HB169-low-inc-hsng-energy-sav-trgts.pdf | ECM | |
Wilkerson, Alice | Advance Maryland | FAV | No Testimony | ECM |
Stanek, Jason | MD. Public Service Commission | INFO | HB 169_Information_Stanek.pdf | ECM |
Edwards, Donna | Maryland State & DC AFL-CIO | FAV | HB 169 - Public Utilities - Energy Efficiency and | ECM |
Katz, Janet | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Diefenbach, Linda | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Dietz, Michelle | The Nature Conservancy | FAV | HB 169 Public Utilities - Energy Efficiency and Co | ECM |
Sirkel, Robin | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Stewart, Frances | Elders Climate Action Maryland | FAV | No Testimony | ECM |
Scarr, Emily | Maryland PIRG | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB169_FAV_MarylandPIRG_LIEE.pdf |
Vernon, Michael | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Cohn, Debbie | FAV | Testimony HB169 Green and Healthy Homes.pdf | ECM | |
Willey, Amy | Individual | UNF | No Testimony | ECM |
Pedersen, Stacy | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Kolakoski, Virginia | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Laflamme, Lucy | Natural Resources Defense Council | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony LovaasTestimony3-2-23.pdf |
Plante, Cecilia | Maryland Legislative Coalition | FAV | HB0169 Energy Performance Targets FAV.pdf | ECM |
Feighner, Liz | FAV | No Testimony | ECM | |
Williams, Peggy | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
McNair, Lee | Unitarian Universalist Environmental Justice Ministry | FAV | No Testimony | ECM |
Arshavsky, Svetlana | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Holm, Federico | Center for Progressive Reform | FAV | No Testimony | ECM |
Elbourn, James | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Lovaas, Deron | Natural Resources Defense Council | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony LovaasTestimony3-2-23.pdf |
Ditraglia, Frank | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Kraska, MJ | Maryland Catholic Conference | FAV | MD Catholic Conference_FAV_HB0169.pdf | ECM |
Riley, Elise | Chesapeake Physicians for Social responsibility | FAV | No Testimony | ECM |
Phelps, Mary | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Hudson, Lee | Delaware-Maryland Synod, ELCA | FAV | hb169- energy efficiency, DHCD- EM 3-2-'31.pdf | ECM |
Norton, Ruth Ann | Green & Healthy Homes Initiative | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony GHHI Written Testimony HB 169.pdf |
Posner, Mark | Maryland Sierra Club | FAV | HB169_MDSierraClub_fav 2March2023.pdf | ECM |
Ballentine, Auriela | Green&Healthy Homes Initiative | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Lent, Michael | FAV | No Testimony | ECM | |
Barry, Justin | Green & Healthy Homes Initiative | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Latino Caucus, Maryland Legislative | FAV | Public Utilities Bill Testimony.docx.pdf | ECM | |
Coronado Flores, Jose | CASA | FAV | No Testimony | ECM |
Parts, Chris | AIA Maryland, Inc. | FAV | HB 0169 AIAMD Ltr of Support.pdf | ECM |
Lapp, David | Office of People's Counsel | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony OPC Testimony HB0169 - Favorable.pdf |
Hartwell, Staci | NAACP | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony NAACP MSC HB 0169 - Public Utilities- Energy Effic |
Nedwick, Todd | FAV | No Testimony | ECM | |
Lang, Alan | UNF | No Testimony | ECM | |
Fahrig, Landon | Maryland Energy Administration | INFO | HB0169(SB0144) - LOI - Energy Performance Targets | ECM |
Bogdan, Henry | Maryland Nonprofits | FAV | No Testimony | ECM |
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