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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB0285 - Workgroup on Statewide Vehicle Crash Data Collection and Reporting

Environment and Transportation 1/21/2021 1:30:00 PM
As of: 10/19/2024 2:01:28 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Lewis, R., Delegate Lewis, R. FAV No Testimony ENT
Schablein, Jared Lower Shore Progressive Caucus FAV Testimony HB0285.pdf ENT
Bresnahan, Tammy AARP Maryland FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 285 Workgroup on Statewide Vehicle Crash Data C
Mansfield, Andrea Maryland Chiefs of Police and Maryland Sheriffs' Association INFO MCPA-MSA_HB 285 - Vehicle-Crash-Data _Letter of In ENT
Pollack Porter, Keshia Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health FAV KPP Testimony HB 285_2021.pdf ENT
Lewis, Delegate Robbyn Maryland House of Delegates FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
0Cover Sheet .pdf
1Delegate R Lewis Testimony.pdf
3Delegate Lewis Maj Gregory Correspondence.pdf
4NHTSA - Race and Ethnicity.pdf
5USNWR - The Inequality of Who Gets Hit by Cars.pd
6Injury Prevention - Motor vehicle crash fatalitie
7Journal of Transit and Health - Car Cost on Pedes
Elliott, Richard DeShay Prince George's County Young Democrats FAV Legislative Testimony HB285.pdf ENT
O'Malley, Brian Central Maryland Transportation Alliance FAV HB285 LOS CMTA.pdf ENT
Ogbue, Anikwenze FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 285_01-21-2021 Enviro-Transpo Hearing_Ogbue Ani
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