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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB0317 - Maryland Green Purchasing Committee - Food and Beverage Procurement - Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Health and Government Operations 1/21/2021 1:30:00 PM
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs 3/31/2021 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/20/2024 5:00:36 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Gilchrist, Delegate Gilchrist FAV No Testimony HGO
Groenfeldt, Julia Prince George’s County Food Equity Council FAV Prince George's County Food Equity Council_HB_317 HGO
Subramanian, Asha FAV HB 317 Testimony Dr Subramanian - AS modified 1-15 HGO
Robertson, Ellen Maryland Department of General Services INFO 2021 HB 317 Food GHG LOI 1-21-21.pdf HGO
Ferguson, Colby Maryland Farm Bureau UNF Opposition of HB317 - Maryland Green Purchasing Co HGO
Schnabel, Rob Chesapeake Bay Foundation FAV HB 317_CBF_SUPPORT_RobSchnabel.pdf HGO
Porter, Holly UNF 2021 HB317 Food and Beverage Greenhouse Gas Emissi HGO
Stoddard, John Health Care Without Harm FAV HCWH Testimony HB317.docx.pdf HGO
Tulkin, Josh MD Sierra Club FAV HB317 - MD Green Purchasing Committee-Food and Bev HGO
Gilchrist, Jim FAV HB317 JG Final Testimony.pdf HGO
Waterman, Chloe FAV HB0317_FriendsoftheEarth_FAV.pdf HGO
Waite, Richard World Resources Institute FAV HB 317 Testimony - Richard Waite - WRI.pdf HGO
Santo, Raychel Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future FAV HB317 Written Testimony_2021-01-19_Santo.pdf HGO
Ngala, Bianca Friends of the Earth FAV Sign on Testimony HB 317 - Climate Friendly Food P HGO
Delegate Gilchrist, Delegate Gilchrist FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Ferguson, Colby Maryland Farm Bureau UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Opposition of HB317 - Maryland Green Purchasing Co
Porter, Holly UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
2021 HB317 Food and Beverage Greenhouse Gas Emissi
Clark, Robin Jessica Chesapeake Bay Foundation FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 317 CBF_Support_CROSS_RobinClark.pdf
Santo, Raychel Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Center for Livable Future_WrittenTestimony_HB317.p
Kohn, Nancy Health Care Without Harm FAV Healthy Food in Health Care_NancyKohn_FAV_0317.pdf EHE
Mlilo, Miranda FAV Miranda Mlilo_FAV_0317.pdf EHE
Deutschmann, Richard FAV No Testimony EHE
Waterman, Chloe FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Ranson, Emily FAV No Testimony EHE
Houstle, Peter Maryland Recycling Network FAV The Maryland Recycling Network Response - HB 317 M EHE
Tulkin, Josh MD Sierra Club FAV HB317 - Green Purchasing Committee-Food & Beverage EHE
Pozzi, Gerard World Resources Institute FAV HB 317 Testimony - Gerard Pozzi - WRI .pdf EHE
Miller, Amanda UMD SGA FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB317 Testimony 3_31.pdf
Ngala, Bianca Friends of the Earth FAV Testimony in Support of HB 317.pdf EHE
Robertson, Ellen Maryland Department of General Services INFO 2021 HB 317 Food GHG DGS LOI 3-31-2021.pdf EHE
Gilchrist, Jim FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB317 JG Final Testimony (senate).pdf
Woorman, Teresa FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 3-29-2021 at 408 PM EHE
Pozzi, Gerard World Resources Institute FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
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