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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB0321 - Cigarette Restitution Fund - Payments for Sale and Marketing of Electronic Smoking Devices - Use

Health and Government Operations 2/21/2023 1:00:00 PM
Finance 3/22/2023 1:00:00 PM
As of: 2/17/2025 3:54:13 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Rosenberg, Delegate Rosenberg FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Kasemeyer, Pam FAV No Testimony HGO
Coble, Annie Johns Hopkins FAV HB321 - Johns Hopkins - Support.pdf HGO
Rosen-Cohen, Nancy NCADD-Maryland FAV NCADD-MD - 2023 HB 321 FAV - E-Smoking Settlement HGO
Maryland Chesapeake Chapter, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practition National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners- MD Chesapeake Chapter FAV No Testimony HGO
Hale, Laura American Heart Association FWA Fav wAmend American Heart Association ALA Joint Le HGO
Casper, Aleks FWA Fav wAmend American Heart Association ALA Joint Le HGO
Rosenberg, Samuel House of Delegates FAV Testimony HB 321_Rosenberg.pdf HGO
Themelis, Nina Mayor's Office of Government Relations FAV HB0321-HGO-FAV.pdf HGO
State of, Maryland FAV 3a - HB 321 - HGO - MDH - LOS.docx.pdf HGO
(MD), State of Maryland FAV 3b - HB 321 - HGO - Cancer Council - LOS.docx.pdf HGO
Kemerer, Hannibal Office of Attorney General FWA HB321_OAG_LEOVY_FAV.pdf HGO
Delegate Rosenberg, Delegate Rosenberg FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Rosen-Cohen, Nancy NCADD-Maryland FAV NCADD-MD - 2023 HB 321 FAV - E-Smoking Settlement FIN
Kasemeyer, Pam FAV No Testimony FIN
Rosenberg, Samuel House of Delegates FAV Testimony HB 321_Rosenberg_Senate.pdf FIN
Coble, Annie Johns Hopkins FAV HB321(FIN) - Johns Hopkins - Support.pdf FIN
(MD), State of Maryland FAV 2a - HB 321 (3rd) - FIN - MDH - LOS.docx (1).pdf FIN
Themelis, Nina Mayor's Office of Government Relations FAV HB0321-FIN-FAV.pdf FIN
State of, Maryland FAV 2b - HB 321 (3rd) - HGO - Cancer Council - LOSAA.d FIN
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 3-21-2023 at 337 PM FIN
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