Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
HB0418 - County Boards of Education - Symbols of Hate - Policy
Ways and Means 2/5/2021 1:30:00 PM
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs 4/1/2021 1:00:00 PM
As of: 1/25/2025 1:11:22 AM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Delegate Guyton, Delegate Guyton | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
W&M | |
Badwi, Noureen | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
W&M | |
Sterrette, Dawana | FAV | HB418 County Boards of Education - Symbols of Hate | W&M | |
Esposito, Ashley | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
W&M | |
Roe, Nolan | FAV | Hate Symbol Ban Testimony.pdf | W&M | |
Gottleib, Christopher | FAV | Christopher Gottleib Testimonial to MGA.pdf | W&M | |
Willette, Barbara | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
W&M | |
Shats, Victoria | Delegate Michele Guyton | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony Vita Shats Testimony.pdf |
W&M |
Roberts, Kyli | FAV | Testimony copy copy.pdf | W&M | |
Peterson, Matt | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB418 - Hate Symbols Schools.pdf |
W&M | |
Gross, Kenneth | UNF | No Testimony | W&M | |
Barnard, Olivia | FAV | Testimony.pdf | W&M | |
Borton, Ellie | FAV | Maryland General Assembly.pdf | W&M | |
Mallon, Josephine | FAV | Hate Symbols Testimony.pdf | W&M | |
Faulkner, Rachael | Public Policy Partners | FAV | 2021 MSPA HB 418 House Side.pdf | W&M |
Mohan, Jyoti | FAV | Testimony for Hate Symbol Ban.pdf | W&M | |
Chaudry, Zainab | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony testimony.HB418.pdf |
W&M | |
Ortiz, Jeanette | FAV | AACPS HB418 Hate Symbols SUPP 2.5.21.pdf | W&M | |
Susskind, Danielle | MoCo Board of Education | FAV | HB0096-Support-MCPS.pdf | W&M |
Leal, Carmelli Patricia | Maryland Association of Student Councils | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
W&M |
Muhumuza, Joshua | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
W&M | |
Koenig, Madeline | FAV | Hate Symbol Testimony.pdf | W&M | |
Woolums, John | UNF | HB 418.Hate Symbol Prohibition Policiy Mandate.pdf | W&M | |
Kindra, Samay | Young Democrats of Maryland, Caucus of Color | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB 418 Testimony .pdf |
W&M |
Corcoran , Margaret | Hereford high school | FAV | Testimony for MD HB0418 copy.pdf | W&M |
Guyton, Michele | Delegate Michele Guyton | FAV | HB 418 - Guyton - Favorable.pdf | W&M |
Carrington, Vanessa | FAV | HB418.pdf | W&M | |
Warrenfeltz , Ryan | FAV | Hate symbol testimony.pdf | W&M | |
Baron, Peter | Anne Arundel County | FAV | Anne Arundel County_FAV_HB418 (2).pdf | W&M |
batdorf, lauren | FAV | To Whom It May Concern.pdf | W&M | |
Le, Olivia | CRASC | FAV | Written Testimony - HB418.pdf | W&M |
Carton, Lisa | FAV | Guyton hate bill.pdf | W&M | |
Gallardo, Justin | FAV | HB0418_Gallardo_Favorable.pdf | W&M | |
Caucus, MD Latino | FAV | No Testimony | W&M | |
Caucus, MD Latino | Maryland Legislative Latino Caucus | FAV | HB418_LatinoCaucus_FAV | W&M |
Delegate Guyton, Delegate Guyton | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
EHE | |
Faulkner, Rachael | Public Policy Partners | FAV | 2021 MSPA HB 418 Senate Side.pdf | EHE |
Klaitman, Jessica | FAV | Symbols of Hate Ban Testimony.pdf | EHE | |
batdorf, lauren | FAV | HB0418 Testimony Batdorf.pdf | EHE | |
Caucus, MD Latino | FAV | HB418_LatinoCaucus_Fav_EHE.pdf | EHE | |
Susskind, Danielle | MoCo Board of Education | FAV | HB0418- MCPS FAV .pdf | EHE |
DiPietro, Jon | Maryland Student Coalition (MSC) | FAV | HB0418 (MSC Testimony).pdf | EHE |
Sterrette, Dawana | FAV | HB418 County Boards of Education - Symbols of Hate | EHE | |
Shats, Victoria | Delegate Michele Guyton | FAV | Vita Shats Testimony.pdf | EHE |
Corcoran , Margaret | Hereford high school | FAV | testimony for MD HB0418.pdf | EHE |
Guyton, Michele | Delegate Michele Guyton | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB 418_Guyton_Favorable.pdf |
Koenig, Madeline | FAV | Hate Symbol Testimony.pdf | EHE | |
Roberts, Kyli | FAV | Testimony copy copy.pdf | EHE | |
Baron, Peter | Anne Arundel County | FAV | Anne Arundel County_FAV_HB418 (3).pdf | EHE |
Muhumuza, Josh | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
EHE | |
Woolums, John | FWA | HB 418.Hate Symbol Prohibition Policiy Mandate - S | EHE | |
Badwi, Noureen | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
EHE | |
Peterson, Matt | Baltimore Jewish Council | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |