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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB0475 - Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact

Health and Government Operations 2/22/2023 1:00:00 PM
As of: 12/3/2024 1:06:59 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Rosenberg, Delegate Rosenberg FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Brocato, Deborah UNF 2023 HB475 Written Testimony.pdf HGO
Delean-Botkin, Susan Familycare 0f Easton FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
APRN Compact Legislatio1.pdf
Ware, Kathy UNF HB 475_OPPOSE_addendum_Workforce Solutions_2023.pd HGO
Shew, Ashley American Association of Nurse Practitioners UNF Virtual - Oral Testimony
Leath, Marcella UNF Virtual - Oral Testimony
Russell, Naila NPAM UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Lang, Beverly Nurse Practitioner Association of Maryland UNF ANA Letter to NCSBN NLC Commission re APRN Compact
Bill- SB 439HB 475 - OPPOSE by NMNPC .pdf
LOO APRN Compact NPAM 2023.pdf
LOO APRN Compact.NACNSPosition2.9.23.pdf
NPAM Position Statement on APRN Compact 2021.pdf
Maryland Chesapeake Chapter, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practition National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners- MD Chesapeake Chapter UNF Virtual - Oral Testimony
HB475 LOO 2023 Leg.docx.pdf
Allan, Sharon CBANACNS FAV Support HB 475-SB 439 - Feb 20, 2023 - 09-08.pdf HGO
Young, Samantha The Chesapeake Bay Affiliate of the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Support APRN compact HB475.pdf
Hiles, Marianne FAV SUPPORT HB 475-SB 439 M.Hiles.pdf HGO
Bresnahan, Tammy AARP Maryland FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 475 Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact.
Shattuck, Daniel Brocato & Shattuck FWA MSA Testimony - Support with Amendment - House Bil HGO
Arnold, Christopher United States Department of Defense-State Liaison Office FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
Selway, Janet Nurse Practitioner Association of Maryland UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Devaris, Shirley FAV APRN Compact Devaris testimony.HGO. 2.22.2023 edit
APRN Compact Devaris testimony.HGO. 2.22.2023.pdf
Diana, Lorraine FAV Compact SUPPORT Daniel Ndamukong HB475 2.22.23.pdf
FINAL Letter of Support HB 475-SB 439_Jackson-Park
SUPPORT Beth Baldwin HB 475.pdf
SUPPORT HB 475 letter HelehHannah.pdf
SUPPORT HB475.Lorraine APRN 2023.pdf
Livanos, Nicole National Council of State Boards of Nursing FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Weintraub, Jason National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
mcavoy, vince UNF No Testimony HGO
Elliott, Robyn INFO 2023 ACNM HB 475 House Side FAV.pdf HGO
Evans, Karen Maryland Board of Nursing FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Sepulveda, Sabrina Harborside Behavioral Health FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Testimony House HB475 02.22.2023.pdf
Krienke, Jane Maryland Hospital Association FAV HB 475- Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact HGO
Nash, Lynn Maryland Military Coalition / Commissioned Officers Association of the U.S. Public Health Services FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Maryland Military Coalition in support of HB 475-A
Nash MMC Testimony HB 475 Adv Nurse Compact Feb 22
Moss, Pamela CBANACNS FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 475 APRN compact CBA-NACNS verbal.pdf
HB 475 APRN compact CBA-NACNS written.pdf
HB 475 APRN Compact.pdf
Stanek, Gena Chesapeake Bay Affiliate of the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialist FAV HB-475-SB - 439_Stanek.pdf HGO
(MD), State of Maryland FAV 12a - HB 475 - HGO - MACHO - LOS.doc.pdf HGO
Rosenberg, Samuel House of Delegates FAV Testimony HB 475_Rosenberg.pdf HGO
Legler, Cody MONL FAV HB475SB439_MONL_fav.pdf HGO
State of, Maryland FAV 12b - HB 475 - HGO - MBON - LOS.docx.pdf HGO
Wise, Steve FWA HB0475_FWA_MedChi_Advanced Practice RN Compact.pdf HGO
Cullen, Ann Marie FAV House Bill 475.pdf HGO
Finney, Kaia Maryland Association of Nurse Anesthetists FAV HB 475 MANA FAV.pdf HGO
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