Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
HB0589 - Solid Waste Management - Organics Recycling and Waste Diversion - Food Residuals
Environment and Transportation 2/19/2020 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/10/2024 5:48:18 PM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
greenfield, aaron | bioenergy development group | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony BDC - FAV HB 589 - waste diversion |
ettinger, peter | bioenergy development group | FAV | No Testimony | ENT |
Samman, Amy | MoCo | FAV | HB 589_MoCo_Samman_SUPPORT | ENT |
BARRETT, CHELSEY | FAV | HB589_FAV_ChelseyBarrett | ENT | |
Butler, Alex | MACo | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB0589_UNF_MACo_Alex Butler |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
ENT | |
Charkoudian, Lorig | Primary Sponsor - Delegate | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB0589_Delegate Lorig Charkoudian |
Ortiz, Adam | Dept. of Environmental Protection | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB0589_MoCo Dept of Environ. Protection_Ortiz |
Losoya, Keith | Waste Neutral | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB589_Waste Neutral_FAV_KeithLosoya |
Richardson, Joe | Mountainside Education and Enrichment | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB0589_Joe Richardson Testimony (002) |
Parry, Ben | Compost Crew | FAV | No Testimony | ENT |
Richardson, Ava | City of Baltimore, Office of Sustainability | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB0589_BaltimoreOfficeSustainability_Richardson |
Platt, Brenda | Composting for Community Initiative, Institute for Local Self-Reliance | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB589_ILSR_FAV_BrendaPlatt |
Epitropakis, Rachel | Sunrise Movement Baltimore Member and Farmer | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB0589_SunriseBaltimore_FAV_RachelEpitropakis |
Ranson, Emily | Clean Water Action | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB589_CleanWaterActionetal_FAV_EmilyRanson |
Noveau, Barbara | Do The Most Good, MoCo | FAV | HB589_DTMG_BarbaraNoveau_FAV | ENT |
Franciosi, Frank | US Composting Council | FAV | HB589_USCompostingCouncil_FAV_FrankFranciosi | ENT |
Bruskin, Heather | MoCo Food Council | FAV | HB589_MoCo Food Council_FAV_HeatherBruskin | ENT |
Furmansky, Dan | Maryland Climate Coalition | FAV | HB589_MarylandClimateCoalition_FAV_DanFurmansky | ENT |
Rosenthal, Lore | Geeenbelt Neighborhood Compost Project | FAV | HB589_LoreRosenthal_FAV | ENT |
Brosch, David | Prince George's Compost Advocates | FAV | HB589_PrinceGeorgesCompostAdvocate_FAV_DavidBrosch | ENT |
LeaMond, Beth | Onsite Composting Consulting | FAV | HB589_OnsiteCompostConsulting_FAV_BethLeaMond | ENT |
DySard, Ali | Mom's Organic Market | FAV | HB589_MomsOrganicMrkt_FAV_Alexandra | ENT |
Macaluso, Lorenzo | Center for EcoTechnology | FAV | HB589_CET_FAV_LorenzoMacaluso | ENT |
Tulkin, Josh | Sierra Club | FAV | HB589_MD Sierra Club_FAV_Josh Tulkin | ENT |
Scarr, Emily | MD PIRG | FAV | HB0589_MDPIRG_FAV_EmilyScarr | ENT |
Kasemeyer, Pam | NWRA | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony NWRA_Pam Kasemeyer_UNF_HB0589 |
Stone, Michael | FAV | HB589_MichaelStone_FAV | ENT | |
Ballentine, Tom | NAIOP | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB589 - Organics Recycling - UNF - NAIOP |
abbott, tyler | mde | INFO | hb589-mde | ENT |
Wright, Brandon | NWRA | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Thompson, Melvin | Restaurant Association of Maryland | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Rosenthal, Fred | Jasper's | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Thomas, Carmera | Chesapeake Bay Foundation | FAV | HB589_CBF_CARMERATHOMAS_SUPPORT | ENT |
Blendy, Nicholas | FAV | BCA_HB589_FAV | ENT | |
Norris-Waldt, Linda | Frederick Compost Workgroup | FAV | HB589_FrederickCompostWorkgroup_NorrisWaldt | ENT |
Wick, Alexandra | FAV | HB589_AlexandraWick_ | ENT | |
Graham, Christiane | FAV | C.Graham Testimony HB589 | ENT | |
Houstle, Peter | Maryland Recycling Network | FAV | HB589_FAV_MCN20200310102347 | ENT |