Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
HB0746 - Education - Maryland Office of the Inspector General for Education - Powers and Notifications
Ways and Means 2/14/2024 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/18/2024 7:12:25 AM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Delegate Miller, Delegate Miller | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
W&M | |
Henry, Richard | Maryland Office of the Inspector General for Education | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
W&M |
Marks-Mairose, Lesa | FAV | No Testimony | W&M | |
Eisenberg, Michael | FAV | No Testimony | W&M | |
Chaney, Sean | FAV | No Testimony | W&M | |
Brooks, Yvonne | INFO | No Testimony | W&M | |
Gordon, Stephen | FAV | No Testimony | W&M | |
Giannino, Denise | Maryland Office of the Inspector General for Education | FAV | No Testimony | W&M |
Gunthrop, Genie | OIGE | FAV | No Testimony | W&M |
Blades, Gary | FAV | No Testimony | W&M | |
Cratsley, Laurel | Maryland State Department of Education | INFO | Letter of Information (LOI) - HB 746 - MSDE.pdf | W&M |
Thompson, Tara | FAV | No Testimony | W&M | |
Zentz, Kim | FAV | No Testimony | W&M | |
Cross, Cashenna | NAACP | FAV |
Virtual - Oral Testimony |
W&M |
Fletcher, Will | Association of Inspectors General | FAV | AIG Fav | W&M |
Henry, Richard | Maryland Office of the Inspector General for Education | FAV | fwa 746 | W&M |