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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB0758 - Maryland Licensure of Certified Midwives Act

Health and Government Operations 2/24/2021 1:30:00 PM
As of: 9/18/2024 5:59:11 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Bagnall, Delegate Bagnall FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Black, Ashley Public Justice Center FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Caucus, MD Latino FAV HB758_LatinoCaucus_FAV.pdf HGO
Witten, Jennifer Maryland Hospital Association FAV HB 758- Maryland Licensure of Certified Midwives A HGO
Elliott, Robyn FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
2021 ACNM HB 758 House Side.pdf
Elliott, Robyn FAV 2021 MNA HB 758 House Side.pdf HGO
Kriebs, Jan American College of Nurse Midwives FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Fleming, Melissa American College of Nurse Midwives FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Office of Governmental Affairs, Maryland Department of Health Maryland Dept. of Health FWA 11- HB0758 - HGO - MBON - SWA.pdf HGO
Kasemeyer, Pam Schwartz, Metz & Wise, P.A. FAV HB0758_FAV_MDACOG_MD Licensure of Certified Midwiv HGO
Hessler, Therese FAV HB758_SUPPORT_MOD.pdf HGO
Bagnall, Heather FAV DelegateBagnallHB758CMFavorable.pdf HGO
Bogley, Laura Maryland Right to Life UNF No Testimony HGO
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