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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB0778 - Montgomery County - Bicounty Agencies - Commissioner Discipline, Disclosures, Training, and Ethics MC/PG 105-23

Health and Government Operations 3/6/2023 1:00:00 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment 3/30/2023 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/19/2024 4:26:08 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Montgomery County Delegation and Prince George''s, Montgomery County Delegation and Prince George''s FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Delegation, Montgomery County FWA HB0778-143029-01 (1).pdf
Boucher, Kathleen Montgomery County, MD FWA HB 778 - MoCo_Boucher_SWA (GA 23).pdf HGO
Sartucci, Janis Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, MD FWA Virtual - Oral Testimony
Gannon, Cheryl FWA Virtual - Oral Testimony
Stern, Tanya Montgomery County Planning - Directors Office - M-NCPPC INFO In Person - Oral Testimony
Joyce, Elizabeth Maryland Legislative Agenda for Women FWA Virtual - Oral Testimony
BaucumColbert, Jordan M-NCPPC - Governement Affairs Liaison INFO HB 778 (MC-PG 105-23) Position Statement LOI FINAL HGO
Kramer, Senator Ben Montgomery County Senate Delegation FAV MoCo HB 778.pdf HGO
Delegation, Prince George's County FWA HB778.docx.pdf HGO
Montgomery County Delegation and Prince George''s, Montgomery County Delegation and Prince George''s FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
BaucumColbert, Jordan M-NCPPC - Governement Affairs Liaison INFO HB 778 (MC-PG 105-23) Position Statement LOI FINAL EEE
Gannon, Cheryl FWA Virtual - Oral Testimony
Adcock, Jamison Aspen Hill Civic Association FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
Boucher, Kathleen Montgomery County, MD FAV HB 778 - MoCo_Boucher_FAV_Senate (GA 23).pdf EEE
Farber, Amanda FWA Virtual - Oral Testimony
HB778 - Favorable with Amendments - Farber Testimo
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 3-29-2023 at 318 PM EEE
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