Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
HB0830 - Residential Construction - Electric Vehicle Charging
Environment and Transportation 2/28/2023 1:00:00 PM
As of: 1/26/2025 11:25:04 AM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Delegate Terrasa, Delegate Terrasa | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
ENT | |
Hufnagel, Beth | Retired | FAV | 2023-2-28 HB380 EV Charging Testimony.pdf | ENT |
Lee, Mickey | UNF | No Testimony | ENT | |
sirkel, jess | UNF | No Testimony | ENT | |
Auerbach, Ruth | Indivisible Howard County | FAV | HB830_IndivisibleHoCoMD_FAV_RuthAuerbach.pdf | ENT |
Ball, Calvin | Howard County Office of the County Executive | FAV | CE Ball 2023 - HB 830 Residential Electric Vehicle | ENT |
Butchko, Dominic | Maryland Association of Counties (MACo) | UNF | HB0830-ET_MACo_OPP.pdf | ENT |
Ditzler, Brian | Maryland Sierra Club | FAV | HB830_MDSierra Club_fav - 28Feb2023.pdf | ENT |
Proctor, David | Zero Emission Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council | FAV | HB0830 ZEEVIC Legislation Support Letter 2023 Sess | ENT |
Klase, Anne | Pepco/DPL | FAV | 2023 HB830- FAV- PHI.pdf | ENT |
Hartmann, Lanny | FAV | HB830_2023_LannyHartmann.pdf | ENT | |
Pedersen, Stacy | UNF | No Testimony | ENT | |
Fisher, Joshua | Alliance for Automotive Innovation | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony Ext. Comm. - Testimony - 2023 - Maryland HB 830 - |
Kress, William | Kress Hammen | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Verchinski, Paul | FAV | hb830fAVORABLEVerchinskiResidential EVSEs.pdf | ENT | |
MANOHAR, KRISHNA | UNF | No Testimony | ENT | |
Frances, Robert | Howard County Government | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Ginsburg, Jena | ChargePoint | FWA | ChargePoint Testimony HB830:SB477_2.28.2023_Jena G | ENT |
Duffy, Suzanne | Concerned Citizen | UNF | OPPOSE HB0830.pdf | ENT |
Mock, Donald | Howard County Government | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Orlan, Craig | American Honda Motor Company | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
D’Orazio , Daniela | UNF | No Testimony | ENT | |
Bagwell, Ashlie | FWA | 2023 TESLA HB 830 Terrasa.pdf | ENT | |
Enten, Robert | Md Bankers Assoc | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Sirkel, Robin | UNF | No Testimony | ENT | |
Terrasa, Jen | Delegate, MD General Assembly | FAV | Sponsor Testimony, HB830.pdf | ENT |
brenner, loretta | UNF | No Testimony | ENT | |
Elrich, Marc | Montgomery County Government | FWA | HB 830 - MoCo_Elrich_SWA (GA 23).pdf | ENT |
McGilvray, Laurie | Climate Justice Wing of the Maryland Legislative Coalition | FAV | HB0830 Residential Construction Significant Renova | ENT |
Wilpone-Welborn, Kira | Consumer Protection Division of the Maryland Office of the Attorney General | FAV | HB 830_Consumer Protection Division_Fav_2023.pdf | ENT |
Plante, Cecilia | Maryland Legislative Coalition | FAV | No Testimony | ENT |
Ennis, Ella | UNF | HB0830-2023-Electric Vehicle Charging Final.pdf | ENT | |
Citizens Assoc, Howard | FAV | HB830FavorableEVSE New ConstructionHCCA(1) (002).p | ENT | |
Fahrig, Landon | Maryland Energy Administration | FWA | HB0830(SB0477) - FWA - Residential Construction or | ENT |
Diefenbach, Linda | UNF | No Testimony | ENT | |
Williams, Peggy | UNF | No Testimony | ENT | |
Anleu, Brian | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB 830 - AOBA - FWA .pdf |
ENT | |
Kolakoski, Virginia | UNF | HB0830 Unfavorable.pdf | ENT | |
Elbourn, James | UNF | No Testimony | ENT | |
Graf, Lori | Maryland Building Industry Association | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony MBIA letter of support with amendment hb830.pdf |
Ditraglia, Frank | UNF | No Testimony | ENT | |
Ballentine, Tom | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB 830- Residential Construction or Significant Re |
ENT | |
Lang, Alan | UNF | No Testimony | ENT | |
Themelis, Nina | Mayor's Office of Government Relations | UNF | HB0830-ENT-OPP.pdf | ENT |
Graziano, Lauren | Maryland Multi Housing Association | UNF | MMHA_FWA_HB830.pdf | ENT |
Wilson, Scott | FAV | Wilson HB 830 FAV.pdf | ENT | |
Diefenbach, Klaus | UNF | No Testimony | ENT | |
Ohmen, Elizabeth | UNF | No Testimony | ENT | |
Clark, Tom | IBEW 26 | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB 830 Support.pdf HB 830 Support.pdf |
May, Lisa | Maryland REALTORS | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony HB 830 - EV Charging - UNF - REALTORS.pdf |
Testimony, All | N/A | Merged Testimony as of 3-1-2023 at 1139 AM | ENT |
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