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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB0945 - Criminal Procedure - Sentencing and Disposition - Community Impact Statement

Judiciary 2/25/2020 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/18/2024 7:08:01 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Atterbeary, Delegate Atterbeary FAV No Testimony JUD
Cunningham, Dorothy Irvington Community Association FAV HB945_Arcadia Improvement Association
HB945_Arlean Robinson - Belair Edison
HB945_Beverly Hills Improvement Association
HB945_Councilman Isaac Schleifer - 5th District
HB945_Edmondson Village CA
HB945_Harold Diggs Edgewood Neighborhood Assoc
HB945_Harold Diggs SNCDC
HB945_Irvington Community Association
HB945_Irvington Community Association
HB945_Upper Fells Point Improvement Association
HB945_Western District CRC, SandtownWinchester
Schleifer, Isaac Baltimore city council FAV No Testimony JUD
Robinson, Arlene Belair-Edison Community Association FAV No Testimony JUD
Allen, Celeste Arcadia Improvement Association FAV No Testimony JUD
Diggs, Harold Edgewood Neighborhood Association FAV No Testimony JUD
Diggs, Harold Southwest Neighborhood Community Development Corp FAV No Testimony JUD
L, Jess Beverly Hills Improvement Association FAV No Testimony JUD
Barnes, Matthew Upper Fells Point Improvement Association FAV No Testimony JUD
Washington Alston, Monique Edmondson Village Community Association FAV No Testimony JUD
Robb, Inez Western District Community Relations Council FAV No Testimony JUD
Mosby, Marilyn BCSAO FAV No Testimony JUD
Rallo, Jennifer BCSAO FAV No Testimony JUD
Schleifer, Isaac Baltimore City Council FAV No Testimony JUD
Hobbs, Tom Guilford Community Association FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Brown, Tony Charles Village Benefits District FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Lee, Michelle BCSAO FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Kroll, Steve MSAA FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Flores, Ricardo OPD UNF No Testimony JUD
Shapiro, Melanie OPD UNF OPD OPP HB 945 JUD
Jones, Tyler MD Judiciary UNF MDJudiciary_UNF_HB945 JUD
lee, michelle Baltimore city sao FAV No Testimony JUD
brown, tony charles village association FAV No Testimony JUD
cohen, zeke Baltimore City council FAV HB945_BrandonScott_favorable
HB945_Councilman Cohen_Support
koehler, joe canton community Association FAV No Testimony JUD
scott, brandon baltimore city council president FAV No Testimony JUD
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