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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB1284 - Johns Hopkins University - Police Department - Repeal

Judiciary 2/23/2021 1:30:00 PM
As of: 9/18/2024 4:20:00 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Acevero, Delegate Acevero FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Cleary, Kevin UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Opposition to HB 336 and HB 1284 K. Cleary 2-19-2
Scott, Connor Johns Hopkins University UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Johns Hopkins – C. Scott – HB 1284 – Johns Hopins
Malloy, Regina Gail The Johns Hopkins Hospital UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
R. Malloy - Written Testimony - HB 1284 .pdf
Richman, Daniel FAV 2021_HB1284_FAV_Richman.pdf JUD
Mendoza, May UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
JH Police Dept HB1284 - May Mendoza - 2.23.2021.pd
Redd, Jr, Samuel Operation P.U.L.S.E., Inc. UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
sam redd HB1284_Opp 2.10.2021.pdf
Patrick, Garrett UNF G. Patrick support testimony in opposition to HB12 JUD
McKown, Arch UNF A.McKown- Opposition to HB1284 - 2.23.2021.pdf JUD
Scott, Todd UNF T. Scott Opposition to HB 1284.pdf JUD
Reyes, Alan UNF A. Reyes - JHU repeal HB1284 2.23.21.pdf JUD
Smeton, Jonathan SURJ Baltimore FAV HB1284 - Disband JHU Private Police.pdf JUD
Cochrane, Burkett UNF B.Cochrane-HB1284-Opp.pdf JUD
Kiselik, Dan UNF Kiselik-HB1284-Opp.pdf JUD
Gudlavalleti, Rajani Baltimore Harm Reduction Coalition FAV HB 1284 FAV Baltimore Harm Reduction Coalition.pdf JUD
Oberdier, Matt UNF 2021.2.23 - House Bill 1284 - M.Oberdier.pdf JUD
Mooney, Graham FAV Mooney testimony_JHU private police_Feb21.pdf JUD
Lloyd, Rianna Jews United for Justice FAV HB1284 - FAV - Ethan Hasiuk, JUFJ.pdf
LBS Letter of Support for JHU Police Force Repeal
Bell, Muyinatu FAV BillSupportLetter_1284.pdf JUD
Bell, Muyinatu FAV BillSupportLetter_1284.pdf JUD
Han, Clara FAV HB0336 and 1284 Testimony.pdf
HB0336 and 1284 Testimony.pdf
Jeffery, Jasmin Johns Hopkins School of Medicine FAV No Testimony JUD
HUNDT, JOHN UNF Opposition to HB1284.pdf JUD
Mao, Xian FAV No Testimony JUD
Collazo, Ingrid UNF I.Collazo HB1284 Oppose 2.23.2021.pdf JUD
Eneim, Andrew FAV ASE_HB1284Testimony.pdf JUD
Millas, Elaine FAV Hinenu Testimony for SB276.docx (1).pdf JUD
Sanchez Ifekauche, Delora Cornerstone Government Affairs UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Doogan, Suzanne FAV Doogan_favorablehb1284.pdf JUD
Hamer, Jacob FAV No Testimony JUD
Tolbert, Elizabeth FAV police testimony.pdf JUD
Furstenberg, Francois FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Testimony re HB1284.pdf
Jackson, John FAV Support for Bill 1284.pdf JUD
Berger, Zackary FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB1284 letter of support.pdf
Miller, Sarah FAV No Testimony JUD
Lizzappi, Malcolm Coalition Against Policing by Hopkins FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Ditz, Toby FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 336 HB1284 JHU Repeal Final 2 Ditz.pdf
Fraser, Andrea District 43, Doctorate in Public Health and Environmental Engineering FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Shock, Jack FAV No Testimony JUD
Harpool, Adrian Adrian Harpool Associates UNF A. Harpool Opposition to HB1284 2.12.2021.pdf JUD
Adashi, Judah FAV Judah Adashi Testimony Supporting HB1284.pdf JUD
GUIDA, SHARON Charles Village Resident UNF SLG oppose HB 1284.pdf JUD
Seel, Brian FAV Document1.pdf JUD
Dziarski, Alisha FAV HB1284 testimony.pdf JUD
Daniel, Andrew FAV Statement on Hopkins Police Force.pdf JUD
Dean, Lorraine FAV HB1284 Written Testimony.pdf JUD
Plante, Cecilia Maryland Legislative Coalition FAV HB1284_JHU_Police_Department_Repeal_MLC_FAV.pdf JUD
Gephart, Connor FAV Testimony in SUPPORT of HB1284.pdf JUD
Martin, Mark FAV No Testimony JUD
Cocke, Abigail Baltimore for Border Justice FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
HB1284 Testimony JHPD.pdf
Bankard, Sarah FAV No Testimony JUD
DeBrosse, Ren FAV HB1284 testimony.pdf JUD
Park, Christin FAV No Testimony JUD
Chaudhary, Mihir FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Shin, Rebecca FAV No Testimony JUD
Krysiak, Carolyn John’s Hopkins UNF Krysiak - HB1284 - Opp -2.23.2021.pdf JUD
Britt, Adiena N/A FAV SB0276 Johns Hopkins University.pdf JUD
Wood-Doughty, Zach FAV Testimony in SUPPORT of HB1284.pdf JUD
Flyntz, Elizabeth Baltimore Bern Unit FAV Testimony disapproving of the JHU private police.p JUD
Gan, Quan Johns Hopkins University FAV HB1284_testimony_Gan.pdf JUD
Gray, Chelsea FAV hb1284testimony.pdf JUD
Lent, Michael FAV Favorable to HB1284.pdf JUD
Moss, Alison FAV AlisonMoss_HB1284.pdf.pdf JUD
Pfeifer, Hannah FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Gardner, Owen FAV No Testimony JUD
Ratnayake, Kushan FAV Testimony in support of HB1284.pdf JUD
Styles, Zachary FAV JHU Testimony HB1284.pdf JUD
Spence, Lester FAV Testimony in Support of JHU Police Repeal HB336 HB JUD
Rachel, Strodel FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Eck, Rosalie FAV Testimony - Support HB1284 - Rosalie Eck.pdf JUD
Elliott, Richard DeShay Prince George's County Young Democrats FAV Legislative Testimony 1284.pdf JUD
Enenmoh, Ikechukwu Coalition Against Policing by Hopkins FAV TestimonySupportHB1284IkechukwuEnenmoh.pdf JUD
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