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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB1342 - Cannabis - Legalization and Regulation (Cannabis Legalization and Equity Act)

Judiciary 3/8/2022 1:00:00 PM
As of: 7/26/2024 7:42:50 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Acevero, Delegate Acevero FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Stribling, LaWann Strib'ble District LLC, MDNORML FAV LaWann Stribling Testimony Cannabis Equity Legaliz JUD
mcavoy, vince UNF HB1342 UNF opposed mcavoy.pdf JUD
Hilliard, Elizabeth Maryland Office of the Public Defender FWA In Person - Oral Testimony
FWA HB 1342 Marijuana testimony.pdf
Plante, Cecilia Maryland Legislative Coalition FAV No Testimony JUD
Phelps, Ken Maryland Episcopal Public Policy Network FAV No Testimony JUD
Rosen-Cohen, Nancy NCADD-Maryland FAV NCADD-MD - HB 1342 Letter of Info - Cannabis Refor JUD
Edwards, Donna Maryland State and DC AFL-CIO FWA HB 1342 - Cannabis Legalization and Equity Act.pdf JUD
Jasen, Debi FAV No Testimony JUD
Adams, MD, Joseph Maryland-DC Society of Addiction Medicine INFO MDDCSAM Cannabis HB1342 Ltr of Information.pdf JUD
Fulginiti, Andrew Maryland Department of Labor INFO HB 1342_MDL_ Letter of Information.docx.pdf JUD
riley, joseph Maryland State's Attorneys Association UNF No Testimony JUD
Elalamy, Sara Maryland Judiciary UNF hb1342.pdf JUD
Ciekot, Ann INFO Ann Ciekot - Letter of Info JUD
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