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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB1547 - Environment - Synthetic Turf and Turf Infill - Producer Responsibility

Economic Matters 2/19/2020 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/19/2024 10:01:21 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Lehman, Delegate Lehman FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
2020.02.18_PSI Testimony on MD HB 1547_FNL
Delegate Mary Lehman HB1547 Testimony
HB 1547 (Stewart Fishman)
HB 1547 (Vernon Cooper)
HB1547 (Kathleen Michels)
HB1547 - Testimony (Amanda Farber)
HB1547 Delegate Mary Lehman
HB1547 Synturf Disposal (Diana Conway)
NNWB testimony HB1547 (Anne Ambler)
abbott, tyler mde INFO hb1547-mde ECM
Tulkin, Josh Sierra Club FAV HB1547_MD Sierra Club_FAV_Josh Tulkin ECM
Michels, Kathleen Sierra Club Maryland FAV No Testimony ECM
Franz, Zach FieldTurf UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
HB 1547 Opposition - FieldTurf
Maryland testimony HB 1547 - TIA - Copy
MD1547 testimony - Mark Rannie-ISRI
Wilson, Jeff Astroturf UNF HB 1547 Controlled Products Testimony
HB 1547 Testimony AstroTurf
Maryland Bill 1547 RRP Testimony
Farber, Amanda Safe Healthy Playing Fields inc FAV No Testimony ECM
Conway, Diana Womens Democratic Club FAV No Testimony ECM
Fishman, Sheldon FAV No Testimony ECM
Kickenson, Jerry FAV No Testimony ECM
Ortiz, Jeanette Anne Arundel County Public Schools UNF HB 1547_AACPS_Ortiz ECM
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