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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB0037 - Electric Companies - Regional Transmission Organizations - Report (Utility Transparency and Accountability Act)

Education, Energy, and the Environment 2/13/2025 1:00:00 PM
As of: 3/3/2025 1:14:46 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Senator Hester, Senator Hester FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Bresnahan, Tammy AARP Maryland FAV SB 37 RTO Report Utility Transparency and Accounta EEE
Cohn, Debbie FAV Testimony SB0037.pdf EEE
Carr, Alfred DC Department of Energy & Environment FAV DOEE support for SB37 HB121 PJM transparency.pdf EEE
McGilvray, Laurie Climate Justice Wing of the Maryland Legislative Coalition FAV SB0037_Utility Transparency and Accountability Act EEE
Gallagher, Zoe Economic Action Maryland FAV SB37 Utility Transparency Act FAV 2025.docx.pdf EEE
Smith, Virginia Indivisible HoCo Maryland FAV SB0037_IndivisibleHoCo_FAV.pdf EEE
Rehr, Rebecca Maryland League of Conservation Voters FAV SB 37 - MDLCV Support - Utility Transparency and A EEE
Frederick, Joanne Stop MPRP, Inc FAV FAV_SB0037_StopMPRPInc.pdf EEE
Plante, Cecilia Maryland Legislative Coalition FAV SB0037_Utility_Transparency_and_Accountability_Act EEE
Feighner, Liz HoCo Climate Action FAV SB0037_FAV_Utility_Transparency_Accountability_Act EEE
Stewart, Frances Elders Climate Action Maryland FAV ECA testimony SB0037 Utility Transparency.pdf EEE
Hamidi, Renee Valleys Planning Council FAV SB37 testimony.pdf EEE
Reed, Dytonia BGE INFO Exelon_LOI_EEE_Senate Bill 37_ Electric Companies EEE
Arikat, Loraine 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East FAV SB37 Utility Transparency.pdf EEE
Mauk, Jeff Ceres FAV Ceres Testimony SB0037 - Utility Transparency and EEE
Hunter, Casey League of Women Voters of Maryland FAV LWVMD - SB 37 - Utility Transparency and Accountab EEE
Iampieri, Daniel FAV SB0037.pdf EEE
Law, Elizabeth FAV SB 37-RTOs-Report-Utility Transparency and Account EEE
Shriner, Mariah Sierra Club Maryland Chapter FAV SB0037_MDSierraClub_fav_13February2025.pdf EEE
Lapp, David Office of People's Counsel FAV OPC Testimony SB0037.pdf EEE
Mettle, Katie Advanced Energy United FAV SB0037_2025_Utility Transparency_FAV_Advanced Ener EEE
Price, Brysn FAV Price Testimony in Support of SB0037.pdf EEE
Frye, Julie FAV inbound8891792513259920948.pdf EEE
Progress, Shore Shore Progress FAV SB37 Utility Transparency & Accountability Act.doc EEE
Fry Hester, Katie Maryland Senate FAV Hester SB37 Testimony.docx.pdf
Utility Transparency and Accountability Act Factsh
Fahrig, Landon Maryland Energy Administration FAV SB0037 (HB0121) - FAV - Electric Companies - Regio EEE
Kaplowitz, Richard KAP Year FAV Testimony in support of SB0037 - Electric Companie EEE
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 2-12-2025 at 1038 AM EEE
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