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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB0142 - Natural Resources - Recreational License Donation Program and Healing Hunting and Fishing Fund - Revisions

Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs 1/29/2020 1:00:00 PM
Environment and Transportation 3/17/2020 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/8/2024 9:02:14 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Senator Simonaire, Senator Simonaire FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB0142_CBT_FAV_Jana Davis
SB0142_HealingWaters_FAV_Todd Desgrosseilliers
SB0142_MMC_FAV_Brian Smith
SB0142_Senator_FAV-Bryan Simonaire
SB0142_TheAmericanLegion_FAV_Patrick Guibao
Davis, Jana Chesapeake Bay Trust FAV No Testimony EHE
Smith, Brian Maryland Military Coalition FAV No Testimony EHE
Desgrosseillers, Todd Healing Waters Fly Fishing FAV No Testimony EHE
Guibao, Patrick The American Legion FAV No Testimony EHE
Mckitrick, James Department of Natural Resources INFO SB0142_DNR_LOI_James McKitrick EHE
Senator Simonaire, Senator Simonaire FAV No Testimony ENT
McKitrick, James INFO SB0142_DNR_LOI_James McKitrick.HOUSE ENT
Smith, Brian FAV SB0142_Brian Smith ENT
Davis, Jana FAV SB0142_CBT_Jana Davis ENT
Simonaire, Bryan Sponsor FAV SB0142_MGA_Bryan Simonaire ENT
May, John FAV SB0142_MMC_JohnMay ENT
Desgrosseilliers, Todd FAV SB0142_ProjectHealingWaters_FAV ENT
Guibao, Patrick FAV SB0142_TheAmericanLegion_FAV_Patrick Guibao ENT
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