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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB0144 - Corporations and Associations - Limited Worker Cooperative Associations - Authorization (Maryland Limited Worker Cooperative Association Act)

Judicial Proceedings 1/9/2025 2:00:00 PM
As of: 3/10/2025 4:29:21 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Senator Washington, M., Senator Washington, M. FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Giszpenc, Noemi Keystone Development Center FAV KDC in favor of MD SB144-HB15 2025.pdf JPR
DeStefano, Amanda FAV SB0144 2025 Co-Op Testimony_ Favorable.pdf JPR
Patterson, Deanna FAV SB0144 Written Testimony-Patterson.pdf JPR
Davis, Charlotte FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB144_RMC_Support Testimony.pdf
Jones, Amber Self FAV LCB-testimony_sb0144-2025.01.07.pdf JPR
O'Connor, Caitlin FAV SB0114 Testimony.pdf JPR
Duda, John FAV Testimony for SB 00144.pdf JPR
hantz, ron Network for Developing Conscious Communities FAV Testimony Worker Cooperative Bill.pdf JPR
Themelis, Nina Mayor's Office of Government Relations FAV SB0144-JPR-FAV.pdf JPR
Berardi, Michael FAV SB0144 Testimony.pdf JPR
Johnson, Jim FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
Ibik, Peter Anytime Taxi FAV Anytime Taxi letter of support for worker co-op st JPR
Evans-Goldstein, Anna FAV Anna's letter of support 2025.pdf JPR
Dorsey, Ryan FAV Testimony- Councilman Ryan Dorsey.pdf JPR
Daring, Christa Baltimore Roundtable for Economic Democracy FAV BRED_favorable_JPR25.pdf JPR
Lerman, Emily Mera Kitchen Collective FAV FAVORABLE TESTIMONY SB144_HB15 - Jan 2025.pdf JPR
Khatib, Kate Red Emma's Cooperative FAV SB144_HB15 Testimony (Maryland).pdf JPR
Goodwin, Autumn FAV Support of bill 0144.pdf JPR
Gellatly, Amy Public Justice Center FAV SB144 - PJC - Fav.pdf JPR
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 1-9-2025 at 901 AM JPR
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