Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
SB0225 - Education - Public and Nonpublic Schools - Seizure Action Plans (Brynleigh's Act)
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs 1/20/2021 3:00:00 PM
As of: 2/7/2025 10:24:45 AM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Senator Young, Senator Young | FAV | No Testimony | EHE | |
Shillinger, Lauren | TS Alliance MD/Parent Volunteer Epilepsy Foundation MD | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Briemann, Diana | Teacher | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
DiBitetto, Lauren | Parent of student with Epilepsy | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
Briemann, Diana | FAV | SB 0225 Testimony of Diana Briemann 01.20.2021.pdf | EHE | |
Woolums, John | UNF |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB 225.Seizure Action Plans.pdf |
EHE | |
London, Rachel | Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council | FAV | SB 225 Seizure Action Plan DD Council Support.pdf | EHE |
DiBitetto, Lauren | FAV | Seizure Safe School Legislation- Written Testimony | EHE | |
Ward, Lindsay | National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners Chesapeake Chapter | FAV | Senate NAPNAP Leg sour support of HB0370 SB0225 bi | EHE |
Elliott, Robyn | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony 2021 MASHN and MNA SB 225 Senate Side.pdf |
EHE | |
Shillinger , Lauren | FAV | SB0225_Lauren_Shillinger.pdf | EHE | |
Smith, Katie | Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance | FAV |
Brynleigh Act Letter of Support 2020 Final.pdf
Brynleigh's Act UMD.pdf Brynleighs Act Seizure Safe School Joint Letter Fi |
Gorman, Kristy | Maryland Association of School Health Nurses | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony 2021 MASHN and MNA SB 225 Senate Side.pdf |
Margolis, Leslie | Disability Rights Maryland | FAV | EACtestimony.SB225.pdf | EHE |
Kasemeyer, Pam | Schwartz, Metz & Wise, P.A. | FAV | SB0225_FAV_MDAAP_Public & Nonpublic Schools - Seiz | EHE |
Frey, Leslie | Montgomery County | FWA | SB225- MoCo- DHHS (GA21).pdf | EHE |
Roudebush, Abbey | Epilepsy Foundation | FAV | Epilepsy Foundation Support - SB 225 - Brynleigh's | EHE |
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