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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB0232 - Civil Cases - Surcharges

Judicial Proceedings 1/26/2021 1:00:00 PM
As of: 1/15/2025 8:22:25 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Senator Waldstreicher, Senator Waldstreicher FAV No Testimony JPR
McDuffie McClary, Jade FAV Written Testimony SB 232-HB478.pdf JPR
Enten, Robert Maryland Building Industry Assoc UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Lennig, Dorothy House of Ruth MD FAV SB 232 FAV House of Ruth.pdf JPR
Scurti, Judge Mark Maryland State Bar Association FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Testimony_SB 232-CivilCases-Surcharges_MSBA_Suppor
Erlichman, Susan Maryland Legal Services Corporation FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Jordan, Lisae C Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MCASA) FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
MLSC - MCASA - testimony - senate - 2021.pdf
Vaughan, Regan Catholic Charities of Baltimore FAV CC - SB232 - Civil Cases - Surcharges.pdf JPR
Hill, Matt FWA In Person - Oral Testimony
Public Justice Ctr testimony SB 232 FWA.pdf
Hennen, Amy FAV Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service Testimony 1.22. JPR
Fasanelli, Antonia Homeless Persons Representation Project FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB 232_HPRP_FAV.pdf
Quincosa, Jessica Community Legal Services of Prince George's County, Inc. FAV SB232 CLS Written Testimony.pdf JPR
Siri, Michelle The Women's Law Center of Maryland FAV SB 232 - Civil Cases - Surcharges.pdf JPR
Siri, Michelle The Delivery of Legal Services Section Council for the MSBA FAV SB 232 - Civil Cases - Surcharges - Delivery of Le JPR
Jefferson , Stacey Behavioral Health System Baltimore FAV MAP - SB 232 - MLSC - Support.pdf JPR
Murphy, Robin Disability Rights Maryland FAV DRM Re MLSC SB232 HB478.docx.pdf JPR
Miicke , Sarah FAV MSCAN - SB232- Civil Surcharges.pdf JPR
Thompson, Kelly Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washingto
Roth-Gormley, Shana Community Law Center FAV SB 232 - CLC letter of support 1.22.21.pdf JPR
Wiggins, Grason Maryland Multi-Housing Association UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
MMHA - 2021 - SB 232 - Unfavorable .pdf
Shapiro, Melanie Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence FAV SB232_MNADV_FAV.pdf JPR
Kraska, Jenny FAV Maryland Catholic Conference_FAV_SB232.pdf JPR
Jarvis, Owen 3 attorneys FAV Testimony SB 232 - St Ambrose signed.pdf JPR
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 1-22-2021 at 352 PM JPR
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