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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB0287 - Maryland Arts Capital Grant Program

Budget and Taxation 1/29/2020 1:00:00 PM
As of: 12/3/2024 1:29:57 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Senator Elfreth, Senator Elfreth FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Cohen, Nicholas Maryland Citizens for the Arts FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Ross, Michael Baltimore Center Stage FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Coffee, Jane Chesapeake Shakespeare Theater FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Huesman, Belinda Chesapeake Arts Center FAV No Testimony B&T
Westendorff, Julie Allegany Arts Council FAV AAC_SB287 B&T
Nyman, April ACAAC FAV ACAAC_SB287 B&T
Jenkins, Suzan AHCMC FAV AHCMC_ SB287 B&T
Hoffberger, Rebecca AVAM FAV AVAM_SB 287 B&T
Downs, Jackie BOPA FAV No Testimony B&T
Keating, Aran BROS FAV BROS _SB287 B&T
Coffey, Jane CST FAV No Testimony B&T
Kennelly, Louise FCAC FAV FAC_SB287 B&T
West, Coleen HCAC FAV HCAC_SB 287 B&T
Schratwieser, John KCA FAV KCA_SB 287 B&T
Royce, Amy MAP FAV MAP_SB 287 B&T
Rilette, Ryan RG FAV RH_SB 287 B&T
Elder, Nell SMAC FAV SMAC_SB 287 B&T
Jeffries, Monica Strathmore FAV Strathmore_SB 287 B&T
Mullis, Anna WCAC FAV WCAC_SB 287 B&T
Lane, Rebecca Massie WCMFA FAV WCMFA_SB 287 B&T
downs, jackie BOPA FAV BOPA_SB287 B&T
Fiore, Justin MML FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB 287 Arts and Culture - MML
James, Jeannine MML FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB 287 Arts and Culture - MML
Wilkins, Barbara INFO DBM_Info_SB287 B&T
Pugh, Amanda Maryland Center For The Arts FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB287 Support MDCFA Amanda Pugh
Committee Staff, Budget and Taxation INFO Merged Testimony as of 2-11-2020 at 149 PM B&T
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