Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
SB0327 - Affordable Housing Payment In Lieu of Taxes Expansion Act
Budget and Taxation 1/29/2025 10:30:00 AM
As of: 3/14/2025 12:43:11 PM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Senator Hettleman, Senator Hettleman | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
B&T | |
Plante, Cecilia | Maryland Legislative Coalition | FAV | SB0327_Affordable_Housing_Payment_In_Lieu_Of_Taxes | B&T |
Zelaya, Michelle | Maryland Catholic Conference | FAV | Maryland Catholic Conference_FAVSB237_.pdf | B&T |
Desrouleaux, Sasha | Office of the Prince George's County Executive | FAV | PGCex_Support_SB 327.pdf | B&T |
Day, Jake | Department of Housing and Community Development | FAV | SB327_DHCD_SUPPORT.pdf | B&T |
Coleman, Ryan | President, Randallstown NAACP | FAV | SB0327 Support.pdf | B&T |
Scepaniak, Michael | BaltPOP - Baltimoreans for People-Oriented Places | FAV | MGA 2025 Testimony Bill SB0327 (Affordable Housing | B&T |
Hudson, Lee | Delaware-Maryland Synod, ELCA | FAV | No Testimony | B&T |
Wilson Randall, Claudia | Community Development Network of Maryland | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony CDN SB 327 FAVORABLE.pdf |
B&T |
Bagwell, Ashlie | FWA | 2025 GBCC Affordable Housing PILOT SB 327.pdf | B&T | |
Kinnally, Kevin | Maryland Association of Counties (MACo) | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB0327-BT_MACo_SUP.pdf |
B&T |
Graf, Lori | Maryland Building Industry Association | FAV | MBIA Letter of Support SB327.pdf | B&T |
Beller, Joel | Baltimore County Department of Housing and Community Development | FWA | BaltimoreCountyDHCD_FWA_SB0327.pdf | B&T |
Gillis, Chris | MHP | FAV |
Virtual - Oral Testimony MHP_support_SB327.pdf |
B&T |
Cantu, Hugo | Apartments and Office Building Association | FWA |
In Person - Oral Testimony MD SB327 FAV with Amendments.pdf |
B&T |
Mauer, William | UNF | No Testimony | B&T | |
Kelter, Chris | Maryland Centers for Independent Living | FAV | IL Written Testimony - SB 327 - Favorable.pdf | B&T |
Lang, Alan | UNF | No Testimony | B&T | |
Hettleman, Shelly | MGA- Senator Hettleman | FAV | SB327_Hettleman_FAV.pdf | B&T |
Katz, Janet | UNF | No Testimony | B&T | |
Kaplowitz, Richard KAP | Year | FAV | Testimony in support of SB0327 - Affordable Housin | B&T |
SWASC, UM | Social Work Advocates for Social Change | FAV | SWASC -SB327- Affordable Housing in Lieu of Proper | B&T |
Willems, Miranda | FWA | MAHC Testimony_SB 327_PILOT Expansion_FWA.pdf | B&T | |
Hamilton, Rebecca | UNF | No Testimony | B&T | |
Shewbridge, Rylie | The Arc Central Chesapeake Region | FAV | SB327.HB390.TheArc.AffordableHousingInLieuofTaxes. | B&T |
Karpewicz, Erin | Arundel Community Development Services, Inc. | FWA | SB 327 HB 390 Affordable housing Payment in Lieu o | B&T |
Testimony, All | N/A | Merged Testimony as of 1-28-2025 at 1225 PM | B&T | |
Friedson, Andrew | Montgomery County | FAV | SB 327 Testimony | B&T |
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