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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB0359 - Therapeutic Child Care Grant Program - Funding - Alterations

Budget and Taxation 1/29/2025 10:30:00 AM
As of: 2/15/2025 7:55:58 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Senator King, Senator King FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Geddes, Ann Mental Health Association of Maryland FAV SB0359_MHAMD_Fav.pdf B&T
Paddy, Michael Public Policy Partners FAV 2025 MOTA SB 359 Senate Side.pdf B&T
King, Senator Nancy FAV SB359 King Sponsor Testimony.pdf B&T
Alexander, Dennis Easterseals DC MD VA FAV Easterseals testimony_SB359.pdf B&T
Phillips, Dana Department of Budget and Management INFO SB0359 Theraputic Child Care LOI .docx (1) (1).pdf B&T
Kolp, Ande FAV HB185. SB359. The Arc Maryland. Support.pdf B&T
O'Day, Garrett Maryland Catholic Conference FAV MD Catholic Conference_SB 359_FAV.pdf B&T
Morrow, Beth FAV SB 359_MFN_FAV_Morrow Therapeutic.pdf B&T
Morris, Austin Children's National Hospital FAV Children's National Testimony - SB 359 - Julia DeA B&T
Hessler, Therese FAV SB359_MARFY_FAV.pdf B&T
Muckle, Lonia CASH Campaign of Maryland FAV 1.27 SB 359- Therapeutic Child Care Grant Program B&T
Barkley, Ciara The Arc Prince George's County FAV ArcPGC Testimony in Support of Senate Bill 359_ Th B&T
McDonough, Caitlin HJM FWA SB359 - KK - Testimony in SUpport w Modifications. B&T
Krone, Christine FAV SB0359_FAV_MDAAP_Therapeutic Child Care Grant Prog B&T
Krienke, Jane Maryland Hospital Association FAV SB 359 Therapeutic Child Care Grant Program - Fund B&T
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 1-28-2025 at 1235 PM B&T
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