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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB0441 - Baltimore City - Civilian Review Board

Judicial Proceedings 2/16/2022 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/18/2024 7:22:49 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Senator Carter, Senator Carter FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Palmisano, Erica SURJ Baltimore FAV SB 441 - Clarification of Baltimore City Civilian JPR
Pereschuk, Alicia FAV SB 441 - Clarification of Baltimore City Civilian JPR
STERN, CAROL FAV FAV 441 Baltimore Civilian Review Board Carol Ster JPR
Chan, Sam FAV SB 441 - Clarification of Baltimore City Civilian JPR
Becker, Madeline FAV Becker_writtenTestimony_SB 441 - Clarification of JPR
Johnson, Sarah FAV SB 441 - Clarification of Baltimore City Civilian JPR
Ditz, Toby FAV SB441_TobyDitz JUFJ_FAV.pdf JPR
Apple, Chris FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Keipper, Lindsay Showing Up for Racial Justice- Baltimore FAV SB 441 - Clarification of Baltimore City Civilian JPR
Smeton, Jonathan SURJ Baltimore FAV SB 441 - Clarification of Baltimore City Civilian JPR
Powell, Holly Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) FAV SB 441 - Clarification of Baltimore City Civilian JPR
Kleinman, Jan SURJ FAV SURJ Civilian Review Board 2022 Feb 15.pdf JPR
Bailey, Michael FAV No Testimony JPR
Sadil, Patrick FAV SB 441 - Clarification of Baltimore City Civilian JPR
Vigna, Elizabeth Office of Senator Jill P. Carter FAV Testimony_JPC_SB0441_LR1401_2022.02.16 - Google Do JPR
Sell, Jennifer SURJ3A FAV Support SB0441 (2022).pdf JPR
Thompson, Ebony Baltimore City Department of Law UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Testimony SB441 Law Department.pdf
Gardner, Debra Public Justice Center FAV PJC testimony SB 441 favorable.pdf JPR
Levi, Deborah Office of the Public Defender FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB441 Steptoe Quotes.pdf
Girdner, Linnie FAV Support SB 441 - Clarification of Baltimore City C JPR
Mehu, Natasha Mayor's Office of Government Relations UNF In Person - Oral Testimony
Carlin-Weber, Daniel FAV No Testimony JPR
Currie, Melvin Baltimore City Civilian Review Board FAV Currie.CRB.pdf JPR
Chaudry, Zainab FAV testimony SB441.pdf JPR
Amanuel, Yanet FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Novak, Natalie FAV SB 441 - Favorable Testimony .pdf JPR
Norken, David FAV SB0441Testimony.pdf JPR
Shillenn, Rebecca FAV SB 441 - Clarification of Baltimore City Civilian JPR
Hamlett, Erica FAV Favorable SB441 .pdf JPR
Blank, Pablo FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Blau, Samantha Baltimore Action Legal Team FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Phelps, Ken Maryland Episcopal Public Policy Network FAV 2022 SB 0441 - FAVORABLE.pdf JPR
Parsons, Matt Baltimore Action Legal Team (BALT) FAV BALTtestimony_SB441_2022.pdf JPR
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 2-16-2022 at 1021 AM JPR
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