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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB0500 - Education - Child Care Career and Professional Development Fund - Alterations

Education, Energy, and the Environment 2/14/2024 1:00:00 PM
Ways and Means 3/20/2024 1:30:00 PM
As of: 9/18/2024 8:24:54 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Senator Washington, M., Senator Washington, M. FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Orbe, Jr., Carlos Maryland Latinos Unidos FAV MLU written testimony - SB 500 - Education - Child EEE
Cook, Shayna FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Hands, Zachary Maryland State Board of Education FAV SB 500 - State Board - SUPPORT.pdf EEE
Cano, Christopher SEIU Local 500 FAV SEIU Local 500 - SB 500 - Support.pdf EEE
Torres, Charo Latino Child Care Association of Maryland FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
Bender, Melissa Montgomery County Women's Democratic Club FAV No Testimony EEE
Morrow, Beth FAV SB 500_MFN_FAV_Morrow Prof Devel.pdf EEE
Reyes, Ruth Carolina Arco Iris Bilingual Children's Center FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
Hendrics, Dawn Clackamas Community College FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
Maryland Senate Bill 500 testimony.pdf
Peusch, Christina Maryland State Child Care Association FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
- MSCCA Testimony - SB 500 CCCPD Alterations.pdf
House Bills 500 and 662 to MSCCA.pdf
Commodari, Sam Celebree School FAV 2-14-2024 SB 500.pdf EEE
Lopez, Christina MDAEYC FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Iverson, Jennifer Prince George's Child Resource Center, Inc. FAV Support SB 500.pdf EEE
Quinn, Kelly The Choice Program at UMBC FAV Shriver SB500 favorable report 2024.pdf EEE
Schaefer, Stephanie MDAEYC FAV SB 500_MDAEYC_FAV.pdf EEE
Cowan, Elly Compass Advocacy FAV SB 500 _FAV_.pdf EEE
Bridges, Kam Job Opportunities Task Force FAV No Testimony EEE
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 2-14-2024 at 939 AM EEE
Senator Washington, M., Senator Washington, M. FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Kovacs, Lisa Anne Arundel Early Childhood Childcare Taskforce FAV SB600.pdf W&M
Patrick, Jessica FWA sample-testimony-HB-600-SB-500-for-3.18.24.pdf W&M
Peusch, Christina Maryland State Child Care Association FAV - MSCCA Testimony -SB 500 CCCPDF Alterations W M M W&M
Hands, Zachary Maryland State Board of Education FAV SB 500 - State Board - SUPPORT.pdf W&M
Smith, Patti Greenway Learning Center for Infants and Children FAV HB 500.pdf W&M
Cowan, Elly Compass Advocacy FAV SEIU Local 500 - SB 500 House Hearing - Support.pd W&M
Morrow, Beth FAV SB 500_MFN_FAV_Morrow Prof Devel _X-OVER.pdf W&M
Williams, Deborah Prince Georges County Chapter of Maryland State Child Care Association FAV testimony 31824.pdf W&M
Iverson, Jennifer Prince George's Child Resource Center, Inc. FAV HB 600 SB 500 for CRC 3.18.24.pdf W&M
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