Committee Testimony and Witness Signup
SB0512 - Education - Prohibited Behavior on School Grounds and Property - Application
Education, Energy, and the Environment 2/28/2024 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/8/2024 3:18:40 AM
Name | Organization | Position | Testimony | Committee |
Senator Washington, A., Senator Washington, A. | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
EEE | |
Rosa, Richard | UNF | No Testimony | EEE | |
Ennis, Ella | UNF | SB 0512 Prohibited Behavior on School Grounds - 20 | EEE | |
Wilson, Lorraine | UNF | HB615 and SB0512.pdf | EEE | |
Howard County, Staff | Board of Education of Howard County | FWA | SB0512 Howard Co BOE Testimony 022824 for EEE - Be | EEE |
Seagears, Erin | Maryland Office of the Public Defender | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony 2024 SB 512 OPD testimony.pdf |
Fieo, Alyssa | Maryland Office of the Public Defender | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony CRSD SB 512 testimony and fact-sheet.2024.pdf |
Ewing, Logan | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony |
EEE | |
Meyerovich, Mark | UNF | No Testimony | EEE | |
Jasen, Debi | FAV | No Testimony | EEE | |
Frey, Leslie | Montgomery County | FAV | 2024 02 26 MC CJJ Favorable SB512 FINAL KSR.pdf | EEE |
Scott, Catherine | N/A | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony YEJ_Testimony In Support of SB512 (Favorable).pdf |
Plante, Cecilia | Maryland Legislative Coalition | FAV | SB0512_Prohibited_Behavior_on_School_Grounds_MLC_F | EEE |
Tibbals, Trudy | UNF | Tibbals_ OPPOSE SB 512_HB 615_ Education - Prohib | EEE | |
Bradford, Levi | Public Justice Center | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB 512 Written Data Testimony.pdf |
Washington, Alonzo | FAV |
In Person - Oral Testimony SB-512 Prohibited Behavior Testimony.pdf |
EEE | |
Woolums, John | Maryland Assn. of Boards of Education | FWA | SB 512.Repealing crime of students dirupting schoo | EEE |
CARRICK, SHARON | UNF | SB 0512 Prohibited Behavior on School Grounds - 20 | EEE | |
Harris, Mrs. | INFO | No Testimony | EEE | |
Fannon, Mary Pat | FWA | SB 512 - Education - Prohibited Behavior on School | EEE | |
Funk, Kenzie | Strong Schools Maryland | FAV | SB 512 - Favorable.pdf | EEE |
Carlson, Bill | Maryland Alliance for Justice Reform | FAV | MAJR Testimony | EEE |
Testimony, All | N/A | Merged Testimony as of 2-28-2024 at 135 PM | EEE |