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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB0828 - Immigration Enforcement - Sensitive Locations - Access, Guidance, and Policies (Protecting Sensitive Locations Act)

Judicial Proceedings 3/4/2025 1:00:00 PM
As of: 3/26/2025 2:04:23 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Senator Smith, Senator Smith FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Atwood, Laura FAV SB0828.FAV.LauraAtwood.pdf JPR
Margolis, Leslie Disability Rights Maryland FAV DRMtestimony.SB828.pdf JPR
Frosh, Wendy FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Testimony SB 828 Immigration Enforcement 2 19 2025
Proctor, Karessa NASW Maryland FAV NASW Maryland - 2025 SB 828 FAV - Sensitive Locati JPR
Kaplowitz, Richard KAP Year FAV Testimony in support of SB0828 - Immigration Enfor JPR
Heinz, Will FAV No Testimony JPR
Witmer, Elizabeth Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights FAV 2025_02_26 Testimony in SUPPORT of SB 828.pdf JPR
Jordan, Lisae C Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MCASA) FAV Immigration - sensitive locations - testimony - se JPR
Yoder, Daryl FAV SB0828 - Protecting Sensitive Locations Act.pdf JPR
Vormelker, Will Maryland Judiciary UNF sb828.pdf JPR
Wilson, Lorraine FAV SB0828.pdf JPR
Roman, Jennifer FAV Testimony SUPPORT SB828.pdf JPR
Puentes, Erica Progressive Maryland FAV Progressive MD_FAV_SB828.pdf JPR
Jones, Megan Disability Rights Maryland FAV eactestimony2025.SB828.pdf JPR
Puentes, Erica FAV Nycole - Testimony in SUPPORT of SB 828_HB 1006.p
Martha - Testimony in SUPPORT of SB 828_HB 1006.pd
Solidaridad Action Committee_FAV_SB828.pdf
Testimony #1 - Cabeza.docx.pdf
Testimony #2 - WSS.docx.pdf
Testimony #3 - Medrano.docx.pdf
Testimony #4 - Cruz.docx.pdf
Yakie Palma Testimony Draft.pdf
Ford, John FAV SB0828 - Protecting Sensitive Locations Act.pdf JPR
Girdner, Linnie FAV Support SB0828.pdf JPR
Wallerstedt, Anne Maryland Food Bank FAV SB 828 - Maryland Food Bank - FAV.pdf JPR
Snyder, Co-Chair, Abby Marylanders Against Poverty FAV SB 828 - MAP - FAV.pdf JPR
Brach, Cecile FAV SB828_CindyBrach_FAV.pdf JPR
Keipper, Lindsay Showing Up for Racial Justice- Baltimore FAV SB0828 - Protecting Sensitive Locations Act.pdf JPR
Lent, Michael FAV No Testimony JPR
O’Mara Vignarajah, Krish Global Refuge FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
Global Refuge Support of SB 828.pdf
Schujman, Abril La Clinica del Pueblo FAV 2-28-25 SENATE MD Sensitive Locations Testimony LE JPR
Heinz, Loreen FAV Testimony SB0828 Sensitive Locations.pdf JPR
Plante, Cecilia Maryland Legislative Coalition FAV SB0828 Immigration Enforcement - Sensitive Locatio JPR
Garcia, Laura Health Care for the Homeless FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Allen, Susan FAV SB828_SusanAllen_FAV.pdf JPR
Palmisano, Erica SURJ Baltimore FAV SB0828 - Protecting Sensitive Locations Act.pdf JPR
Landers, Claire FAV SB0828_ClaireLanders_ Immigrant Protection Act Fav JPR
Sugarman, Kate Doctors For Camp Closure FAV SB828 Sugarman fav.pdf JPR
Pereschuk, Alicia FAV SB0828 - Protecting Sensitive Locations Act.docx.p JPR
Funk, Kenzie Strong Schools Maryland FAV SB828 Support (Written).pdf JPR
Egan, Ashley UULM-MD FAV Support- SB 828- Protecting Sensitive Locations Ac JPR
Hill, Matt FAV SB 828_PJC_Favorable.pdf JPR
Stewart, Gwen RepresentUs FAV SB 828 testimony.docx.pdf JPR
Diamond, Joanna Health Care for the Homeless FAV Health Care for the Homeless - SB 828 FAV - Prote JPR
Blaha, Katherine SURJ FAV Testimony in Support of SB0828_Blaha_SURJ.pdf JPR
Molino, Ellen Centro SOL FAV CentroSOL__SB 828.pdf JPR
Weissman, Louise Jews United for Justice FAV Maryland Protecting Sensitive Locations SB828 Mar JPR
Joya, Sindy FAV SB828_FAV_Briand.pdf
SB828_FAV_Marjorie Ramirez-Quevedo.pdf
SB828_FAV_Sindy Joya.pdf
Palma, Yakie Prince George's County Public Schools FAV Testimony in SUPPORT of SB 828_HB 1006 - Google Do JPR
Miller, Andrew FAV SB0828_AndrewMiller_FAV.pdf JPR
Miotto, Andrea FAV sensitive locations sb 828 testimony.pdf JPR
Cano, Christopher SEIU Local 500 FAV SEIU Local 500 Testimony in Support of SB 828.pdf JPR
Murcia, Mario 32BJ SEIU FAV 32BJ testimony in support of MD SB 828.pdf JPR
Levy, Mara FAV Testimony on SB828 - Mara Levy (1).pdf JPR
Little, Cristiana Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) FAV KIND testimony _Support SB 828 MD_Sensitive Locati JPR
Stopak, Tali FAV Testimony in SUPPORT of SB 0828.pdf JPR
Hoffman, Theresa M. Showing Up for Racial Justice Baltimore FAV SB0828 - Protecting Sensitive Locations Act.pdf JPR
Hudson, Lee Delaware-Maryland Synod, ELCA FAV sb828 sanctuary JPR 3-4-2025.pdf JPR
Barrios, Susana Latino Racial Justice Circle FAV SB828.pdf JPR
Polk, Sarah FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Mansour, Erinn Camp Patapsco Friends Meeting FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
SB828_Protecting Sensitive Locations_PFM_FAV.pdf
Rodriguez, Amanda Maryland Human Trafficking Task Force/ TurnAround, Inc. FAV BILL NUMBER SB 828.pdf JPR
Bergmann, Catherine FAV SB828_Bergmann_Favorable.pdf JPR
Mansour, Erinn Camp FAV Afghans who helped the U.S. in dangerous limbo_ NP
SB828_ECM Testimony_FAV.pdf
Valencia-Banks, Giuliana FAV SB828 gvb.pdf JPR
Ruth, Laure Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence FAV No Testimony JPR
Weisko, Alice FAV Testimony to Support SB 828.doc.pdf JPR
Misplon, Julia FAV No Testimony JPR
Yunda, Allison National Domestic Workers Alliance FAV NDWA DMV Chapter Sensitive Locations Testimony Sen JPR
Goyette, Alexander Tahirih Justice Center FAV SB828_TahirihJusticeCenter_fav.pdf JPR
Pena, Antonia FAV Testimony Fati lugares sensibles en MD.pdf JPR
Clark, Tiffany Office of the Attorney General INFO 2025_02_25 SB 828 Letter of Concern.pdf JPR
Bergofsky, Linda FAV SB0828_LindaBergofsky_FAV.pdf JPR
Baltodano, Maria FAV MB Testimony Sensitive Locations SB828.pdf JPR
Slayton, Sr., Rev. Dr. Kevin NORTHWOOD APPOLD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Simon, Marjorie FAV SB828_MarjorieSimon_FAV.pdf JPR
Berger, Zackary FAV D4CC Sensitive Locations Draft Senate.pdf JPR
Follingstad, Marianne Silver Spring Justice Coalition FAV SB828 Follingstad fav.pdf JPR
Stefansson, Dr. Lilja Planned Parenthood of Maryland FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Nuñez, Robert Planned Parenthood of Maryland FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
O'Connor, Michael City of Frederick FAV 2025-02-25 SB828 Testimony.pdf JPR
RUBIN, ANNA Anna Rubin FAV SB0828-Sensitive Locations.pdf JPR
Kickenson, Jerry FAV CAN Testimony in support of SB828 - Immigration En JPR
Dolamore, Stephanie FAV SB0828.Support.Dolamore.pdf JPR
Mazurek, Michelle FAV Mazurek-SB828-Favorable.pdf JPR
McGrain, Rachel Arts Education in Maryland Schools FAV AEMS - FAVORABLE_ Senate Bill 828.pdf JPR
Finch, Molly FAV Judge Blocks ICE Enforcement In Houses of Worship
SB828_Protecting Sensitive Locations_QV_FAV.docx.p
Frey, Leslie Montgomery County FAV Montgomery County Community Action Board Testimony JPR
Joya, Elvq FAV Testimony SB0828.pdf JPR
Hauck, Barbara SURJ Baltimore FAV SB0828 - Protecting Sensitive Locations Act_BH.pdf JPR
Shifrin, Jo FAV SB 828_Jo Shifrin_FAV (1).pdf JPR
Meyerovich, Mark UNF No Testimony JPR
Lierman, Brooke Comptroller of Maryland FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Schumitz, Kali Maryland Center on Economic Policy FAV SB 828_MD Center on Economic Policy_FAV.pdf JPR
OMalley, Catherine Women's Law Center FAV SB 828 Immigration Enforcement - Sensitive Locatio JPR
Navabi, Jennifer Maryland Occupational Therapy Association FAV 2025 MOTA SB 828 Senate Side.pdf JPR
Elliott, Robyn American College of Nurse Midwives -Maryland Affiliate FAV 2025 MOTA SB 828 Senate Side.pdf JPR
DuBois, Gwen Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility FAV Immigration sensitive spaces SB828.pdf JPR
Navabi, Jennifer Maryland Academy of Physician Assistants FAV 2025 MOTA SB 828 Senate Side.pdf JPR
Navabi, Jennifer Maryland Assembly on School-Based Health Care FAV 2025 MASBHC SB 828 Senate Side.pdf JPR
Rosa, Richard UNF No Testimony JPR
Navabi, Jennifer Maryland Association of School Health Nurses FAV 2025 MASHN SB 828 Senate Side.pdf JPR
Liskin, Laurie FAV Testimony in Support of SB 828-Indivisible Howard JPR
Navabi, Jennifer Maryland Community Health System FAV 2025 MCHS SB 828 Senate Side.pdf JPR
Navabi, Jennifer Maryland Dental Action Coalition FAV 2025 MDAC SB 828 Senate Side.pdf JPR
Navabi, Jennifer Moveable Feast FAV 2025 Moveable SB 828 Senate Side.pdf JPR
Wilson, Elaine Friends Meeting Of Washington FAV Virtual - Oral Testimony
WAPO letter 2-4-2025.pdf
Lopez, Eric Capital Area Immigrants' Rights (CAIR) Coalition FAV Testimony in SUPPORT of SB 828 Sensitive Locations JPR
Katz, Ariana FAV SB828_RabbiArianaKatz_JUFJ_FAV (1).pdf JPR
Sarro, Lisa Community Legal Services FAV CLS Support for SB0828 - Sensitive Locations Act.p JPR
Gaither, Mark FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Schlenker, Carol FAV Testimony in SUPPORT of SB 828.pdf JPR
Kleinman, Jan SURJ Baltimore FAV Protecting Sensitive Locations 28FEB 2025.pdf JPR
Green, Linda Life After Release FAV Testimony SB828 2025.pdf JPR
Pandey, Priya Center for Law and Social Policy FAV SENATE CLASP_Maryland Testimony .pdf JPR
Martinez, Madelin Catholic Charities FAV SB828 Testimony.pdf JPR
Allen, Luke Planned Parenthood of Maryland FAV PPM--SB 828--FAV.pdf JPR
Markey, Michelle FAV SB828_MichelleMarkey_FAV.pdf JPR
Rubin, Jeffrey FAV SB828_Jeffrey Rubin_FAV.pdf JPR
Lang, Alan UNF No Testimony JPR
Handley, John Columbia Democratic Club FAV CDC SB282.pdf JPR
Ashen, Dominique FAV Testimony in SUPPORT of SB 828.pdf JPR
Shah, Reena Maryland Access to Justice Commission FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
2025.02.28 - Sensitive Locations - SB828.pdf
Murray, Brendan FAV Testimony in SUPPORT of SB 828.pdf JPR
Drayton, Morgan Common Cause MD FAV SB 828 - Immigration Enforcement – Sensitive Locat JPR
Patinella, Frank ACLU of Maryland FAV SB 828 - Sensitive Locations - ACLU Testimony (Feb JPR
Zelaya, Michelle Maryland Catholic Conference FAV Maryland Catholic Conference_FAVSB828_.pdf JPR
Nemphos, Christina FAV SB0828 - Protecting Sensitive Locations Act.docx.p JPR
Dudzic, Matthew Office of the Comptroller FAV SB 828 - LOS.pdf JPR
Lopas, Matthew National Immigration Law Center (NILC) FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
NILC Testimony in Support of MD SB 828.pdf
Phelps Jr, Ken The Episcopal Diocese of Maryland FAV 2025 - SB 0828 - Protecting Sensitive Locations Ac JPR
Sanchez, Gabrielle Clean Water Action FAV Testimony in SUPPORT of SB 828.pdf JPR
Wenger, Katie Maryland Just Power Alliance FAV SB0828_FAV_Maryland Just Power Alliance.pdf JPR
miller, deborah JCRC of Greater Washington FAV SB 828 Immigration Enforcement - Sensitive Locatio JPR
Krone, Christine FAV SB0828_FAV_MDAAP_Immigration Enforcement - Sensiti JPR
Shillenn, Rebecca SURJ Baltimore FAV SB0828 - Protecting Sensitive Locations Act.pdf JPR
Sterling, Eric FAV SB 828 Sensitive Locations JPR EES v.1.pdf JPR
Gobel, Christian AFSCME Maryland Council 3 FAV AFSCME Council 3 SB828 Testimony_FAV.pdf JPR
Gupta, Riya Blueprint Coalition FAV BC - FAVORABLE_ Senate Bill 828.pdf JPR
Municipal Association, Prince George's County Prince George's County Municipal Association FAV pgcma Support SB828 (1).pdf JPR
Pham, Alice FAV Testimony.pdf JPR
Ramos, Odette FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Ramos SB 828 Testimony.pdf
Zellmer, Charlene Belsom FAV Testimony in SUPPORT of SB 828.pdf JPR
Paley, Leah Anne Arundel County Food Bank FAV SB 828_AACFB Testimony FAVORABLE.pdf JPR
Goyette, Barbara FAV SB828_BarbGoyette_fav.pdf JPR
Zinner, Roslyn FAV Testimony in SUPPORT of SB 828.pdf JPR
Moore, Tonaeya CASH Campaign of Maryland FAV 2.28 SB 828 - Immigration Enforcement - Sensitive JPR
Black, Maureen Children's HealthWatch FAV Immigration Protection Feb 28 2025.pdf JPR
Metalitz, Steve FAV SB 828 testimony March 2025.pdf JPR
Juberg, Arielle FAV SB0828_ArielleJuberg_FAV.pdf JPR
DeLong, Michael Montgomery County Young Democrats FAV MCYD_Sensitive Locations Testimony-Support SB 828: JPR
Ramirez-Quevedo, Marjorie FAV HBXX_FAV_Ramirez-Quevedo.pdf
Klingenmaier, Lisa Maryland Family Network FAV SB 828 - MFN - Sensitive Locations Act - FAV.pdf JPR
Sparks, Hayley FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Urbano, Morelys FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Asfaw, Senaya FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
O’Mara Vignarajah, Krish Krish O’Mara Vignarajah FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Amador, Ninfa CASA FAV CASA_FAV_SB828.docx.pdf JPR
Wolf, Stephanie Maryland Office of the Public Defender FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB828 Sensitive Loc OPD Favorable.pdf
Escobar, George CASA FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Powell, Holly Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) FAV SB0828 - Protecting Sensitive Locations Act.pdf JPR
James, Kevin FAV FAV SB828.pdf JPR
Orbe, Jr., Carlos Maryland Latinos Unidos FAV MLU Support Letter - SB828.pdf JPR
Westbrook, Viviana Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC) FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Testimony on Maryland Sensitive Locations Bill SB
Mitchell, Ellie Maryland Out of School Time Network FAV SB828_MOST_FAVORABLE.pdf JPR
Cordero, Helen IUPATDC51 FAV SB828_FAV_Giuliani.pdf
Citro, Deirdre Quaker, Patapsco Friends Meeting FAV Senate Bill 828 Sensitive Locations.pdf JPR
Fanning, Patricia Resident of Columbia, MD FAV SB828 Patricia Fanning JPR
Weisko, Alice FAV SB828 Alice Weisko JPR
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 3-4-2025 at 1041 AM JPR
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