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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB0920 - Early Childhood Development - Child Care Scholarship Program - Alterations and Study

Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs 3/15/2022 1:00:00 PM
Ways and Means 3/31/2022 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/20/2024 1:24:28 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Senator King, Senator King FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Iverson, Jennifer Prince George's Child Resource Center, Inc. FAV PGCRC-SB 0920.pdf EHE
King, Senator Nancy FAV SB920 King Sponsor Testimony.pdf EHE
Voytek, Maddy MD Chamber of Commerce FAV SB 920_MDCC_Early Childhood Development-Child Care EHE
London, Rachel Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council FAV SB920.CCSP.Council.Support.pdf EHE
Simon, Travis FAV SEIU Local 500 - SB 920 Child Care Scholarship Pro EHE
Amerikaner, Ary Maryland State Department of Education FWA SB 920 - SWA - Early Childhood Development – Child EHE
Koravos, JoAnne Montgomery County Women's Democratic Club FAV WDC Testimony SB0920-2022_FiNAL-1.pdf EHE
Morrow, Beth FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB 920_MFN_FAV_Weeldreyer.pdf
Fry, Donald Greater Baltimore Committee FAV SB0920 - 03.15.22-- Early Childhood Development -
SB0920 - 03.15.22-- Early Childhood Development -
Fry, Donald Greater Baltimore Committee FAV SB0920 - 03.15.22-- Early Childhood Development -
SB0920 - 03.15.22-- Early Childhood Development -
Macsherry, Clinton Maryland Family Network FAV SB 920_MFN_FAV_Macsherry.pdf EHE
Frey, Leslie Montgomery County FAV SB920_MoCo_Frey_SUPPORT.pdf EHE
Holleman, Martha FWA SB0920.pdf EHE
Simon, Kristi Central Maryland Chamber of Commerce FAV SB 920- Favorable.pdf EHE
Miicke , Sarah FAV FAV BJC SB920- Early Childhood Development – Child EHE
O'Day, Garrett Maryland Catholic Conference FAV MD Catholic Conference_FAV_SB 920.pdf EHE
Reyes, Ruth Carolina Arco Iris Bilingual Children's Center FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Peusch, Christina Maryland State Child Care Association FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
EHEA Committee March 15 SB 920 CC Scholarship Prog
Millard, Demaune Family League of Baltimore FAV SB920 Written Support- Child Care Scholarship.pdf EHE
Gardiner, Shamoyia Strong Schools Maryland FAV Senate Bill 920_Favorable.docx.pdf EHE
Levine, Brian Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce FAV SB0920 -- Early Childhood Development - Child Care EHE
Weeldreyer, Laura Maryland Family Network FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
SB 920_MFN_FAV_Weeldreyer.pdf
Testimony, All N/A Merged Testimony as of 3-15-2022 at 1009 AM EHE
Senator King, Senator King FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
King, Senator Nancy FAV SB920 King Sponsor House Testimony.pdf W&M
Frey, Leslie Montgomery County FAV SB920_MoCo_Frey_SUPPORT.pdf W&M
Miicke , Sarah FAV SB920 FAv as amended BJC- Early Childhood Developm W&M
O'Day, Garrett Maryland Catholic Conference FAV MD Catholic Conference_FAV_SB 920 HOUSE CROSS.pdf W&M
Ahmad, Yousuf Maryland State Department of Education FWA SB 920 - SWA - Early Childhood Development – Child W&M
Fry, Donald Greater Baltimore Committee FAV SB0920 - 03.31.22-- (Opposite) Early Childhood Dev W&M
Marrow, Beth Maryland Family Network FAV SB920 W&M
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