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As of: 9/20/2024 5:49:25 PM
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Budget and Taxation Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Sen Sydnor, et al

Historically Black Colleges and Universities - Funding
Sen Patterson

State Lottery and Gaming Control Agency - Gaming Study - Use of Gaming Proceeds
Sen Ellis

Southern Maryland Rapid Transit Project - Funding
Sen Eckardt

Income Tax - Credits for Preceptors in Areas With Health Care Workforce Shortages
Sen Rosapepe

Opportunity Zone Tax Deduction Reform Act of 2021
Sen Rosapepe

Local Tax Relief for Working Families Act of 2021
Sen Guzzone

Income Tax - Theatrical Production Tax Credit
Sens McCray and Zucker

Maryland Transit Administration - Funding (Transit Safety and Investment Act)
Sen King

Maryland Child Tax Credit
Sen Peters

Income Tax Checkoff - Maryland Veterans Trust Fund
Sen Ellis

Property Tax Exemption - Disabled Active Duty Service Members, Disabled Veterans, and Surviving Spouses - Refund

Created: 1/18/2021 3:19 PM
Budget and Taxation Committee
1:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
All bill hearings scheduled for today have been rescheduled. Please check January 26 and January 27 for new hearings. Only SB 1 has been rescheduled for January 21.
Even if you had already signed up to testify and/or upload your written testimony you will need to do so again.

Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee - Bill Hearing
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Sen Feldman

Task Force on Higher Education Students With Chronic Health Conditions
Sen Eckardt

Task Force to Study Access to Mental Health Care in Higher Education

Created: 1/6/2021 1:23 PM
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee - Bill Hearing
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Sen Feldman

Task Force on Higher Education Students With Chronic Health Conditions
Sen Eckardt

Task Force to Study Access to Mental Health Care in Higher Education

Created: 1/6/2021 1:23 PM
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee - Briefing
1:15 PM to 2:45 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Education Briefing

Created: 12/29/2020 1:35 PM
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee - Bill Hearing
2:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
3:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Sen Bailey

Public and Nonpublic Schools - Electric Retractable Room Partitions - Operation Requirements
Sen Gallion

Education – Harford County – Liability of School Bus Contractors
Sen Sydnor

Baltimore County - Board of Education - Election of Officers
Sens Young and Feldman

Education - Public and Nonpublic Schools - Seizure Action Plans (Brynleigh's Act)
Sen Bailey

St. Mary's County - Public and Nonpublic Schools - Prohibition on Possession of Tobacco Products by Minors
Sen Simonaire

Public High Schools - Health Education - Gambling Dangers and Addiction
Sen Kagan

State Department of Education and Maryland Department of Health - Maryland School-Based Health Center Standards - Telehealth
Sen Feldman

Task Force on Higher Education Students With Chronic Health Conditions
(Removed - 1/6/2021 1:18 PM)
Sen Eckardt

Task Force to Study Access to Mental Health Care in Higher Education
(Removed - 1/6/2021 1:18 PM)
Sen Hester

Public Schools - Cyber Safety Guide and Training Course - Development, Implementation, and Reporting
(Removed - 1/20/2021 12:02 PM)

Finance Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Sen Kelley

Task Force on Oral Health in Maryland
Sen Lee

Commercial Law - Personal Information Protection Act - Revisions
Chr FIN (Dept)

Financial Institutions – Commissioner of Financial Regulation – Money Transmissions
Chr FIN (Dept)

Major Information Technology Development Project Fund – Use of Funds
Sen Young

Transportation - I-270 Commuter Bus Route Study
Chr FIN (Dept)

Commissioner of Financial Regulation - Licensing of Nondepository Institutions - Elimination of Paper License Requirements
Chr FIN (Dept)

Arts and Entertainment Districts – Artistic Work and Arts and Entertainment Enterprise – Definitions
Sen Benson

Health Insurance - Out-of-Pocket Maximums and Cost-Sharing Requirements - Calculation

Created: 1/18/2021 6:11 PM
Finance Committee
1:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
All bill hearings scheduled for today have been rescheduled. Those who signed up to testify and/or uploaded written testimony will need to do so on the rescheduled date.

Created: 12/28/2020 8:59 AM
Judicial Proceedings Committee - Bill Hearing
11:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
Sens Lee and Waldstreicher

Criminal Law – Sexual Crimes – Repeal of Spousal Defense (Love Is No Defense to Sexual Crimes)
Sen Patterson, et al

Criminal Law - Second Degree Assault - Sports Official
Sen Washington

Police Officers – Mental Health – Employee Assistance Programs
Sen Kramer

Crimes – Unattended Dogs in Extreme Weather Conditions
Sen Waldstreicher

Criminal Law - Humane Society and Animal Control Officers - Education and Training Requirements
Sens Waldstreicher and McCray

Criminal Law - Assault of a Public Transportation Operator - Penalties
Sens Waldstreicher and Carter

Criminal Law - Marijuana - Possession and Possession With Intent to Distribute
Sen Hettleman

Criminal Law - Hate Crimes - Protected Groups and Penalties
Sen Hough

Firearms – Right to Purchase, Possess, and Carry – Use of Medical Cannabis
Sens Kagan and Reilly

Criminal Law - Public Safety - Interference With Agencies and Services - Prohibitions

Created: 1/4/2021 5:33 PM
Appropriations Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Lopez

Action to Collect a Private Education Loan - Required Documents
(Jointly assigned to Appropriations\Judiciary)
Del Washington

Maryland Higher Education Outreach and College Access Pilot Program - Alterations (Maryland College Access Act)
Oral testimony will be SPONSOR ONLY
Del Valentino-Smith

Task Force to Study Access to Mental Health Care in Higher Education
Del Carr

Maryland Funding Accountability and Transparency Act - Nonbudgeted State Agencies
Oral testimony will be SPONSOR ONLY
Del Guyton

State Child Welfare System - Reporting
Oral testimony will be SPONSOR ONLY
Del Lierman

Maryland Arts Capital Grant Program
Oral testimony will be SPONSOR ONLY
Del Pena-Melnyk

Task Force on Higher Education Students With Chronic Health Conditions
(Added - 1/4/2021 5:49 PM)
Del Korman

State Finance and Procurement - Appropriation Reductions (Board of Public Works Budget Reduction Clarification Act)
(Added - 1/4/2021 5:49 PM)
Del P. Young

Higher Education - Nonresident Tuition - Exemption for Spouses and Dependents of Honorably Discharged Veterans
(Removed - 1/13/2021 9:51 AM)

Created: 12/29/2020 12:08 PM
Economic Matters Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Smith

Maryland State Bank Task Force - Establishment
Del Wilson

Office of the Attorney General - Website to Report Robocalls and Other Spam Calls
Del Kerr

Financial Institutions - Abandoned Property - Notice and Records
Del Qi

Corporations and Associations – Filing Fee Study

Created: 12/22/2020 4:23 PM
Environment and Transportation Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Turner

Zoning - Environmental Justice Considerations
Del Love

Water Pollution Control – Intervention in Civil Actions – Rights and Authority
Del Stewart

Environment – Application of Coal Tar Pavement Products – Prohibitions (Safer Sealant Act of 2021)
Del W. Fisher, et al

Constitutional Amendment - Environmental Rights
Del Stein

Environment - Water Quality Revolving Loan Fund - Use of Fund
Del Henson

Environment - Mold Inspections - Standards, Reporting, and Penalties
Del Boyce

Unlawful Taking of Oysters From Submerged Land Leases, Aquaculture Leases, and Water Column Leases – Penalties
Del Cardin

Agriculture – License to Produce Hemp – Limitation
Del Love

Environmental Justice - At-Risk Communities and Environmental Permits - Requirements
(Removed - 12/29/2020 3:23 PM)

Environment Subcommittee - (Environment and Transportation Committee)
Created: 1/19/2021 3:32 PM
Environment Subcommittee - Work Session
3:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Exact time of this subcommittee meeting will be announced after bill hearings are complete.

Created: 12/23/2020 4:47 PM
Health and Government Operations Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Final Bill Order Below
Del K. Young

Pharmacists - Administration of Self-Administered Medications and Maintenance Injectable Medications
Del K. Young

Cancer Drugs – Physician Dispensing and Coverage
Del P. Young

Health Insurance - Out-of-Pocket Maximums and Cost-Sharing Requirements - Calculation
Del Sample-Hughes

State Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists - Maryland Music Therapists Act

Created: 12/23/2020 9:47 AM
Judiciary Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Cardin

Courts - Prohibited Indemnity and Defense Liability Agreements
Del Proctor

Public Safety – Task Force on Missing Persons
Del W. Fisher

Courts - Jury Service - Disqualification
Del Charles

Courts – Improperly Summoning a Police Officer – Civil Liability

Created: 12/22/2020 4:53 PM
Ways and Means Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Lopez

Special Education - Judicial Actions - Attorney's Fees and Related Costs
(Jointly assigned to Ways and Means\Judiciary)
Del Anderton

County Boards of Education - Student Transportation - Vehicles
The bill hearing for HB0072 will be sponsor only as a reintroduced bill identical to what was passed by the House last session.
Del Wilson

Education - Health and Safety of Students - Notification of Problematic Student Behavior
Del Wilson

Education - Child Abuse and Sexual Misconduct Prevention - Hiring Emergent Employees
The bill hearing for HB0373 will be sponsor only as a reintroduced bill identical to what was passed by the House last session.
Del Kerr

Education - Public and Nonpublic Schools - Seizure Action Plans (Brynleigh's Act)
(Jointly assigned to Ways and Means\Health and Government Operations)
Dels Solomon and Rosenberg

Education - High School Graduation Requirements - Application
Del Grammer

Baltimore County - Career Exploration and Development Activities in Public High Schools - Prohibiting a Ban or Regulation of Sale of Coffee
Del Washington

State Department of Education - School Discipline - Data Collection
The bill hearing for HB0171 will be sponsor only as a reintroduced bill identical to what was passed by the House last session.
Del Ebersole

Baltimore County – Board of Education – Election of Officers
Del Ebersole

State Department of Education - Early Literacy and Dyslexia Practices - Guidance and Assistance
The bill hearing for HB0237 will be sponsor only as a reintroduced bill almost identical to what was passed by the House last session
Del Smith

Maryland Longitudinal Data System - Transfer of Student Data - Modifications
The bill hearing for HB0320 will be sponsor only as a reintroduced bill identical to what was passed by the House last session.
Del Smith

Public Schools - Fees for Summer School Courses - Prohibition
The bill hearing for HB0394 will be sponsor only as a reintroduced bill identical to what was passed by the House last session.
Del Wilkins

County Boards and Public and Nonpublic Prekindergarten Programs and Schools - Discrimination - Prohibition
(Removed - 1/4/2021 12:59 PM)

Economic Future of Western Maryland, Task Force on
Created: 1/14/2021 2:44 PM
9:30 AM to 10:30 AM - Google Meet Video Conference
Meeting Video
Phone Dial-In: 617-675-4444
Access Code: 752 968 310 6758#
Discuss initial recommendations and priorities during the legislative session.

Created: 1/13/2021 4:10 PM
9:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
Organizational Overview
Alcoholic Beverage Bills
Legislative Bond Initiatives

No. 5 - Howard County
9:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
Legislative Bond Initiatives
Organizational Overview
Alcoholic Beverage Bills

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