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As of: 2/14/2025 12:48:05 PM
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Created: 1/14/2025 2:05 PM
Budget and Taxation Committee - Bill Hearing
10:30 AM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Chr B&T (Dept)

Community Health and Safety Works Grant Program and Fund - Alterations
Sen McCray

Locally Operated Transit Systems - Mandatory Funding - Inflation Adjustment (Local Transit Sustainability Act)
(Added - 1/15/2025 5:20 PM)
Sen McCray

Admissions and Amusement Tax - Food and Beverages
(Added - 1/15/2025 5:20 PM)
Sen McCray

Baltimore City - Raffles - Organizations Affiliated With a Professional Major League Baseball Team
(Added - 1/16/2025 3:42 PM)
Sen A. Washington, et al

State Finance - Prohibited Appropriations - Magnetic Levitation Transportation System
SB55 is a prior introduction. The Committee will hear from 2 proponents and 2 opponents. (Jointly assigned to Budget and Taxation\Education, Energy, and the Environment)
Chr B&T (Dept)

Land Use - Transit-Oriented Development - Alterations
(Added - 1/15/2025 5:20 PM)
Chr B&T (Dept)

Transportation - Consolidated Transportation Program - Prioritization (Transportation Investment Priorities Act of 2025)
(Added - 1/15/2025 5:20 PM)
Sen Simonaire, et al

Tax Relief and Pensions Equality for Service Members Act
(Jointly assigned to Budget and Taxation\Education, Energy, and the Environment)
(Added - 1/15/2025 5:20 PM)
Sen Hettleman

Affordable Housing Payment In Lieu of Taxes Expansion Act
(Added - 1/15/2025 5:20 PM)
Sens Hettleman and Gile

Transportation - Major Highway Capacity Expansion Projects and Impact Assessments (Transportation and Climate Alignment Act of 2025)
(Added - 1/20/2025 5:11 PM)
Sen Jackson

Property Tax Credit - Disabled or Fallen Law Enforcement Officer or Rescue Worker - Alterations
(Added - 1/15/2025 5:20 PM)
Sens Brooks and Watson

Property Tax Credit - Retail Service Station Conversions
(Added - 1/16/2025 3:42 PM)
Sen Augustine

Metro Funding Modification Act of 2025
(Added - 1/20/2025 5:11 PM)
Sen Lewis Young, et al

United States of America - National Infrastructure Bank
(Added - 1/15/2025 5:20 PM)
Sen King

Therapeutic Child Care Grant Program - Funding - Alterations
Sponsor Only
(Added - 1/16/2025 3:42 PM)
Sen Watson

Internet Gaming - Authorization and Implementation
(Added - 1/16/2025 3:42 PM)
Sen Corderman

Natural Resources - Maryland Heritage Areas Authority - Funding and Grants
(Removed - 1/21/2025 12:37 PM)
Sen Lewis Young

Office of the Comptroller and Department of Legislative Services - Maryland Business Taxes - Study
(Removed - 1/21/2025 5:40 PM)

Created: 1/15/2025 3:53 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee - Briefing
1:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Briefing on Issues in PK-12 Education and the Blueprint for Maryland's Future Agenda and Presentation

Created: 1/13/2025 3:54 PM
Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
2:30 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Sen Benson

County Boards of Education - Student Cellular Device Use Policy - Established
Sen McCray

Students With Financial Need - College Preparatory Programs - Exam Fee Prohibition
Chr Education, Energy, and the Environmen

Controlled Hazardous Substance Facility Permit - Research Facilities - Chemical Warfare Material Requirements
(Added - 1/15/2025 1:57 PM)
Sen Kramer

State Board of Education - Membership - School Principal
Sens Waldstreicher and Ready

Education - Phone-Free Schools Pilot Program - Establishment
Sens Kagan and Ready

Education - Maryland Civic Excellence Program - Established
Sen Feldman

County Boards of Education - Antibias Training for Members - Requirement (County Board Member Antibias Training Act)
Sen Watson

County Boards of Education - Student Cellular Phone Use Policy - Establishment (Maryland Phone-Free Schools Act)
(Added - 1/23/2025 12:54 PM)
Sen Simonaire

Education - High School Diploma - Veterans of Armed Conflicts
Sen Brooks

Public Schools - Restorative Practices Schools - Comprehensive Plan

Created: 1/14/2025 10:24 AM
Finance Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Sen Gile

Insurance Pooling - Public Entity - Definition
Chr FIN (Dept)

Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program – Application Year and Participation of Self–Employed Individuals
Chr FIN (Dept)

Human Services - Local Departments of Social Services - Audits
Chr FIN (Dept)

Human Services - Maryland Assistive Technology Program - Establishment
Chr FIN (Dept)

Maryland Transportation Authority - Tolls, Fees, and Other Charges - Temporary Adjustments
Sen Benson

Labor and Employment - Parental School Engagement Leave Act
Sen Lewis Young

Universal Newborn Nurse Home Visiting Services – Program Establishment and Insurance Coverage
Sen Kramer

Labor and Employment - Occupational Safety and Health - Revisions (Davis Martinez Public Employee Safety and Health Act)
Sen Lam, et al

Maryland Health Benefit Exchange – State–Based Young Adult Health Insurance Subsidies Pilot Program – Sunset Repeal
Sen Lam

Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Step Therapy, Fail-First Protocols, and Prior Authorization - Prescription to Treat Serious Mental Illness
Chr FIN (Dept)

Electronic Benefits Transfer Cards - Restoration and Receipt of Benefits and Use at Automated Teller Machines
(Removed - 1/24/2025 8:59 AM)

Created: 1/12/2025 6:29 PM
Judicial Proceedings Committee - Briefing
10:00 AM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
DLS Fiscal Briefing

Created: 1/16/2025 5:00 PM
Judicial Proceedings Committee - Bill Hearing
11:00 AM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Sens Hester and Smith

Revenge Porn - Civil Action and Criminal Offense
SB 360 is a prior introduction. The committee will hear from 2 proponents and 2 opponents.
(Added - 1/22/2025 2:28 PM)
Sens Hester and Hettleman

Forged Digital Likenesses - Distribution - Prohibition
(Added - 1/22/2025 2:28 PM)
Sen Simonaire

Government Officials' Family Protection Act of 2025
Sen Jackson

Maryland Tort Claims Act - Employees of an Office of a Sheriff
Sen Jackson

Department of State Police - Residency Requirements
(Added - 1/20/2025 1:47 PM)
Sen McCray (BCA)

Drug Paraphernalia for Administration - Decriminalization
(Added - 1/22/2025 2:28 PM)
Sen Love

Medical Debt - Complaints for Money Judgment and Real Property Liens
SB 349 is a prior intoruction. The Committee will hear from 2 proponents and 2 opponents.
(Added - 1/20/2025 1:47 PM)
Sen West

Domestic Partnership and Marriage - Required Information
Sen Smith

Public Health - Repeal of Prohibition on Transfer of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (Carlton R. Smith Act)
SB 356 is a prior introduction. The committee will hear from 2 proponents and 2 opponents.
(Added - 1/20/2025 1:47 PM)

Education and Economic Development Subcommittee - (Appropriations Committee)
Created: 1/9/2025 5:37 AM
Education and Economic Development Subcommittee - Budget Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 120, Annapolis, MD

Health and Social Services Subcommittee - (Appropriations Committee)
Created: 1/9/2025 5:37 AM
Health and Social Services Subcommittee - Budget Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 150, Annapolis, MD

Public Safety and Administration Subcommittee - (Appropriations Committee)
Created: 1/9/2025 5:37 AM
Public Safety and Administration Subcommittee - Budget Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 145, Annapolis, MD

Created: 1/16/2025 5:02 PM
Economic Matters Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 230, Annapolis, MD
Chr ECM (Dept)

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis Commission – Enforcement Activities – Memorandum of Understanding
(Added - 1/16/2025 5:05 PM)
Del Queen

State Board of Public Accountancy - Emeritus Status
Del Lehman, et al

State and Private Construction Contracts - Prompt Payment Requirements
(Jointly assigned to Economic Matters\Health and Government Operations)

Created: 1/13/2025 6:44 PM
Environment and Transportation Committee - Briefing
11:00 AM - House Office Building, Room 250, Annapolis, MD
State of the Bay Agenda and Presentations

Created: 1/8/2025 3:56 PM
Environment and Transportation Committee - Bill Hearing
2:30 PM - House Office Building, Room 250, Annapolis, MD
1:30 PM - House Office Building, Room 250, Annapolis, MD
Chr ENT (Dept)

Controlled Hazardous Substance Facility Permit - Research Facilities - Chemical Warfare Material Requirements
Chr ENT (Dept)

Environment – Reservoir Augmentation Permit – Establishment
Chr ENT (Dept)

Natural Resources - Fishing Licenses and Stamps - Alterations
Del Charkoudian

Public Safety - Food System Resiliency Council - Definitions and Reports
Del Charkoudian

Natural Resources - Food Forests and Foraging Program - Establishment
Del Boyce

Solid Waste Disposal Surcharge and Wasted Food Reduction and Diversion Fund and Grant Programs - Established

Land Use and Ethics Subcommittee - (Environment and Transportation Committee)
Created: 1/28/2025 4:26 PM
Land Use and Ethics Subcommittee - Overview
10:30 AM - Zoom / YouTube

Environment Subcommittee - (Environment and Transportation Committee)
Environment Subcommittee - Work Session
4:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube

Housing and Real Property Subcommittee - (Environment and Transportation Committee)
Created: 1/28/2025 2:04 PM
Housing and Real Property Subcommittee - Work Session
5:15 PM - Zoom / YouTube

Created: 1/15/2025 2:49 PM
Health and Government Operations Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 240, Annapolis, MD
Agenda has been updated for the bill hearing.
Del Kerr, et al

Universal Newborn Nurse Home Visiting Services - Program Establishment and Insurance Coverage
Del Harrison

Public Health - Food and Milk Product Labeling - Requirements
Del Lehman, et al

Maryland Disability Service Animal Program - Established
(Added - 1/22/2025 12:36 PM)
Del Vogel

Task Force on Loneliness and Isolation
Del Taveras, et al

Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Self-Measured Blood Pressure Monitoring
(Added - 1/22/2025 12:36 PM)
Del Charkoudian

Hospitals - Financial Assistance and Collection of Debts - Policies
Del Charkoudian

Maryland Department of Health - Forensic Review Board and Community Forensic Aftercare Program - Established
Del Bagnall, et al

Public Health - Maryland Commission on Health Equity - Advisory Committee and Hospital Reporting
(Removed - 1/24/2025 2:44 PM)

Government Operations and Health Facilities Subcommittee - (Health and Government Operations Committee)
Created: 1/23/2025 11:23 AM
Government Operations and Health Facilities Subcommittee - Work Session
11:00 AM - House Office Building, Room 240, Annapolis, MD
11:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
HBs 77,138, 181, 196, and 276
(Added - 1/28/2025 5:35 PM)
HBs 77, 106, 138, 181, 196, and 276
(Removed - 1/28/2025 5:35 PM)

Created: 1/10/2025 2:22 PM
Judiciary Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 100, Annapolis, MD
** Bill Sponsor testimony limited to 3 minutes. All others limited to 2 minutes. **
Chr JUD (Dept)

Drunk and Drug-Impaired Driving and Failure to Remain at the Scene - Revocation of Driver's License
Chr JUD (Dept)

Drunk Driving - Commercial Driver's Licenses - Disqualification From Driving
Del Chisholm, et al

Real Property - Holding Over - Expedited Hearing and Service of Summons for Active Duty Service Members
Del Valentine

Public Safety - Handgun Permits - Expiration and Renewal Periods for Retired Law Enforcement Officer
Del Addison

Real Property - Expedited Wrongful Detainer Proceedings - Property for Sale or Lease
(Removed - 1/24/2025 1:15 PM)
Del Addison

Public Safety - Gun Violence Victim Relocation Program - Establishment
(Removed - 1/29/2025 10:36 AM)

Created: 1/15/2025 3:35 PM
Ways and Means Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - House Office Building, Room 130, Annapolis, MD
Dels Korman and Atterbeary

County Boards of Education - Antibias Training for Members - Requirement (County Board Member Antibias Training Act)
Chr W&M (Dept)

Child Care Centers – Certificated Staff Ratio Requirement – Repeal
Dels Atterbeary and Fair

Primary and Secondary Education - Comprehensive Health Education Framework - Established
This bill is sponsor only, oral testimony.
Del Szeliga, et al

Education - Interscholastic and Intramural Junior Varsity and Varsity Teams - Designation Based on Sex (Fairness in Girls' Sports Act)
This bill is sponsor only, oral testimony.
Del Mireku-North, et al

Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact
This bill is sponsor only, oral testimony.
Del Mireku-North, et al

Therapeutic Child Care Grant Program - Funding - Alterations
(Jointly assigned to Ways and Means\Appropriations) This bill is sponsor only, oral testimony.
Del Grammer

County Boards of Education - Members - Publication of Contact Information
This bill is sponsor only, oral testimony.
Del Bagnall

Anne Arundel County – Public Schools – School Schedule Options
This bill is sponsor only, oral testimony.
Del Mangione

County Boards of Education - Student Cellular Phone Use Policy - Established (No Distracted Learning Act)
Del Fraser-Hidalgo

County Boards of Education - Student Cellular Phone Use Policy - Establishment
Del Forbes

Student Service Hours - Financial Literacy Course
Del Wims, et al

Adult Education - High School Diploma by Examination - Requirements and Study
Del Vogel

Education - Maryland Civic Excellence Program - Established
Del Pasteur

Public Schools - Restorative Practices Schools - Comprehensive Plan

Board of Public Works
Created: 12/5/2024 1:26 PM
10:00 AM - Virtual/In Person Meeting
To reach the livestream link click here
10 AM-Governor's Reception Room, 2nd Fl, State House, 100 State Circle, Annapolis
For participation details, please contact BPW staff at
General Meeting

Created: 1/22/2025 3:46 PM
8:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
Howard County Delegation meeting on proposed local bills and bonds.

Maryland Manufacturing Advisory Board
Created: 1/13/2025 10:54 AM
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM - Virtual/In Person Meeting
Location: 401 E. Pratt St., 17th Fl., Room 1746, Baltimore
Dial-in #: (US) +1 301-845-5234 PIN: 521 324 680#
The Board will discuss issues pertaining to the manufacturing industry in Maryland.

Western Maryland
Created: 1/21/2025 8:07 AM
8:45 AM - Zoom / YouTube
Western Maryland Delegation Meeting

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