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As of: 12/3/2024 1:44:14 PM
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Created: 1/20/2022 3:01 PM
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Sen Lam

Pharmacists – Administration of Maintenance Injectable Medications – Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections
Sen Augustine

Health Occupations – State Board of Massage Therapy Examiners – Requiring License to Practice and Other Revisions
Sen Washington

Pharmacists - Aids for the Cessation of Tobacco Product Use
(Jointly assigned to Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs\Finance)
Sen West

Health Occupations Boards – Investigations – Right to Counsel
Sen Eckardt

Certified Nursing Assistants - Licensing Requirements
Sen Jackson

Health Occupations - Service Members, Veterans, and Military Spouses - Temporary Licensure, Certification, Registration, and Permitting
Sen Lam

Dental Hygienists - Consultation Requirements - Health Care Practitioners

Created: 1/17/2022 11:03 AM
Finance Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Sen Kelley

Public Service Commission – Rate Suspension Proceedings
Sen Beidle

Public Service Commission – Reporting Requirements
Sen Beidle

Maryland Energy Administration – Resiliency Hub Grant Program and Fund
Sen Feldman

Electricity - Standard Offer Service - Renewable Energy
(Added - 1/21/2022 5:54 PM)
Sen Kramer

Electricity - Community Solar Energy Generating Systems - Generating Capacity
(Added - 1/21/2022 5:54 PM)
Sen Washington

Department of Human Services - Electric Universal Service Program - Eligibility
(Added - 1/21/2022 5:54 PM)
Sen Beidle

State Airports - Commercial Activity - Rental Vehicles and Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing
(Removed - 1/25/2022 9:20 AM)

Created: 1/10/2022 2:55 PM
Judicial Proceedings Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Sen Jackson

Criminal Procedure - Expungement - Mistaken Identity
Sen Patterson

Criminal Procedure - Expungement of Records - Expansion
Sen Kramer

Public Safety - Fire and Rescue - Veterinary Care of Retired Fire and Rescue K-9s
Sen McCray

Vehicle Theft Prevention Fund – Allocation of Grants
Sen McCray

Occupational Licenses or Certificates - Pre-application Determinations - Criminal Convictions
Sen Lee

Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission - Training Requirements - Electronic Stalking
Sen Lee

Criminal Procedure – Out of Court Statements – Child Victims
Sen Lee

Criminal Law - Sexual Crimes - Repeal of Spousal Defense
Sen Carter

Criminal Procedure - Sentencing - Primary Caretaker

Created: 1/20/2022 9:33 AM
Appropriations Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Rosenberg

Maryland Internship Opportunities Program - Creation and Income Tax Credit
(Jointly assigned to Appropriations\Ways and Means)
(Added - 1/22/2022 4:42 PM)
Del Crosby

Higher Education – St. Mary’s College of Maryland – Cost–of–Living Adjustment
Del Watson

Interagency Commission on School Construction – Systemic Renovation Projects – Eligibility
(Added - 1/22/2022 4:42 PM)
Del Bartlett

False Claims - Civil Penalties or Damages - Exceptions to General Fund Deposit by Comptroller
(Added - 1/27/2022 12:23 PM)
Del Boteler

Higher Education - Undergraduate Degree Requirement - United States History Course
(Added - 1/27/2022 12:23 PM)

Created: 1/19/2022 3:16 PM
Economic Matters Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
The Spkr (Atty Gen Ofc)

Labor and Employment - Employment Standards and Conditions - Definition of Employer
Del Luedtke

Prevailing Wage – University System of Maryland, Morgan State University, and St. Mary’s College of Maryland – Applicability
(Added - 1/24/2022 4:47 PM)
Del Smith

State Board of Cosmetology - Licensees - Supervision of Apprentices
(Added - 1/27/2022 10:38 AM)
Del Valderrama

Labor and Employment – Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program – Establishment (Time to Care Act of 2022)
(Removed - 1/25/2022 4:34 PM)
Del Pena-Melnyk, et al

Occupations and Professions - Licenses, Certificates, and Registration - Immigrants
(Removed - 1/27/2022 11:51 AM)

Created: 1/30/2022 7:16 PM
Economic Matters Committee - Voting Session
3:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Voting after bill hearings Voting List
Del Washington

Motor Vehicle Insurance - Rate Filings - Trade Secrets and Factors Used to Establish Rates
Dels Rogers and Charkoudian

Discrimination in Employment - Reasonable Accommodations for Applicants With Disabilities
Del Charkoudian

Department of Human Services - Electric Universal Service Program - Eligibility
Del Crosby

Public Service Commission - Rate Suspension Proceedings
Del Brooks

Public Service Commission - Reporting Requirements
Del Shetty

Motor Vehicle Insurance - Discrimination in Underwriting and Rating - Use of Gender
(Removed - 2/1/2022 10:47 AM)

Created: 1/13/2022 1:06 PM
Environment and Transportation Committee - Briefing
11:00 AM - House Office Building, Room 250, Annapolis, MD
11:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
Fiscal Briefing
Meeting Agenda

Created: 1/25/2022 11:49 AM
Environment and Transportation Committee - Briefing
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Briefing on the Spotted Lantern Fly Quarantine
Meeting Presentation

Briefing on the Spotted Lantern Fly Quarantine
(Added - 2/1/2022 12:21 PM)

Housing and Real Property Subcommittee - (Environment and Transportation Committee)
Created: 1/31/2022 7:53 AM
Housing and Real Property Subcommittee - Work Session
2:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube

Health and Government Operations Committee - Briefing
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Department of Legislative Services on the Minority Business Enterprise Program

Created: 1/10/2022 2:43 PM
Health and Government Operations Committee - Bill Hearing
2:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
HB0181 has been withdrawn via Sponsor
Del Boyce

State Procurement – Certification of LGBTQ Businesses
Del Harrison

State Government – Legal and Employee Holiday – Juneteenth National Independence Day
(Added - 1/18/2022 10:23 AM)
Del Amprey

Economic Justice and Racial Reconciliation Act
Del Cullison

Health Occupations - Nurse Anesthetists - Drug Authority and Collaboration
Del Cullison

Health Occupations - Licensed Direct-Entry Midwives - Previous Cesarean Section
Del Cullison

Health Occupations - Clinical Nurse Specialists - Prescribing Authority
(Added - 1/18/2022 10:23 AM)
Del Kelly

Health Occupations – Nursing – Dialysis Technicians
(Added - 1/13/2022 4:18 PM)
Del Kelly

Health Occupations – State Board of Massage Therapy Examiners – Requiring License to Practice and Other Revisions
(Added - 1/13/2022 4:18 PM)
Del Kelly

Dental Hygienists – Consultation Requirements – Health Care Practitioners
(Added - 1/13/2022 4:18 PM)
Del Hill

Declaration of Rights - Religious Freedom, Religious Tests, and Oaths and Affirmations
(Removed - 1/31/2022 12:17 PM)

Insurance and Pharmaceuticals Subcommittee - (Health and Government Operations Committee)
Created: 1/28/2022 6:53 PM
Insurance and Pharmaceuticals Subcommittee - Work Session
11:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
- HBs 106, 119, and 142

Created: 1/7/2022 3:26 PM
Judiciary Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Davis

Correctional Services - Inmate Cost-of-Living Report - Maryland Correctional Enterprises Diversity Report
(Added - 1/24/2022 6:51 PM)
Del J. Lewis

Correctional Services - Step-Down Programs - Cause of Action
Del Amprey

Rehabilitation and Education for All Prisons (REAP) Act
Del Moon, et al

Attorney General - Wrongful Convictions - Investigations
(Added - 1/14/2022 9:29 AM)
Del W. Fisher

Criminal Procedure – Expungement of Records – Expansion
Del Ruth

Criminal Law - Failure to Obey a Reasonable and Lawful Order
(Added - 1/24/2022 6:51 PM)

Created: 1/24/2022 2:34 PM
Ways and Means Committee - Briefing
12:30 PM to 1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Briefing on Local Government Finances

Created: 1/13/2022 12:20 PM
Ways and Means Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Stein

Baltimore County – Property Tax – Credit for Homeowners Who Have Suffered a Hardship
(Added - 1/19/2022 4:04 PM)
Del Parrott

Election Law - Signature Verification of Absentee Ballots and Absentee Ballot Applications and Ballot Canvassing
Del Parrott

Personal Property Tax - Depreciation of Assessed Value
Dels Crosby and D. Jones

Property Tax Exemption – Disabled Veterans
Dels Henson and Saab

Property Tax - Exemptions for Business Personal Property - Alterations
Del Kaiser

Election Law - Contested Elections
(Added - 1/19/2022 4:04 PM)
Del D. Jones

Property Tax Credit - Disabled Law Enforcement Officers and Rescue Workers - Federal Police and Criminal Investigators
(Added - 1/19/2022 4:04 PM)
Del Palakovich Carr

State Board of Elections - Contracts and Invoices - Requirements
(Added - 1/13/2022 4:26 PM)
Del Attar

Homestead Property Tax Credit Program - Retroactive Qualification and Calculation of the Credit
Del Attar

Vehicle Excise Tax - Leased Vehicles - Alteration
(Added - 1/19/2022 4:04 PM)
Del Attar

Homeowners’ Property Tax Credit – Application Filing Deadline – Extension
Del Kelly, et al

Election Law – Voter Registration Drive – High Schools
(Removed - 1/28/2022 9:55 AM)

Maryland Community Health Resources Commission
Created: 1/27/2022 8:23 AM
10:00 AM - Virtual Meeting
Meeting Video
Meeting ID: 914 1655 9430 Passcode: 164860
Dial-in Number: 301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 914 1655 9430 Passcode: 164860
Agenda and additional meeting information will be posted on the CHRC website
Regular Meeting of the Maryland Health Resources Commission

Created: 1/26/2022 2:16 PM
10:00 AM - Zoom Meeting
Education, Elections, and Housing Committee
Meeting Video
Discussion of legislation assigned to the Montgomery County House Delegation Education, Elections, and Housing Committee

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