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As of: 9/18/2024 3:32:50 PM
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Created: 3/15/2021 1:48 PM
Budget and Taxation Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
The Spkr

Gaming - Regulation of Fantasy Gaming Competitions and Implementation of Sports Wagering
Del Luedtke

Venison Donation Expenses - Income Tax Credit and Grant Program
Sponsor Only
(Added - 3/17/2021 1:06 PM)
Dels Long and Arikan

Tax Sales – Owner–Occupied Residential Property
Sponsor Only
(Added - 3/17/2021 1:06 PM)
Del Feldmark, et al

Economic Development - Job Creation Tax Credit - Qualified Position and Revitalization Area
Sponsor Only
(Added - 3/17/2021 1:06 PM)
Del Boyce

Property Tax Credit - Urban Agricultural Property - Repeal of Repayment Requirement
Sponsor Only
(Added - 3/17/2021 1:06 PM)
St. Mary's County Delegation

St. Mary’s County – Repeal of Impact Fee – Authorization of Building Excise Tax
Sponsor Only
(Added - 3/17/2021 1:06 PM)
Del Hill

Homeowners' Property Tax Credit - Eligibility of Surviving Family Member
Sponsor Only
(Added - 3/17/2021 1:06 PM)
Del Shoemaker

State Agricultural Land Transfer Tax – Application of Nonagricultural Use Reduction and Exemption
Sponsor Only
(Added - 3/17/2021 1:06 PM)
Del Kaiser

Maryland Tax Credit Evaluation Act – Alterations
Sponsor Only
(Added - 3/17/2021 1:06 PM)

Budget and Taxation Committee
3:00 PM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD
Capital Budget Subcommittee reports its budget decisions to Full Committee and committee vote on HB590

Capital Budget Subcommittee - (Budget and Taxation Committee)
Created: 3/22/2021 2:03 PM
Capital Budget Subcommittee
Wednesday, March 24, 2021 1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
3:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube

Created: 3/24/2021 7:18 PM
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee - Voting Session
9:00 AM - West Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
The Spkr

Blueprint for Maryland's Future - Revisions
(Jointly assigned to Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs\Budget and Taxation)

Created: 3/18/2021 2:52 PM
Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Guyton

Election Law - Accommodations for Voters in Need of Assistance
Del Guyton

Family Child Care Homes, Large Family Child Care Homes, and Child Care Centers - Early Childhood Screening and Assistance
Del Boyce

Election Law – Party and Elected Public Offices – Prohibitions
Del Rosenberg

Election Law – Foreign Manufacture of Election Systems – Notification and Termination of Contract
Del Wilson

Education - Child Abuse and Sexual Misconduct Prevention - Hiring Emergent Employees
Del Harrison

State Government - Legal and Employee Holiday - Juneteenth National Freedom Day
Sponsor testimony only.
(Added - 3/24/2021 9:12 AM)
Del Solomon

Primary and Secondary Education – School District Energy Use – Policy and Study
Del Crosby

Election Law - Early Voting Centers - Bus Stops
Chr W&M (Dept)

Election Law - Certificates of Candidacy and Ballot Questions - Revisions
Del Luedtke

Election Law - Early Voting Centers
Sponsor only testimony
(Added - 3/23/2021 2:58 PM)
Del Ebersole

State Department of Education - Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Project - Study and Report

Created: 3/24/2021 12:18 PM
Finance Committee - Bill Hearing
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Charkoudian

Unemployment - Insurance Revisions and Special Enrollment Period for Health Benefits

Created: 3/24/2021 4:25 PM
Finance Committee - Voting Session
1:30 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 3, Annapolis, MD

Created: 3/9/2021 2:50 PM
Judicial Proceedings Committee - Bill Hearing
Wednesday, March 24, 2021 1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Del Stewart

Landlord and Tenant - Residential Leases - Tenant Rights and Protections (Tenant Protection Act of 2021)
(Added - 3/16/2021 2:09 PM)
Del Clippinger

Juveniles - Sexting
(Added - 3/16/2021 2:09 PM)
Del Dumais

Corporations and Real Estate Investment Trusts – Miscellaneous
Del Qi

State Department of Assessments and Taxation – Lists of Business Entities Not Filing Annual Report
Sen Augustine

Domestic Terrorism Task Force
(Added - 3/15/2021 1:26 PM)
Sen Eckardt

Local Government Tort Claims Act - Cambridge Waterfront Development, Inc.
(Added - 3/15/2021 1:26 PM)

Created: 3/25/2021 12:01 PM
Judicial Proceedings Committee - Work Session
2:00 PM - East Miller Senate Building, Room 2, Annapolis, MD
Police Reform

Created: 3/25/2021 10:34 AM
Appropriations Committee - Voting Session
12:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube

Created: 3/16/2021 10:55 AM
Economic Matters Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Chr FIN (Dept)

Private Passenger Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance - Notices - Alteration of Requirements
Chr FIN (Dept)

Maryland Insurance Administration - Delivery of Notices and Other Communications by Electronic Means

Business Regulation Subcommittee - (Economic Matters Committee)
Created: 3/25/2021 9:58 AM
Business Regulation Subcommittee - Work Session
10:30 AM - Zoom / YouTube
Immediately after the floor session

Created: 3/12/2021 2:33 PM
Environment and Transportation Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Chr JPR (Dept)

Motor Vehicle Offenses – Following Too Closely – Unified Truck Travel
Sen Edwards, et al

Public Ethics - Officials and Employees - Acceptance of Gifts and Prohibited Retaliation
Chr FIN (Dept)

Transportation-Related Property - Prohibited Acts and Enforcement
Sen McCray

Maryland Transit Administration – Reduced Fare Program for Opioid Treatment Program Patients – Program Requirements

Created: 3/17/2021 6:16 PM
Health and Government Operations Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Please note that the House will not hold hearings on identically crossfilled bills, per guidance listed on the homepage of the MGA website. SB 84, 120, and 298 will be sponsor only. Final bill order below.
Sens Young and Waldstreicher

Pharmacists – Administration of Self–Administered Medications and Maintenance Injectable Medications
(Added - 3/22/2021 4:14 PM)
Sen West

State Board of Social Work Examiners – Temporary License to Practice Social Work
Sen Reilly

State Board of Pharmacy – Pharmacy Closure – Notice to Customers (The Dennis Robin Act)
Chr FIN (Dept)

Insurance - Credit for Reinsurance Model Law - Revisions
Sen Griffith, et al

Preserve Telehealth Access Act of 2021
(Removed - 3/20/2021 4:05 PM)
Sen Eckardt

Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Psychiatrist and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Telemedicine Reimbursement - Sunset Termination
(Removed - 3/20/2021 4:05 PM)
Sen Augustine

State Board of Examiners for Audiologists, Hearing Aid Dispensers, and Speech-Language Pathologists - Maryland Music Therapists Act
(Removed - 3/20/2021 4:05 PM)
Sen Beidle

Health Care Facilities - Assisted Living Programs - Regulations
(Removed - 3/20/2021 4:05 PM)
Sen Kagan

State Department of Education and Maryland Department of Health - Maryland School-Based Health Center Standards - Telehealth
(Removed - 3/20/2021 4:05 PM)
Sen Kelley

Health Facilities - Residential Service Agencies - Guidance and Reporting
(Removed - 3/20/2021 4:05 PM)
Sen Lam

Prohibition on Vending Machine Sales of Drugs and Medicines - Repeal
(Removed - 3/20/2021 4:05 PM)
Sens Lam and Hettleman

Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact
(Removed - 3/20/2021 4:05 PM)
Sen Kelley, et al

Division of Consumer Protection - Assisted Living Programs
(Removed - 3/20/2021 4:05 PM)
Sen Augustine, et al

Maryland Insurance Commissioner – Specialty Mental Health Services and Payment of Claims – Enforcement
(Removed - 3/20/2021 4:05 PM)
Sen Klausmeier

Public Health - Long-Term Care Planning
(Removed - 3/20/2021 4:05 PM)

Health Occupations and Long-Term Care Subcommittee - (Health and Government Operations Committee)
Created: 3/22/2021 4:05 PM
Health Occupations and Long-Term Care Subcommittee - Work Session
11:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
- HB 652, HB 708, HB 1030, SB 125, and SB 247
(Added - 3/24/2021 3:04 PM)
- HB 652, SB 82, and SB 125
(Removed - 3/24/2021 9:22 AM)
- HB 652, HB 708, HB 1030, SB 82, SB 125, and SB 247
(Removed - 3/24/2021 3:04 PM)

Created: 3/12/2021 5:48 PM
Judiciary Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Per the Opposite Chamber Bill Hearing Guidelines: All committees in the House of Delegates will not hold hearings on identically crossfiles bills. Bills with significant changes and non-crossfiled legislaton will generally have sponsor only hearings but may not add witnesses at thr discretion of the Chair. The bills listed below will receive hearings with witnesses added and the selected witnesses will receive a Zoom link to attend the hearing.
Sens Smith and West

Maryland Police Accountability Act of 2021 - Surplus Military Equipment
Sen Smith

Maryland Police Accountability Act of 2021 - Office of the State Prosecutor - Investigation and Prosecution of Deaths Caused by Police Officers
Sen Carter

Maryland Police Accountability Act of 2021 - Personnel Records - Investigations of Law Enforcement Officers (Anton's Law)
Sen Carter

Maryland Police Accountability Act of 2021 - Search Warrants
Sen Carter

Maryland Police Accountability Act of 2021 - Law Enforcement Officers - Use of Force, Reporting, and Whistleblower Protections
Sen Carter

Maryland Police Accountability Act of 2021 - Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights - Repeal and Procedures for Discipline
Sen Sydnor, et al

Maryland Police Accountability Act of 2021 - Body-Worn Cameras
Sen Washington, et al

Maryland Police Accountability Act of 2021 - Employee Assistance Programs and Early Intervention Programs
Sen McCray (BCA)

Maryland Police Accountability Act of 2021 - Baltimore City - Control of the Police Department of Baltimore City

Created: 3/1/2021 2:37 PM
Ways and Means Committee - Bill Hearing
1:30 PM - Zoom / YouTube
All hearings on Senate Bills are Sponsor Only.
Sen Ferguson

Digital Advertising Gross Revenues Tax and Tobacco Tax - Alterations and Implementation
(Added - 3/9/2021 11:51 AM)
Sen Eckardt

Income Tax - Credits for Preceptors in Areas With Health Care Workforce Shortages - Eligibility and Sunset Repeal
Sen Eckardt

Income Tax - Credits for Preceptors in Areas With Health Care Workforce Shortages
Sen Gallion, et al

Cecil County - Sales and Use Tax Exemption - Federal Facilities Redevelopment Areas
Sen Zucker

Income Tax Distribution – Tax Clinics for Low–Income Marylanders
Sen Simonaire

Sales and Use Tax - Tax-Free Period for Back-to-School Shopping - Sale of Sewing Items
Chr B&T (Dept)

Economic Development – Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credit Program – Alterations
Chr B&T (Dept)

Economic Development – Cybersecurity Investment Incentive Tax Credit Program – Expansion and Extension
Chr B&T (Dept)

Economic Development – Job Creation Tax Credit – Credit for Hiring Veterans
Sen Young, et al

Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Living Organ Donors
(Removed - 3/22/2021 9:34 AM)
Sen Guzzone

Sales and Use Tax – Vendor Collection Credit – Job Training
(Removed - 3/22/2021 9:34 AM)
Sens McCray and Elfreth

Board of Revenue Estimates and Bureau of Revenue Estimates - Organization and Operations
(Removed - 3/22/2021 9:34 AM)
Sen Edwards

Historic Revitalization Tax Credit – Certified Historic Structure and Single–Family, Owner–Occupied Residence – Definitions
(Removed - 3/22/2021 9:34 AM)
Sen Guzzone

Horse Racing - Maryland-Bred Race Fund - Advisory Committee Membership and Registration of Horses
(Removed - 3/22/2021 9:34 AM)
Sen Guzzone

Income Tax Credit – Wineries and Vineyards – Sunset Extension
(Removed - 3/22/2021 9:34 AM)
Sen Guzzone

Income Tax Credit – Food Donation Pilot Program – Extension
(Removed - 3/22/2021 9:34 AM)
Sens Zucker and Elfreth

Bureau of Revenue Estimates - Tax Incidence Study - Scope and Intergovernmental Assistance
(Removed - 3/22/2021 9:34 AM)
Sen Edwards

Task Force on the Economic Future of Western Maryland - Extension of Report Deadline and Task Force
(Removed - 3/22/2021 9:34 AM)

Local Revenues Subcommittee - (Ways and Means Committee)
Created: 3/25/2021 7:25 AM
Local Revenues Subcommittee - Voting Session
1:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Chr B&T (Dept)

Tax Sales – Redemption – Nondelinquent Taxes
Sen McCray

Department of Assessments and Taxation - Identification Number for Business - Task Force
Sen Zucker, et al

Property Tax - Homeowners' Property Tax Credit - Calculation and Refunds
Wicomico County Senators

Wicomico County - Property Tax Credit - Hotel or Residential Development

Revenues Subcommittee - (Ways and Means Committee)
Created: 3/23/2021 12:14 PM
Revenues Subcommittee - Work Session
3:00 PM - Zoom / YouTube
Work session will be held immediately after the Committee Bill Hearings. All Bills will be discussion only.

9:00 AM - Zoom / YouTube
Weekly Meeting of the Harford County House Delegation.

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