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Senator Katherine Klausmeier

Klausmeier, Katherine
Committee Assignment(s)
Annapolis Info
123 James Senate Office Building
11 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone 410-841-3620 | 301-858-3620
Toll-free in MD 1-800-492-7122 ext. 3620
Fax 410-841-3085
Interim Info
4100 Walter Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21236
Phone 410-256-1353
District 8
Klausmeier, Katherine
First elected to the Senate in 2002. Member of the Senate since 2003.
Current Assignments
2019 President Pro Tem
2003- Finance Committee
2007- Executive Nominations Committee
2007 Rules Committee (Chair, 2018)
2015 Joint Committee on Behavioral Health and Opioid Use Disorders (Senate Chair, 2019)
2011- Senate Chair, Workers’ Compensation Benefit and Insurance Oversight Committee
2017 Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics
1995- Women Legislators of Maryland
2015 Maryland Veterans Caucus (Legislative Review)
Past Senate Service
Deputy Majority Leader, 2015-2019; Transportation Subcommittee of the Finance Committee, 2013-2015; Property and Casualty Subcommittee of the Finance Committee, 2015-2017; Joint Committee on Base Realignment and Closure, 2008-2011; Joint Committee on Welfare Reform, 2009-2010; Joint Committee on the Selection of the State Treasurer, 2007; Joint Committee on Protocol, 2007-2019; Assistant Deputy Majority Whip, 2003-2006; Finance Committee, 2003; Division of Labor and Industry Sunset Evaluation Work Group of the Finance Committee, 2003; Joint Committee on Transparency and Open Government, 2011-2014; Joint Electric Universal Service Program (EUSP) Workgroup, Chair, 2012-2014; Chair, Senate Select Committee No.4, Baltimore County, 2011-2016.
Past House Service 1995-2003
Environmental Matters Committee, 1995-2003; Health Subcommittee of the Environmental Matters Committee, 1999-2003; Agriculture, Environment, and Natural Resources Subcommittee of the Environmental Matters Committee, 2002-2003; Public Utilities Subcommittee of the Environmental Matters Committee, 1999-2002; Environmental and Natural Resources Subcommittee of the Environmental Matters Committee, 1995-1999.
Public Service
School Safety Subcabinet Advisory Board, 2018-; Maryland Manufacturing Advisory Board, 2017-; Governor's Workforce Investment Board, 2011-; Co-Chair, Task Force on the Membership and Operation of the Baltimore County Board of Education, 2011; Chair, Commission on the Establishment of a Maryland Women in Military Service Monument, 2010-2014, 2006-2008; Task Force to Study How to Improve Financial Literacy in the State, 2008-2010; Maryland Commission on Autism, 2009-2012; Small Business Task Force, 2009; Economic Development, Transportation and Cultural Affairs Committee, Southern Legislative Conference, 2008-; Transportation Committee, National Conference of State Legislatures, 2007-; Joint Legislative Task Force on Small-Group Market Health Insurance, 2005-2007; Energy and Electric Utilities Committee, National Conference of State Legislatures, 2003-2007; Aquaculture Coordinating Council, 2006-; Agricultural Stewardship Commission, 2005-2006; Senate Special Commission on Electric Utility Deregulation Implementation, 2005-2006; Oversight Committee on Quality of Care in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities, 2005-; Oversight Committee on Quality of Care in Nursing Homes, 2000-2005; Co-Chair, Financial Education & Capability Commission, 2012-; Chair, Task Force to Study the Economic Development of the Maryland Seafood and Aquaculture Industries: Seafood Industry Workgroup, 2002-2004; Nutrient Management Advisory Committee, 1998-2004; Maryland Advisory Commission on Manufacturing Competitiveness, 2003-2017; Innovations in Aging Services Advisory Council, 2003; Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities, 2001-2002; Task Force on Quality of Care in Nursing Facilities, 1999; Task Force to Study Retail Electric Competition and the Restructuring of the Electric Utility Industry, 1997-1998; Maryland Recycling Advisory Group, 1995-1997; State Council on Cancer Control, 1995-1996; Sound Barrier Review Panel, 1995-1996; Chair, Elected vs. Appointed School Board Task Force, Baltimore County, 1993; Election Judge, Baltimore County, 1992, 1990.
Maryland Military Installation Caucus, 2017-; Chesapeake Conservation Corps Program Board, 2010-; Maryland Alliance for Responsible Gambling, 2010-; Charles H. Hickey, Jr., School Advisory Board, 2005-; Maryland Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus, 2003-; Board of Directors, Maryland School for the Blind, 1995-; Gunpowder Elementary School PTA, (President, Legislative Representative, Member, School and Business Partnership Committee), 1991-1994, 1987-1989; Vice President, Commission for Women, Baltimore County (Vice President), 1991-1993; League of Women Voters, Baltimore County (Education Chair), 1991-1992; Child Life Council of America; Association for the Care of Children's Health; Eastern Baltimore Area Chamber of Commerce; Perry Hall and White Marsh Business Association; Honorary Life Membership, Maryland Parent Teacher Association (PTA).
First Citizen Award, Maryland Senate, 2017; Legislator of the Year, Mental Health Association of Maryland, 2017; Maryland's Top 100 Women, The Daily Record, 2015; Recognition Award, Maryland Association of Counties, 2015; State Senate, House of Delegates, Baltimore County Council Commendation for outstanding work as President, Gunpowder Elementary School PTA.
Biographical Information
Born, Baltimore, Maryland, February 22, 1950; The Catholic High School of Baltimore, 1968; Essex Community College, A.A., General Studies, 1971; Towson State University; Former Administrator, Human Resources Department, St. Joseph Medical Center; Developed the Child Life Department at St. Joseph Hospital; Married, Two daughters.
Last Updated: 10/25/2019 10:30 AM
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