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Senate Proceedings No. 17

Senate Proceedings No. 17


Convened 11:12 A.M., FEBRUARY 1, 2013


Attendance Quorum: 43


Introductory Bills

SB 539 - SB 591 First Reading

Laid Over Bills

SB 8
Favorable with Amendments {867177/1
Committee Amendment Adopted
Motion Special Order until 2/5 (Senator Brochin) Rejected (21-22)
Favorable with Amendments Adopted (31-12)
Motion Special Order until 2/5 (Senator Middleton) Adopted

Committee Report #1 Senate Rules

SB 283
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 284
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed

Special Order Calendar

Executive Nominations Committee Report #1 with the exception of nominee #16 and #17 Adopted (43-0)

Nominee #16 Adopted (43-0)
Nominee #17
Motion Special Order until 2/15 (Senator Ramirez) Adopted


Quorum: 43

Recessed 12:35 p.m., until Feb 4, 2013 at 8:00 P.M.

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