Floor Actions
Senate Proceedings No. 32
Agenda |
Convened 7:59 P.M., FEBRUARY 25, 2013
Attendance Quorum: 47
Resolution for River Hill High School Varsity Boys Football Team for
winning the 2012 football Maryland 3A State Title for the
4th time Adopted (46-0)
Resolution for the Tuskegee Airmen in recognition of your service and
committment to protect America by serving in the Army Air
Corps during WWII Adopted (46-0)
Resolution for Corporals Franklin Beaird, Lee Douglas, William Lane,
Private William Foreman, and Private First Class Howard
Williams for having earned the Congressional Gold Medal
Adopted (46-0)
Presentation by Message of Hope Choir
Tribute to Maryland's Fallen Heroes
Committee Report #9 Finance
Special Order Calendar
Executive Nominations Committee Report #4 Nominee No. 29 Adopted
Quorum: 46
Third Reading Calendar (Senate Bills) #19
Introductory Bills
- SB 1023 - SB 1027 First Reading
Message from the House - First Reading House Bills #6
- HB 1
- Referred Judicial Proceedings
- HB 70
- Referred Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- HB 99
- Referred Finance
- HB 103
- Referred Budget and Taxation
- HB 206
- Referred Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- HB 226
- Referred Finance
- HB 262
- Referred Judicial Proceedings
- HB 312
- Referred Finance
- HB 346
- Referred Judicial Proceedings
- HB 359
- Referred Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- HB 425
- Referred Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- HB 494
- Referred Budget and Taxation
Laid Over Bills
Committee Report #6 Budget and Taxation
- SB 318
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- SB 429
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- SB 751
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Quorum: 46
Third Reading Calendar (Senate Bills) #20
Special Order Calendar
- SB 182
- Favorable with Amendments {458573/1
- Committee Amendment Adopted
- Favorable with Amendments Rejected (22-23)
- Committee Amendment Adopted
Committee Report #7 Judicial Proceedings
- SB 281
- Favorable with Amendments {628575/1
- Motion Laid Over (Senator Frosh) Adopted
- SB 276
- Favorable with Amendments {258274/1
- Motion Special Order until 2/27 (Senator Frosh) Adopted
- Motion Special Order until 2/27 (Senator Frosh) Adopted
Quorum: 46
Adjourned 10:04 p.m., until Feb 26, 2013 at 10:00 A.M.
Agenda |
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