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Senate Proceedings No. 33

Senate Proceedings No. 33


Convened 10:11 A.M., FEBRUARY 26, 2013


Attendance Quorum: 46


Introductory Bills

SB 1028 - SB 1029 First Reading

Laid Over Bills

SB 281
Favorable with Amendments {628575/1

Committee Report #11 Education Health and Environmental Affairs

SB 289
Motion Recommit to Committee (Senator Conway) Adopted
SB 464
Favorable with Amendments {124736/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 586
Favorable with Amendments {234738/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments

Committee Report #12 Education Health and Environmental Affairs

SB 18
Favorable with Amendments {764038/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 304
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 424
Favorable with Amendments {284730/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 526
Favorable with Amendments {204038/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 671
Favorable with Amendments {654331/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments

Committee Report #13 Education Health and Environmental Affairs

SB 31
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
SB 35
Favorable with Amendments {174435/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 49
Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed

Quorum: 46

Third Reading Calendar (Senate Bills) #21

SB 234
Third Reading Passed (46-0)
SB 375
Third Reading Passed (46-0)


SB 182
Motion Reconsider Second Reading (Senator Madaleno) Adopted
Motion Recommit to Committee (Senator Madaleno) Adopted


Quorum: 46

Adjourned 1:04 p.m., until Feb 27, 2013 at 8:00 A.M.

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