Floor Actions
House Proceedings No. 72
Agenda |
Convened 11:12 P.M., Legislative Day 4/09/16, Calendar Day 4/11/16
Adjourned Sine Die - Journalized
Quorum: 137
Quorum: 139
Third Reading Calendar (Senate Bills) #74
Third Reading Calendar (Senate Bills) #60
Third Reading Calendar (Senate Bills) #75
Message from the Senate - Concurrence Calendar #25
Message from the Senate - Concurrence Calendar #20
Conference Committee Report
- HB 36
- Conference Committee Report {473325/1 Adopted
- Motion Special Order until later today (Delegate Busch) Adopted
Special Order Calendar
Conference Committee Report
Quorum: 139
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #93
Conference Committee Report
Message from the Senate - Concurrence Calendar #26
Committee Report #28 Ways and Means
- SB 249
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Message from the Senate - Concurrence Calendar #27
Conference Committee Report
Committee Report #27 Ways and Means
- SB 120
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- Motion Rules Suspended two readings same day (Delegate Kaiser) Adopted (136-0)
- Third Reading Passed (134-2)
- SB 337
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- Motion Rules Suspended two readings same day (Delegate Kaiser) Adopted (134-1)
- Third Reading Passed (103-35)
- SB 757
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- Motion Rules Suspended two readings same day (Delegate Kaiser) Adopted (138-0)
- Third Reading Passed (138-0)
Message from the Senate - Yeas & Nays #18
- HB 217
- Returned Passed
- HB 413
- Returned Passed
- HB 741
- Returned Passed
- HB 771
- Returned Passed
- HB 833
- Returned Passed
- HB 1344
- Returned Passed
- HB 1458
- Returned Passed
- HB 1624
- Returned Passed
- HB 1634
- Returned Passed
Quorum: 130
Adjourned Sine Die
Agenda |
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