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Senate Proceedings No. 52

Senate Proceedings No. 52


Convened 10:10 A.M., Legislative Day 3/23/16, Calendar Day 3/25/16

Adjourned 11:56 a.m., until Mar 28, 2016 at 8:00 P.M. (Legislative Day 3/24) - Journalized


Attendance Quorum: 45


Resolution: Karl Aro for 37 years of dedicated service to the

Maryland General Assembly and Director of Legislative
Services for 19 years Adopted (44-0)

Maryland Day Address given by Senator Waugh

Quorum: 44

Third Reading Calendar (Senate Bills) #64

SB 537
Third Reading Passed (44-0)
SB 1001
Third Reading Passed (44-0)
SB 1058
Third Reading Passed (43-0)
SB 1081
Third Reading Passed (44-0)
SB 1109
Third Reading Passed (44-0)
SB 1116
Third Reading Passed (44-0)
SB 1128
Third Reading Passed (44-0)

Third Reading Calendar (Senate Bills) #65

SB 311
Third Reading Passed (44-0)
SB 481
Third Reading Passed (32-13)
SB 540
Third Reading Passed (45-0)
SB 560
Third Reading Passed (45-0)
SB 620
Third Reading Passed (44-0)
SB 839
Third Reading Passed (45-0)
SB 1094
Third Reading Passed (45-0)
SB 1120
Third Reading Passed (45-0)

Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #2

HB 84
Third Reading Passed (44-0)
HB 202
Third Reading Passed (45-0)
HB 484
Third Reading Passed (45-0)

Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #3

HB 368
Third Reading Passed (44-0)

Laid Over Bills #13

SB 389
Favorable with Amendments {179332/1
Motion Rejected Committee Amendment (Senator Ready) Rejected (16-29)
Committee Amendment Adopted (29-16)
Floor Committee Amendment (Budget and Taxation) {709631/1 Adopted
Favorable with Amendments Adopted Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 1007
Favorable with Amendments {759237/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments

Committee Report #41 Education Health and Environmental Affairs

SB 605
Favorable with Amendments {854236/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 869
Favorable with Amendments {764835/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 928
Favorable with Amendments {984633/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
SB 1126
Favorable with Amendments {444937/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments

Resolution: Lynne B. Porter for 31 years of dedicated and exemplary

service to the Maryland General Assembly and the
Department of Legislative Services, 29 years as the
Senate Reading Clerk Adopted (45-0)

Committee Report #27 Finance

SB 784
Favorable with Amendments {677771/1
Motion Laid Over (Senator Ramirez) Adopted

Committee Report #18 Judicial Proceedings

SB 945
Favorable with Amendments {468078/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments

Committee Report #19 Budget and Taxation

HB 120
Favorable with Amendments {429434/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 127
Favorable with Amendments {789935/1 Adopted
Second Reading Passed with Amendments

Special Order Calendar #39

SB 973
Floor Amendment (Senator Jennings) {393827/1
Motion Special Order until 3/28 (Senator Conway) Adopted

Executive Nominations Committee Report #5 with the exception of nominee #72,73,74 Adopted (44-0)

Nominees #72,#73,#74 Rejected (12-31)


Quorum: 45

Adjourned 11:56 a.m., until Mar 28, 2016 at 8:00 P.M. (Legislative Day 3/24)
in honor of Officer Colson and his Family


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Explanation of Floor Motions and Actions

March 29, 2016 1:09 P.M.
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