Floor Actions
Senate Proceedings No. 61A
Agenda |
Reconvened 3:46 P.M., Legislative Day 4/01/16, Calendar Day 4/07/16
Adjourned 6:43 p.m., until Apr 8, 2016 at 10:00 A.M. (Legislative Day 04/02) - Journalized
Attendance Quorum: 46
Message from the House - First Reading House Bills #37
- HB 1167
- Referred Senate Rules
- HB 1168
- Referred Senate Rules
- HB 1261
- Referred Senate Rules
- HB 1537
- Referred Senate Rules
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #41
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #42
Consent Calendar #26
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #43
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #44
Consent Calendar #27
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #45
Consent Calendar #28
Executive Nominations Committee Report #7 with the exception of nominee #7 Adopted (42-0)
nominee #7 Adopted (31-15)
Committee Report #47 Finance
- HB 557
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 676
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #48 Finance
Consent Calendar #68
- HB 886
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 981
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1247
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1411
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #39 Budget and Taxation
- HB 385
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 452
- Favorable with Amendments {679437/1 Adopted
- Floor Amendment (Senator Rosapepe) {903223/1 Rejected (7-37)
- Floor Amendment (Senator Raskin) {333128/1 Rejected (10-35)
- Second Reading Passed with Amendments
- HB 722
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1015
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #31 Judicial Proceedings
- HB 166
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 177
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 359
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1371
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #32 Judicial Proceedings
- HB 58
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 472
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1059
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1182
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1461
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #68 Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- HB 632
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 654
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 655
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1020
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1029
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1064
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #69 Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- HB 969
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1069
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1073
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1074
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1076
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1135
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1311
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #70 Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- HB 733
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 739
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1316
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #71 Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- HB 91
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 365
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 460
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 610
- Favorable
- Motion Special Order until later today (Senator Serafini) Adopted
- HB 1476
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Committee Report #72 Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- HB 133
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 318
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 558
- Favorable
- Motion Special Order until 4/9 (Senator Ferguson) Adopted
- HB 671
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1123
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1128
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
- HB 1138
- Favorable Adopted Second Reading Passed
Special Order Calendar #51
Message from the House - Concurrence Calendar #20
- SB 587
- House Refuses to Recede
- Senate Refuses to Concur - House Amendments
- Senate Requests House Recede
- Senate Conference Committee Appointed - (Senators Young, Simonaire, and Rosapepe)
Special Order Calendar
- HB 610
- Motion Special Order until 4/8 (Senator Serafini) Adopted
Special Order Calendar #50
- HB 870
- Floor Amendment (Senator Conway) {123622/1 Adopted
- Third Reading Passed with Amendments (45-0)
- HB 637
- Floor Amendment (Senator Conway) {293525/1 Withdrawn
- Motion Special Order until 4/8 (Senator Conway) Adopted (25-20)
Committee Report #73 Education Health and Environmental Affairs
- SB 1005
- House Refuses to Recede
- House Conference Committee Appointed - (Delegates Dumais, Hammen, Barron, Vallario, and West)
Special Order Calendar
- SB 350
- Favorable with Amendments {424334/1
- Committee Amendment Adopted
- Favorable with Amendments Rejected (21-24)
Quorum: 45
Adjourned 6:43 p.m., until Apr 8, 2016 at 10:00 A.M. (Legislative Day 04/02)
Agenda |
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Explanation of Floor Motions and Actions |
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