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2012 Regular Session


File Code: Financial Institutions
Sponsored By:
Delegates Gutierrez, Bobo, Carr, Cullison, Feldman, Frush, Howard, Hucker, A. Kelly, and B. Robinson
Maryland State Bank Task Force


Establishing the Maryland State Bank Task Force to review and evaluate the creation of a Maryland State Bank; providing for the membership and staffing of the Task Force; prohibiting members of the Task Force from receiving specified compensation, but authorizing the reimbursement of specified expenses; requiring a final report by December 1, 2012; providing for the termination of the Act; etc.

History by Legislative and Calendar Date

Legislative date is used to record history occurring in the Chambers otherwise Calendar date is used. For explanation of terms click here.
House Action
First Reading Economic Matters
Hearing 3/13 at 1:00 p.m.
Hearing cancelled
Re-referred Appropriations
Hearing 4/3 at 1:00 p.m.
Senate Action
No Action

Sponsored by:

Delegate Ana Sol Gutierrez, District 18
Delegate Elizabeth Bobo, District 12B
Delegate Alfred C. Carr, Jr., District 18
Delegate Bonnie Cullison, District 19
Delegate Brian J. Feldman, District 15
Delegate Barbara Frush, District 21
Delegate Carolyn J. B. Howard, District 24
Delegate Tom Hucker, District 20
Delegate Ariana B. Kelly, District 16
Delegate Barbara Robinson, District 40

Bill indexed under the following Subjects:

Banks and Trust Companies
Committees and Commissions -see also- Political Committees
Financial Institutions -see also- Banks; Credit Unions; etc.
Legislative Services, Department of


All documents except Roll Call Votes are displayed in PDF format:
Bill Text: First Reading, Third Reading, Enrolled
Fiscal and Policy Note: Available
Amendments: None offered
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